W.comb. a freight charge free of charge
Содержание книги
- С нетерпением ожидаем получения от Вас последнего каталога
- Продавец возражает против этих базисных условий, так как ему удобнее доставить товар в Гуль.
- What is a specialized exhibition? Give examples.
- What is said about the goods?
- In reply to your enquiry of the 3rd of December for our Tractors LTZ-145 we are happy to inform you that we can make you a firm offer subject to your acceptance until the 25th of December.
- What does the choice of media for advertising depend on?
- A register - список, журнал записей
- А надо ли стремиться продавать машины в Америке, за тридевять земель, когда предложения внутри страны отстает от спроса.
- E.g. The Sellers are to deliver the goods in the manner customary at the port.
- Продаваться содействие сбыту отдел сбыта
- Prp.to reply to smb., smth. Syn.to answer (Colloq)
- Подлежащий оплате при импорте товара
- Before the auction begins, the lots are inspected by future buyers and then sold to the highest bidder.
- Г. Does your firm (association) carry on trade with foreign countries direct or though middlemen?
- The KAMAZ complex has become a joint-stock association (society) since 1990.
- W.comb. to carry on trade to carry on business to carry on a conversation to carry on with one's work (negotiation)
- Экспедитор, экспедиторская фирма
- W.comb. manufactured goods (products)
- To sell the goods from stock -to have the goods in stock -
- W. comb, to remain unsold the remaining sum it remains to be seen
- W. comb, in lots Syn.a cargo
- What kinds of Charter Parties do you know?
- In the circumstances we can't grant you any extra discount.
- С to be continued in Lesson 6)
- XVIII. Прочитайте и обсудите следующий текст: Lloyd's (text 5 с)
- Words you may need to discuss the text: 1. 1.an underwriter - страховщик
- Refer (referred, referring) v.
- Fully. Prp.to compensate smb. for smth.
- Для доставки товара продавец или покупатель фрахтует суда.
- Delivery the volume of business the volume of trade in terms of volume
- They arranged that they would be picked up in the afternoon at 12.30 to be in time for the meeting on the firm's premises at one o'clock.
- The form of payment to be used, i.e. in dollars, pounds sterling or other currency, is a matter for arrangement between the counterparts.
- When is payment on an open account practical?
- Напишите 15 предложений с герундиальным оборотом из упражнения III, раздел (с предлогами with, without, on, of)
- This method of payment is advantageous to us in many respects.
- Не хотите ли вы спросить или сказать еще что-нибудь.
- Raw materials have risen steeply since our original quotation, and
- E.g. The Sellers are at their own expense to furnish the Buyers with a clean negotiable Bill of Lading for the agreed port of destination. 6. negotiate v.
- Чек чек на предъявителя ордерный чек
- Подтвержденный безотзывный аккредитив
- W.comb. a freight charge free of charge
- Право и собственность на товар
- E.g. The General Conditions of Sale are endorsed both by .the Buyers and the Sellers.
- Авансовый платеж внести аванс заплатить авансом предоставить аванс предусмотреть аванс
- Horns'. We want you to pay for the first shipment in advance
- Г latter must be lower than the former since it only includes the
- Аднее 25 Мая 10) продолжать переговоры после перерыва на обед
- I hope deliveries of tractors ahead of schedule will make them happy. (Complex object: to make smb.happy/sorry/unhappy/cross/etc.)
- The amount of the goods does not cover the requirements of our Customers.
- W.comb. an idea of the price
E.g. The freight charge is the charge for carrying the goods.
Charges n.
W.comb. the charges on the
The importation charges the insurance charges
The transport charges additional charges (-extra charges)
Charge v.
W.comb. to charge to smb's account
e.g. All storage expenses will be charged to your account.
52. expense n. Syn. expenditure
W.comb. small (heavy, large)
Expenses storage expenses
Return expenses
At smb.'s expense e.g. In the circumstances we regret that we shall have to ship the machines back charging all the return expenses to your account.
The goods are to be sent back at your expense. Prp. expenses on smth. 53. expensive a.
54. multiple a. 55. secure v.
W.comb. to secure peace to secure credit to secure tonnage to secure an order to secure profits ' 56. secure a.
W.comb. to be equally secure
По контракту сиф страховой взнос делается продавцом.
Посчитать, назначить (цену), брать, взимать, дебетовать относить на чей-либо счет
Все складские расходы будут отнесены на ваш счет.
Расход (денежный) небольшие (крупные, большие) расходы
Складские расходы, расходы по складированию
Расходы, связанные с возвратом товара
За чей-л. счет
При сложившихся обстоятельствах сожалеем, что нам придется отправить машины обратно с отнесением всех расходов на Ваш счет.
Товар должен быть отправлен назад за Ваш счет, расходы на что-либо дорогой
обеспечивать, гарантировать, получать, добывать
Обеспечить мир получить кредит обеспечить тоннаж получить заказ получать прибыли безопасный
быть в равной безопасности (быть в равной мере защищенным от невыполнения партнером своих обязательств)
57. overcome (overcame, overcome) v.
Gap n.
Protection n.
Title n.
W.comb. the full title of the
The title and possession of the goods
A document of title to the goods
61. collection n. Prp.for collection
E.g. We shall send the documents to your bank for collection in 3 days. Payment for collection means payment against documents.
Collect v.
E.g. The documents have arrived and can be collected.
Due a.
W.comb. in due time in due form
E.g. The Buyers are to give the Sellers due notice of the name, of the loading berth and arrival date of the vessel.
W.comb. the amount due to
Us when due
Gr. to be due to smb.
To be (fall, become) due e.g. What amount of these expenses is due to us? Please pay the drafts when they are due. The debt is due today.
E.g. The mail from London is due tomorrow. When is the vessel due in Odessa?
Преодолеть, побороть
Защита, охрана
Право (на имущество, товар),
Полное право на товар