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Common Findings on ExaminationСодержание книги
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Work of the human heart. Heart Disease Diet Therapy. Parenteral feeding Infectious diseases Diphtheria Hepatitis. German measles. Fractures Health service in Russia Drug Therapy The United States of America Washington
5 Контрольные вопросы Темы, вынесенные на обсуждение. Вопросы по содержанию. Common Findings on Examination
1. Why should every patient be thoroughly questioned? 2. What are the questions concerning general symptoms? 3. What are the questions concerning respiratory symptoms? 4.What is the physician to find out examening the patient with gastrointestinal symptoms? Work of the human heart. Heart Disease 1. How can you strengthen your heart? 2. Can you take anybody's pulse? 3. What do you learn when you take the pulse? 4. How many beats is the pulse of a healthy person? 5. When does the heart work faster? 6. Where do arteries cany blood? 7. Where do veins cany blood?. 8. What kind of groups do the heart disorders fall? 9. What are 1the symptoms of some congenital heart defects? 10. Can these anomalies be surgically corrected?
3 Diet Therapy. 1. What must a person do if he wants to be in good health? 2. Who needs more food, people of physical worker people of mental work? 3. What must a diet of a healthy person consist of? 4. Who prescribes a diet in a hospital? 5. What appetite has a patient with a high temperature? 6.What is the diet of a patient who has a high temperature for a long time? 7.What food must thenurse give a patient with high temperature? Parenteral feeding
1.What does theparenteral feeding implies.? 2. What kinds of parenteral ways of injection do you know? 3. Why is Parenteral feeding widly put into medical practice? 4. What are the grate advantages over the other ways of transfusion? 5. For what kinds of patients is parenteral feeding appointed to? 6. What kinds solutions are used for parenteral feeding? 7. What does the parenteral way of transfusion depend on? 8.What are some Rules for Nurses? Infectious diseases : Diphtheria 2. What are the symptoms of Diphtheria? 3. What kinds of complications can the disease lead to? 4.Where is Diphtheria treated? Hepatitis. 1. What is the disease acquired by? 2. What does the presence of hepatitis point to? 3. What do you know about hepatitis virus? 4.Do you know the symptoms of hepatitis? What are they? 5.How long must the patient stay in bed? 6. What diet must a child with hepatitis have? German measles. 1.Is German measles an infectious disease? 2. How does the disease pass? 3. What are the symptoms of German measles? 4.Why is great danger for a pregnant mother to get German measles?
1 What are the fractures caused by? 2.What are the symptoms of the fracture? 4. Is it necessary to use X-ray? 5. What kind of splints are used for immobilization? 6.What fractures are more serious?
Health service in Russia 1) What is the main attention of health service in Russia paid to 2) What is one of the most important tasks in the fight against different diseases? 3) What is helpful in health education? 4) Is the polyclinic the basic medical unit in our country? 5) How many hours does the doctor work? 6) Is the emergency ambulance service free of charge? 7) What can you say about the equipment of the emergency ambulance service? 8) Are there many specialised hospitals in Russia? 9) What are the problems, studied by the Mother-and-Child Health Care Centre in Moscow? 10) Is much attention in our country paid to the scientific problems?
8 Drug Therapy 1.What kinds: of medicines can you get at the chemist's? 2. Where are all the drugs kept? 3.. What does each medicine has on? 4. What labels indicate drugsfor internal use, (for external use, for injections)?,. 5. What is indicated on a label.? 6. Why is it very important for chemists, nurses, doctors and patients themselves to indicated the doze to be taken and the directions for the administration on a label.? 7/ Why does the application of different pressure during tabletting play a very important role?
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