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Work of the human heart. Heart disease.Содержание книги
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The human heart contracts from the first moment of life until the last one. The contractions of the heart pump the blood through the arteries to all the parts of the body. Physiologists have determined that in the adult the heart makes from 60 to 72 beats per minute. In children the rate of the heart beat is much higher. Research work has determined that rate of heart beat increases depending on different emotions. You can help it work long and well. You can strengthen5 it, protect it from disease6 by exercises and regular7 regimen'. Take your pulse and in such а way you can control the work of your heart. After heavy exercises the heart works faster and then the pulse will be faster too, perhaps 100 (one hundred) beats. After a minute or two the pulse will be normal again. Each beat of the heart is followed by a period of rest. Each contraction and a period of rest compose a cardiac cycle.Each cardiac cycle consists of three phases: the first phase of short contraction — the atrial systole, the second phase ofa more prolonged contraction — the ventricular systole. The period of rest is called the diastole. Research work of many physiologists has estimated the role of the ventricles as the main pump of the human heart Heart disorders fall into two broad groups: congenital and acquired. Congenital heart defects are caused by structural defects. Acquired heart disease is mainly due to rheumatic fever. Congenital defects may result in cyanosis if the defect is such that blood does not pass through the lungs for oxygen-ation. The patient has blue lips and blue-finger and toe-nails. The ends of the fingers and toes are rounded and club-like. Sometimes there is an opening between the left and right side of the heart, or even between the aorta and pulmonary ' artery. Symptoms depend on the type of heart disease. Sometimes, the defect is picked up on a routine examination; at other times there may by breathlessness, difficulty in walking or running, swelling of feet and puffiness efface, and later of the whole body. Some these anomalies can be surgically corrected. <Rest ><is ><of ><great ><importance ><in ><the ><treatment ><and ><nursing ><of ><a ><heart ><disease. ><The ><patient ><is ><kept ><in ><bed. ><Keep ><the ><patient ><free ><of><>< ><fear ><and ><worry ><The ><nurse ><must ><wash ><and ><feed ><him ><until ><the ><doctor ><says ><he ><may ><do ><it ><himself. ><Then ><the ><nurse ><must ><allow><4>< ><only ><little ><acts ><at ><first, ><then ><bigger ><acts: ><he ><may ><wash ><his ><face ><and ><neck. ><Then ><a ><day ><or ><two ><later ><his ><arms ><and ><so ><on.> <Don't ><keep ><patients ><in ><bed ><when ><they ><could ><be ><in ><a ><chair. ><Don't ><keep ><them ><in ><a ><chair ><when ><the ><doctor ><advised ><them ><to ><walk.>
Proverb: A merry' heart does good1 like3 a medicine4.
Believe It or Not Different Hearts The lion (лев) has the smallest heart of all wild animals (диких животных). King Philip the Second of Spain (Филипп 11, король Испании) was a coward (трус) but he had the largest heart of any known (известный) man
Приложение № 5 Тренировка в употреблении лексики. Применение нового учебного материала
Exercises. Give Russian equivalents: a) 1. The human heart makes 60—80 contractions perminute. 2. On physical exertion the heart has a short period of restand the diastole becomes less. 3. Ten tons of blood are pumped through the heart daily. 4. The heart acts as a pump. 5. John Floyer, an English doctor, was the first scientist to find out the varying pulse rate in men. b) 1) pump [рлтр] п насос, v накачивать, нагнетать, выталкивать, выбрасывать 2) rate [reit] п частота, степень pulse rate — частота пульса respiratory rate — частота дыхания 3) beat [bi:t] п удар; v ударять (beat, beaten) 4) per minute — в минуту 5) contract [kan'traekt] сокращаться 6) artery ['a:t9n] n артерия 7) systole ['sisteh] n систола 8) diastole [dai'estah] и диастола 9) atrium [eitriam] n (pi. atria) предсердие 10) ventricle ['ventrikl] n желудочек 1.1 disorder [dis'3:d9] расстройство, нездоровье 12 congenital [kan^emll] врожденный 13. acquired [a'kwaiad] приобретенный 14. club-like [klub] зд. похожие на барабанные палочки 15. pulmonary [рл1тэпэп] а легочный 16. to depend on [di'pend] v зависеть от 17. to pick up [pik] уловить, обнаружить 18. puffinss ['pAfmes] одутловатость
П Answer the questions: 1. How can you strengthen your heart? 2. Can you take anybody's pulse? 3. What do you learn when you take the pulse? 4. How many beats is the pulse of a healthy person? 5. When does the heart work faster? 6. Where do arteries cany blood? 7. Where do veins cany blood?. 8. What kind of groups do the heart disorders fall? 9. What are 1the symptoms of some congenital heart defects? 10. Can these anomalies be surgically corrected? 3. Translate into English человеческое сердце, сокращаться, сокращения сердца, артерия, взрослый человек, 72 удара в минуту, определить частоту сердцебиения, зависит от различных эмоций, сердечный цикл, систола предсердия, систола желудочка, диастола, насос. укрепить сердце; защитить сердце; это легко и полезно; щупать пульс; таким образом; контролировать работу сердца; 70 ударов в минуту; пульс будет учащенным; пульс будет нормальным; измерить давление; прослушать сердце; врожденный, приобретенный, дефекты (пороки) сердца, структурные дефекты, врожденные пороки сердца, у больного посиневшие губы, пальцы на руках и ногах — закругленные, похожи на барабанные палочки, отверстие, легочная артерия. 4. <Составьте ><и ><напишите' ><предложения ><из ><следующих ><слов; ><про><чтите ><каждое ><предложение ><целиком ><и ><повторите ><его, ><не ><глядя ><в ><тетрадь:> <1 ><.in, patient,is, bed, kept, the> 2.<worry, ><and, ><the, ><keep, ><fear, ><of, ><patient, ><free> 3.<advised, ><the, ><to, ><walk, ><doctor, ><patient, ><the> 4.<the, ><his, ><face, ><patient, ><asked, ><nurse, ><die, ><wash, ><to, ><and, ><neck> <5. ><Напишите ><графический ><диктант:> <Rest ><is ><of ><great ><importance ><in ><the ><nursing ><of ><heart ><diseases. ><Such ><a ><patient ><is ><not ><kept ><in ><bed ><The ><patient ><may ><wash ><himself ><from ><the ><first ><days ><of ><his ><illness. ><He ><can ><eat ><at ><the ><table. ><The ><patient ><must ><not ><do ><morning ><exercises ><during ><the ><first ><days ><of ><his ><heart ><disease.>
Приложение № 6 Заключение и задание на дом
1) Подведение итогов: Summing up: Can somebody sum up what has been said? (Summarise what you have found out). In conclusion, I would say that …(I would go over some mistakes: there were some mistakes in your pronunciation, you mispronounced the ward “…”. Listen to the correct pronunciation. You’ve got the stress wrong. The stress is on the second syllable. Be careful with your intonation. Your intonation wasn’t quite write. Listen to the way my voice goes up. You try and do the same. Drop(Raise) your voice at the end of the sentence. You must read loudly enough for everyone to hear you. 2)Задание на дом. Setting homework: Before we finish, I’d like to ask you to do something at home for the next lesson. Please write down your homework. For homework I want you to go over what we’ve just learnt. Learn all the new words. There will be a test on it in the next lesson. As for the text tell me as much as you can about Work of the human heart. Heart Disease. I’m afraid it’s time to stop. You can put your things away. It’s time for us to have a break. Goodbye, everyone.
8)Литература: Козырева Л. Г, Шадская Т. В. «Английский язык для медицинских колледжей и училищ»,Аванесьянц Э. М., Кахацкая Н. В, Мифтахова Т. В. «Английский язык для старших курсов», Тылкина С. А., Темчина Н. А. «Пособие по английскому языку для медицинских училищ»
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