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Fat — soluble vitamin group.Содержание книги
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Vitamins A Vitamin С 5Контрольные вопросы 1.What are vitamins? 2. The living organism is unable to manufacture vitamins by itself? Isn’t it? 3. What can the lacking of anyone of viitamins in the diet cause? 4. When did vitamins appear? 5. What daily intake of vitamins is adequate? 6. How are the vitamins as a class classified? 7. What groups of vitamins belong to a fat — soluble vitamin group?(A, D, E) 8.. What groups of vitamins belong to a water— soluble vitamins? (C, B1, B 2, B6, PP, B 9-фолиевая кислота ит. Д.)) 9.What is vitamin A? 10. Where is the source of all vitamin A? 11. What are carotenoid pigments? 12.What is ascorbic acid essential for?
Самостоятельная работа на занятии. 1)Чтение текста «VITAMINS» 2) Выполнение заданий на усвоение лексико- грамматического материала. 2)Составление сообщения с опорой на таблицу. Завершение занятия 1)Подведение итогов: 2)Задание на дом: Используя изученный материал, составьте рассказ «VITAMINS» 8)Литература: Козырева Л. Г, Шадская Т. В. «Английский язык для медицинских колледжей и училищ»,Аванесьянц Э. М., Кахацкая Н. В, Мифтахова Т. В. «Английский язык для старших курсов», Тылкина С. А., Темчина Н. А. «Пособие по английскому языку для медицинских училищ» BRUSH UP YOUR PHONETICS
Read the rhyme (words).Mind the pronunciation.
The term "antibiotic",, some of the simple organisms., effect of antibiotics, to be discovered' 'by Fleming in 1929., Penicillin1 was the first of the antibiotic. To be effective against many infections., to be given orally2, intromuscularty3 and topically. Streptomycin5, I to be effective in many cases when penicillin can't help., '.to be soluble6 m water, Erythromycin *, Erythromycin, to be used in water solutions7 for ear and nose infections,. To be made in tablets. Neomycin*, * to be effective against a wide variety of microbes9. to give little or no allergic10 reactions., to be used as a wet dressing instead of' ointment
New words Breakdown of metabolic processes — нарушение обмена веществ To result in — зд. в результате появляются 3) the deficiency diseases — болезни, вызываемые нехваткой факторов питания, болезни недостаточности Ancient elementary organic compounds-древние простейшие органические соединения To exist before life originated on Earth.-существовать до появления жизни на земле Of the order — порядок 7) in addition to being "accessory food factors" — кроме того, они являются добавочными факторами питания As such — как таковые Non-saponiflable fraction — неотъемлемая фракция Nucleic acids- 11) proteins ami-noacids-протеиновые аминокислоты 12) to be very potent- являться сильнодействующим средством Daily intake-ежедневный приём 14) valuable therapeutic agents-ценное лечебное свойство 15) water— soluble vitamins-водорастворимые витамины Fat — soluble vitamin-жирорастворимые витамины The maintenance of normal epithelial tissue.-обеспечение жизнедеятельности ткани Unsaturated-ненасыщенный Aponiflabl—щелочной 20). carotenoid pigments -каротиноидные пигменты-растительные красно-жёлтые пигменты,обеспечивающие окраску ряда жиров, овощей и фруктов, яичного желтка и других продуктов. Распадаясь в живом организме, превращаются в витамин А. The ester forms-эфирная форма Residue,-осадпк 23) fluorescence-свечение Coenzume-кофермент, Кофактор,небелковая часть молекулы фермента. Ими могут быть производные витаминов,нуклеотидов т. д. Enzymatic reactions-ферментная реакция. Фермент или Энзим,сложный биологический катализатор, белковой природы, изменяющий скорость химической реакции. Development of cartilage, teeth and bones,- развитие хрящевой ткани, зубов и костей Wound healing-лечение, заживление ран Способствующий всасыванию железа Ещ cause scurvy.-вызывать цингу.
VITAMINS / In addition to carbohydrates fats, proteins, mineral salts and water, it is essential that the food of man and animals contain small amounts of the substances called vitamins, which the living organism is unable to manufacture by itself and which have to be supplied from other sources, namely diet. If anyone of same fifteen of more of these compounds is lacking in the diet, there occurs eventually a breakdown of metabolic processes that results in symptoms of malnutrition that are classed, at the deficiency diseases. Vitamins are believed to belong to ancient elementary organic compounds and to exist before life originated on Earth. According to Academician Chagovets vitamins took part in the building up of as primary organism together with such "blocks" of living matter as nucleic acids, proteins ami-noacids. Like the hormones, vitamins are considered to be very potent, and daily intake of the order of 0, 1 to 5 mg is adequate except in the case of vitamin С of which much larger amounts are required. In addition to being "accessory food factors" necessary for the maintenance of health and indeed for life itself, the synthetic vitamins are now recognized as being valuable therapeutic agents for the treatment of deficiency syndromes and as such they may legitimately be considered as drugs. The vitamins as a class are not chemically related, and they are classified according to their solubility and chief therapeutic effect into two groups: 1 ) water— soluble vitamins 2 ) fat — soluble vitamin group. It is known to be essential for the maintenance of normal epithelial tissue. Vitamins A is an unsaturated cyclic alcohol. It is synthesezed by at least three separate processes. It has been concentrated and isolated from the non- s aponiflabl e to be present in fish oil, both in the free alcohol and in the ester form. The source of all vitamin A is in the carotenoid pigments, the yellow — coloured, compounds occuring in all chlorophyll — containing plants. In pure form it is a pale yellow oil, soluble in fat solvents, having an ultra — violet absorption spectrum. The ester forms of the vitamin have been found to possess greater stability than the free alcohol. Vitamin Bl, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin С and other are stated to belong to the water — soluble vitamin class. Vitamin B2 (riboflavine) is built up from a ribose and isoalloxazine residue, the name riboflavine being derived from the sugar component and the intense yellow fluorescence of it's agucous solution. It is of wide occurrence in, nature and constitutes a component of the flavin coenzome systems. Vitamin С (ascorbic and acid) is essential for the normal functioning of living cell and is involved in many enzymatic reactions. It is required for the development of cartilage, teeth and bones, for wound healing and aiding the absorption of iron from the intestin. Gross deficiency causes scurvy.
1 Answer the questions. 1.What are vitamins? 2. The living organism is unable to manufacture vitamins by itself? Isn’t it? 3. What can the lacking of anyone of viitamins in the diet cause? 4. When did vitamins appear? 5. What daily intake of vitamins is adequate? 6. How are the vitamins as a class classified? 7. What groups of vitamins belong to a fat — soluble vitamin group?(A, D, E) 8.. What groups of vitamins belong to a water— soluble vitamins? (C, B1, B 2, B6, PP, B 9-фолиевая кислота ит. Д.)) 9.What is vitamin A? 10. Where is the source of all vitamin A? 11. What are carotenoid pigments? 12.What is ascorbic acid essential for?
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