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Совершенствование умения говорить в диалогической форме.


Учащимся предлагается несколько ситуаций для составления диалогов.

Основная задача—научить учащихся решать коммуникативные задачи, необходимые для ведения диалогов различных типов (диалог-расспрос, диалог-побуждение к действию, диалог-обмен мнениями). (Приложение № 14)

10 Заключительная часть занятия.

1.Подведениеитогов занятия.

Оценка знаний учащихся.

Приложение № 1

Речевая подготовка



You all know pregnancy is a period of excitement, expectancy and a bit of fear and nervousness for the future mother

Where can a future mother get a medical advise in our country?

(Pregnant women are seen at the antenatal clinic by the district gynaecologist)

What does an obstetrician provide to the pregnant women?

(An obstetrician provides preventive and curative medical help to the pregnant women)

Are the mass media helpful in health education of the pregnant women?

(The press, cinema,radio and television are very helpful for this purpose.)

You are students of the medical school. Do you study “Obstetrics” and “Gynaecology” here?

Are you good at these subjects?

6)Where do you usually have your practice in “Obstetrics” and “Gynaecology ”?

(At a maternity home)


If you were an obstetrician what would you tell a future mother about pregnancy,according to these questions?


1)Is pregnancy a period of excitement and expectancy?

2)What period is more important for future mother?

3)Is it harmful to take some pills during the pregnancy.?


Приложение № 2


Фонетическая зарядка



When there is a child in the family the parents often read rhymes to him. Here is one of them. Read the rhyme Mind the pronunciation of [w,q,v]



“I am busy,” said the sea.

“I am busy.” Th ink of me,

Making continent to be.

“I am busy,” said the sea.

“I am busy,” said the rain.

W hen I fall, it is not in vain;

W ait and you w ill see the grain.

“I am busy,” said t he rain.

“I am busy,” said the air.

“Blowing here and blowing th ere,

Up and down and every w here”

“I am busy,’ said the sun.

All my planets, every one,

Know my w ork is never done

I am busy,” said the sun.



Приложение № 3


Упражнение “Rules of good health”


In order to be fit and healthy it is important for future mother to follow certain rules.

Read the information below and separate the ideas into two columns for positive and negative rules





Regularly go to the doctor.

Smoke and drink alcohol.

Keep combs, towels as clean, as possible.

Walk in the park.

5. Sleep too much / too little.

When you get up, air the room.

Do morning exercises every day.

Worry too much about different problems.

Wash to the waist or take a shower.

Exercise too much.

Eat in time.

Go to bed in time.

Take drugs.

Follow a balanced diet

Приложение № 4

Анкетирование в группе


People have different health habits. What habits do your group mates have?


Work out a questionnaire about how often your group mates do this things.



a) sleep too much

b) sleep too little

c) smoke or drink alcohol

d) play and sport

e) do morning exercises every day

f) follow a balanced diet

g) diet too much

h) go to bed in time


Make a portrait of the average student in you group.


sleep too much?    
sleep too little?    
smoke or drink alcohol?    
Do you play and sport?    
do morning exercises every day?    
follow a balanced diet?    
diet too much?    
go to bed in time?    



The average student in our group.



Приложение № 5


Чтение текста Cigarette Smoking During Pregnancy.


These bad habits are really dangerous for future mother and her baby. Look through the pregnancy Articles and make a list of arguments against smoking during pregnancy.









Smoking Mothers More Likely To Have Hyperactive Children

Child Test Score Lower When Mothers Smoke

Auditory Processing Reduced in School Age Children Exposed to Cigarette Smoke

Приложение № 6



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