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Употребление причастия II и способы его перевода на русский язык


Причастие II выполняет функции различных членов пред­ложения. Оно может быть определением, частью сказуемого, обстоятельством.


№ п/п Функция причастия II Пример Перевод
  Определение а) перед определяе­мым словом A written letter lay on the table. Написанное письмо лежало на столе.
б) после определяе­мого слова I received a letter written by my mother. Я получил письмо, написанное мамой.
2. Именная часть составного именного сказуемого She looked surprised. The door is locked. У нее был удивленный вид. Дверь заперта.
3. Часть простого сказуемого The poem was learned by the pupil by heart. He has just come. Стихотворение было выучено учеником наизусть. Он только что пришел.
4. Обстоятельство When given time to think, he always answered well. Когда ему давали время подумать, он всегда хорошо отвечал.

В зависимости от выполняемой в предложении граммати­ческой функции причастие II переводится на русский язык по-разному: причастиями настоящего и прошедшего време­ни, глаголами в соответствующем времени и залоге, прида­точными предложениями.



Exercise1. Read and translate these sentences. Pay attention to the use of participles.Say in what functions the participles are used.

1. Не looked at the smiling children. 2. Kalinin Pros­pect is a broad avenue with tall modern buildings housing offices, stores, bars, cafes and restaurants. 3. When playing tennis he

slipped and broke his leg. 4. Entering the room he saw a letter on his desk.

5. John looked out of the window while waiting for her answer. 6. He did not say a word,

Again looking at his hands. 7. Not being able to read or think she phoned her brother and

asked him to come. 8. The teacher asked the students to read the sentences written on the blackboard. 9. The problem discussed at the meeting yesterday is very important.

10. The girl stopped before the closed door. 11. They were old friends having been at school together. 12. Having closed the sitting-room door, she sat down in the armchair.

13. Having never been to Canada myself I listened to him with great interest.

14. As a girl she was fond of tennis. 15. While at college he played for the University hockey team. 16. When walking home he met an old friend of his.


Exercise 2. Transform these sentences according to the models and trans­late them into Russian.

a) The man who is standing near the captain is their new coach.

The man standing near the captain is their new coach.

1. Do you know the name of the man who is talking to Mr Brown? 2. The sea which washes Norway in the south­west is called the North Sea. 3. The new stadium that houses forty five thousand people is a wonderful building. 4. She looked at the plane which was disappearing in the clouds.

b) I have just read his article that was published in the "Morning Star".

I have just read his article published in the "Morning Star".

1. The new school that was built last year is one of the finest buildings in our street. 2. Did you see the contract that was signed last Thursday? 3. Did you hear the announcement that was made on the radio? 4. Did he take part in the con­ference that was held in Leningrad last month?

c) When I heard the news, I phoned Peter.

Hearing the news I phoned Peter.

1. When I saw him, 1 felt happy. 2. W'hen he watched the game, he enjoyed it. 3. When she spoke to Peter, she asked his advice. 4. When they drove home, they saw Mr Bentley. 5. When they arrived at the airport, they saw their friends there.

d) As she said so she went out of the room,
Saying so she went out of the room.

1. As he looked out of the window he saw his father. 2. As she felt tired she sat down in the armchair. 3. As he did not know what to do he asked his brother's advice. 4. As he failed to hit the ball he got angry.

e) While they were travelling in Europe they visited Spain.
While travelling in Europe they visited Spain.

1. While the Wolves were sitting in the dressing-room, they did not say a word. 2. While he was looking through the news­paper, he saw a picture of his friend. 3. While he was speak­ing to John, he invited him to his birthday party. 4. While he was walking along the street, he met his old friend.

f) After he had done his homework he went for a walk.
Having done his homework he went for a walk.

1. After the Wolves had played the first two periods they felt tired. 2. After he had had a holiday he felt better. 3. Af­ter he had made an appointment with Mr Brown he told the director about it. 4. After they had settled all the ques­tions they signed the contract. 5. After he had taken Ben to hospital he phoned his mother.

Exercise 3. Translate these sentences using participles.

I. Совершая кругосветное путешествие, Бернард Шоу посетил Африку, 2. Подойдя к окну, он открыл его и вы­глянул на улицу. 3. Молодой человек просматривал записную книжку, ожидая ответа секретаря. 4. Не зная, где собрать данные (сведения), он попросил своего друга помочь ему. 5. Понравилась ли вам статья, написанная Джоном? 6. Читали ли вы роман Айтматова, опубликован­ный в прошлом году? 7. Заказав билеты в театр, он пошел за покупками. 8. Поскольку я никогда не бывал (не побы­вав) в Сибири, я получил большое удовольствие от его лекции. 9. Самолет, прибывший 5 часов тому назад, зы летит в Берлин через час. 10. Меня очень интересует моло­дой писатель, написавший повесть о жизни советских сту­дентов.

Exercise 4. Make up six sentences using participles.


Заключение и задание на дом

1)Подведение итогов. Summing up

2) задание на дом: Setting homework: go over your grammar rules and examples relating to the use of the The Participle very carefully. Write Exerciseы.

-изучить новую грамматическую конструкцию,правило;

-выполнить грамматические упражнения по соответствующей теме из учебника «Английский язык для медицинских колледжей и училищ» и других дополнительных источников (Английский язык:2770 упражнений и тестов для школьников и поступающих в вузы/ Н.Г.Брюсова, И.М.Васильева, И.Ю.Истомина и др./) ХведченяЛ. В. Английский язык для поступающих в вузы.



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