Перевод глаголов в страдательном залоге на русский язык 

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Перевод глаголов в страдательном залоге на русский язык


Существует несколько способов перевода английской конструкции страдательного залога на русский язык.

1.Соответствующей страдательной конструкцией:

Many pictures were de- Огнем было уничтожено
stroyed by the fire. много картин.

2.Возвратной формой глагола в соответствующем времени:

The house is being built Дом строится на нашей
in our street. улице.

3.Глаголом в действительном залоге в 3-ем лице множественного числа с неопределенно-личным значе­нием:

The question has been Вопрос уже обсудили.


The child is being dressed. Ребенка одевают.

Если позволяет контекст и русская грамматика, одну и ту же страдательную конструкцию можно перевести двумя или тремя вышеуказанными способами (строят, строится и т.п.).

Поскольку в английском языке страдательный залог употребляется гораздо чаще, чем в русском, существует ряд случаев, представляющих определенную трудность при переводе. К ним относятся следующие:

1. Если в страдательном залоге указан носитель действия (by somebody), то при переводе может упо­требляться личная форма глагола действительного

The news was brought by Новость принесла моя
my sister. сестра.

Если сказуемое в страдательной конструкции выражено глаголом с

предлогом, то подлежащее пере­водят дополнением с соответствующим предлогом, а сказуемое — неопределенно-личной формой глагола:

The doctor has been sent За доктором послали.


The child is being looked За ребенком присматрива-

after. ют.

3.После ряда глаголов (to give, to help, to send, to tell, to show, to ask, to see, to teach) подлежащее в английском языке переводят существительным или
местоимением в дательном или винительном падеже, а сказуемое — неопределен

-но-личной формой глагола:

My friend was asked to Моего друга попросили

come to the party. прийти на вечер.

I wasn't told about it. Мне об этом не сказали.

4.Безличные конструкции переводят следующим об­разом:

It is known that... Известно, что...

It is said that... Говорят, что...

It is expected that... Ожидают, что...

It should be mentioned Следует упомянуть, что.



Приложение № 5

Автоматизация речевого материала.



1. Сравните образование и употребление видо-вре-менных форм глаголов действительного и страдатель­ного залогов. Предложения переведите.

The Active Voice The Passive Voice

а)They usually close the The shop is usually closed

shop at 8. at 8.

They closed the shop at 8 The shop was closed at 8

yesterday. yesterday.

They will close the shop The shop will be closed at 8

at 8 tomorrow. tomorrow


б)The students are translat­ The text is being translat­ed
ing the text now. by the students now.

The students were translat- The text was being
ing the text the whole translated by the students
lesson yesterday. the whole lesson yesterday.

The students will be

translating the text the

whole lesson tomorrow,

в) We have just written the The test has just been written

test. (by us).

We had written the test The test had been written

before the bell rang. before the bell rang.

We shall have written The test will have been

the test before the bell written before the bell rings



Переведите на русский язык.

а) 1. The delegation was headed by the Minister of For­eign Affairs. 2. She can be seen

in the library every day. 3. Heat and light are given to us by the sun. 4. The child was

often left home alone. 5. The children were brought up in the country. 6. He was

educated at Oxford. 7. I wasn't told about your decision. 8. The guests were shown

the places of interest in the city. 9. The house is destroyed by the fire. 10. She is invited

to come to England next year. 11. This house was rebuilt after the war.

6) 1. The film is much spoken about. 2. My father will be operated on. 3. The letter is

being looked for every­where. 4. The boy was laughed at. 5. The book is often referred to.

6. My friend can be relied on. 7. I must go. I'm being waited for. 8. The children will be

looked after. 9. Your parents are taken good care of. 10. Our teacher is always listened to attentively.

3. Образуйте форму инфинитива страдательного залога по модели:

Образец: to do — to be done

to show - to be shown

to bring, to translate, to send, to offer, to make, to speak, to tell, to say, to build, to use, to advise, to break, to give, to take, to find, to see, to do, to join, to visit, to clean, to understand, to meet, to plant, to write, to read, to pay, to finish, to return.

4. Употребите следующие предложения во всех фор­мах страдательного залога. Выберите соответствую­щий индикатор времени.

1. Dinner (be cooked) by mother. 2. This problem (be discussed) by the stu­dents.

3. A new grammar rule (be explained) by the teacher. 4. The poem (be learnt) by the pupils.

5. A beautiful piece of music (be played) by the pianist. 6., The suit (be made) by a tailor.

always, usually, often, in 1997, yesterday, at 5 o'clock yesterday, tomor­row, the day after tomor­row, in a week, next Mon­day, at 5 o'clock tomorrow, now, at this moment, during the break, when he comes in, just, today, this year, last week, by five o'clock, before his parents came, be­fore Christmas, by the end of the month.

5.Переведите следующие предложения, выбрав необ­ходимую форму глагола страдательного залога.

1.Статья была переведе- a) is translated
на вчера. б) was translated

в) had been translated

2.Когда я пришел, a) was translated
статья переводилась б) was being translated
студентами. в) were being translated

3.Статья уже была a) had been translated
переведена, когда я б) has been translated
пришел. в) had translated

4.Статью будут перево- a) will be translated

дить завтра на уроке. б) will have been translated

в) is being translated

6.Преобразуйте следующие предложения из дейст­вительного залога

в страдательный.

1. Не published the book last year. 2. We use these clothes only on special occasions. 3. Somebody switched on the light and opened the door. 4. They will give you an answer in some days. 5. Who wrote this novel? 6. They showed her the easiest way to do it. 7. We have looked for the telegram everywhere. 8. Nobody had visited him. 9. They will have finished the work by twelve. 10. We shall not admit children under sixteen. 11. The pupils can do this exercise without any difficulty. 12. You must not leave your bags in the hall. 13. They don't look after the children properly.

7.Преобразуйте предложения, содержащие два до­полнения, из действительного залога в страда­тельный.

Образец: My friend gave me an interesting book.

An interesting book was given to me.

I was given an interesting book.

1. They showed us the postcards of New Year. 2. The teacher told the pupils the story of Washington. 3. My father promised me to bring an interesting book about London. 4. They gave him the chance. 5. The grandmother read the grandson a fairy-tale.

8.Преобразуйте следующие предложения из страда­тельного залога


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