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III. Study the table of prepositions. Read and translate the sentences. Explain the rules of using the prepositions.Содержание книги
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1. We attend lectures in Pharmacy on Mondays. 2. I study at the medical university. 3. The winter session lasts from the beginning till the end of January. 4. I'll go to my parents in July. 5. He came from the lectures late. 6. I take the book out of my bag. 7. The book is on the table.
IV. Insert the proper preposition and translate the sentences. 1. He arrived … Great Britain half a mouth ago. 2. He lives … Chicago. 3. Let's go … the cinema. 4. My sister isn't … home, she is … school. 5. Is it far … here … the market? 6. Pour some water … the kettle, please. 7. The banks close … 7 o'clock … the morning.
V. Translate the sentences into English, using a proper preposition. 1. Переведите эти слова с английского языка на русский. 2. Мой брат дал мне деньги. 3. Я хожу в школу пешком, но вчера я ехал на автобусе. 4. Дай ему эту книгу. 5. Я постоянно думаю об этой истории. 6. Он вчера прочитал много книг этого автора. VI. Translate the following word - combinations: into the lecture hall from the lecture hall at the window between the windows at the lesson at 5 o'clock on the 8th of march in spring on Tuesday VII. Read the following words and memorize them: direct прямой primary первичный tap-root основной, стержневой корень store up запасать, хранить fleshy мясистый carrot морковь radish редиска cluster кисть, пучок fascicled мочковатый adventitious добавочный support поддерживать pith сердцевина possess обладать, иметь rootstock стержень tuber клубень
VIII. Find the synonyms. straight, to gather, medicine, underground, to collect, valuable, subterranean, to nourish, useful, direct, accumulate, drug, to supply, store up.
IX. Find the equivalents of the words in the left column. A) primary пучок tap-root дополнительный fleshy поддерживать cluster первичный fascicled морковь adventitious стержневой корень support сердцевина carrot запасать to store up мясистый pint мочковатый b) запасать tap-root первичный cluster редиска carrot пучок to store up мочковатый primary прямой to support стержневой, корень radish мясистый fleshy морковь direct поддерживать fascicled
X. Translate the following word - combinations into Russian: most plants, in order to grow, different forms, grow directly, primary root, to store up food, fascicled roots, adventitious roots, possess a pith. XI. Translate the following word - combinations into English: типы корней, три вида органов, чтобы расти, различные формы, первичные корни, корни или стержни, добавочный корень.
XII. Translate the following word - combinations using a proper preposition: типы корней корни с различными формами расти из стебля пучок корней отсутствовать в корнях на растениях для стеблей XIII. Read the text and translate it. Do the tasks below. Types of roots Roots are one of the three kinds of organs that most plants have in order to grow. Roots with different forms have special names. The roots are formed first and grow directly from the stem are called primary roots. A primary root that grows much longer that any of its branches is called a tap-root. Sometimes tap-roots grow very thick and store up food for the rest of plant. These are fleshy roots or tubers that may be seen in carrot, radish etc. Clusters of thick primary roots are called fascicled roots. Roots may grow on the stem or in other unusual places. These are known as adventitious roots. Adventitious roots grow on plants which need extra support for their stems. Rhizomes or rootstocks are thick and short and possess a pith that usually absent in roots. Виды корней XIV. Find the sentences with the following words or word-combinations and translate them: one of the three kinds of organs primary roots tap root fleshy roots fascicled roots absent in roots
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