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XVII. Translate into English .Содержание книги
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часть растения формирующие части хрупкие части цветок состоит из наружная часть цветка красивая часть собирать цветы чашечка цветка тычинка цветка зародыш цветка XVIII. Insert the suitable word. 1. … consists of 6 parts. 2. The outer-most circle of the flower is called the …. 3. … is the beautiful part of a flower. 4. Stamens have 2 parts … and …. 5. The … is the stem of the stamen. 6. The … is the base part of the blossom. XIX. Find from the text the sentences with Participle I and translate them. Растущие деревья Части, формирующие цветок Растение, состоящее из стебля и листьев Семяпроизводящий орган Названный чашечкой цветка Вовлеченный в семяпроизводство Оставшиеся части цветка
XX. Combine the proper parts. Flower is a part of the plant The flower consists of 6 parts The stalks called stamens The pericarp is the germen 1) the calyx, corolla, stamens 2) grow a to perfection 3) have 2 parts; the filament & anther 4) which is concerned in the sexual reproductive process
XXI. Insert the proper preposition. (in; for; of; by) 1. The flower is the pert of plant which formed … seed production. 2. Complete flower is made … four principal parts. 3. Some flowers consists … five sepals about 7 mm long; and five similarly sized white petals. 4. The number and position of the floral parts vary … different special of plants. XXII. Translate into English without a dictionary. 1. Цветок – это часть растения, которая непосредственно связана с процессом размножения. 2. Цветок состоит из 6 частей. 3. Чашечка цветка обычно бывает зеленой. 4. Венчик – самая красивая часть цветка. 5. Разные цветы имеют разные цвета и оттенки венчиков. 6. Нижней частью цветка является цветоложе. XXIII. Answer the questions. 1. How many parts does the flower consist of? 2. What are they? 3. What is the colour of the calyx? 4. What is corolla? 5. Is the stamen small thread like things? 6. Where does the pistil grow? 7. Where are petals located? 8. Does the pistil form a part of seed bud? 9. What parts does the pistil consist of? 10. What are the most essential parts of flower? 11. Does corolla attract our attention?
XXIV. Draw a flower. Describe its parts.
XXV. Make up a short summary of the text.
Lesson X Fruits Rules of reading: Letter combinations ar, er, ir, yr, ur, or Grammar: Modal verb “must” and its equivalent. Text: Fruits Assignments to do: Remember: letter combination ar is pronounced as [ a: ] e.g.: far letter combinations er, ir, yr, ur are pronounced as [ ə: ] e.g.: her, sir, fur letter combination or [ o: ] e.g.: for
I. Read and translate the following words: for, far, her, fur, burner, star, floor, store, sir, fertilization, Remind Grammar (look at grammar reference) We use must to say that we feel sure something is true: e.g.: - My house is near the railway station. - It must be very noisy. We use must to say that it is necessary to do something: e.g.: I must study well in order to be a good specialist. The equivalent of the modal verb must is to have to; (the verb “to have” is changed according to the tense and person) e.g.: I must work hard – I have to work hard (when he, she, it “ has to ”) (present tense) I had to work hard (past tense) I will have to work hard (future tense) II. Answer the questions. 1. When do we use the modal verb “must”? 2. How do we form the negative and interrogative sentences with the modal verb “must”? 3. What is the equivalent of the modal verb “must”? 4. How do we form the negative and interrogative sentences with “have to”?
III. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative: 1. You must read and write now. 2. She must decide immediately. 3. Students must wait for the teacher. 4. When you have a high temperature, you must call in a doctor. 5. After lessons you must go home.
IV. Can, May or Must? Fill in a proper Modal Verb. 1. You … not smoke here. 2. … you see anything? – Nothing at all. 3. … I take this book please. 4. … I come in, teacher. 5. … can I have a cup of tea, please. 6. He can speak English quite well. 7. - I like the house, but I … not decide yet. My wife … see it first.
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