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I. Read the following words and translate them.Содержание книги
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physics, knit, philosophy, phone, knight, photo, knew, knowledge, physiology.
Remind Grammar (look at Grammar reference) II. Answer the questions. 1. What is the formula of the Past Continuous Passive Voice? 2. How do we form Participle I? 3. What are the forms of the verb “to be” in Present tense? 4. What kind of words are used in the sentences in the Past Continuous Passive Voice? III. Give the third form of the following verbs: to study, to begin, to do, to use, to keep, to lose, to cut, to bring, to learn, to explain, to read, to go, to make, to say, to see, to take.
IV. Open the brackets using the Past Continuous Passive Voice. 1. These buildings (to build). 2. A lot of pop corn (to eat) yesterday. 3. We (to teach) by excellent teachers. 4. A letter (to write) by me. 5. The word «botany» (to derive) from Greek.
V. Make the sentences from the exercise IV negative and interrogative.
VI. Read and learn the new words to the text. 1. licorice солодковый корень 2. sweet сладкий 3. smooth гладкий 4. refer относиться 5. pod стручок 6. pair пара 7. blunt тупой 8. petiolate с черешком 9. axillary пазушный 10. stage стадия 11. dig up выкапывать 12. resin смола 13. bitter горький 14. expectorant отхаркивающее 15. mild мягкий 16. laxative слабительное 17. species вид 18. principle составная часть 19. flavour приятный вкус VII. Choose the correct equivalents of the English words. 1. laxative 1.приятный вкус 2. species 2. стручок 3. expectorant 3. гладкий 4. licorice 4. отхаркивающее 5. principle 5. относиться 6. pod 6. вид 7. sweet 7. составная часть 8. flavour 8.сладкий 9. smooth 9.слабительное 10. refer 10. солодковый корень VIII. Read and remember the following international words (translate them with the help of the dictionary):
alternate, origin, glycyrrhizin, arrange, portion, organ, characteristic, asparagine, cellulose, sucrose, spasmolitic, agent, mask, aloe.
IX. Translate the following word – combinations: an erect herbaceous plant, a sweet root, a fleshy rhizome, a smooth pod, a mild expectorant, a flavouring agent, to mask the taste of aloe, the air-dried underground organs, quinine. X. Read the text and translate it. Do the tasks below.
Glycyrrhiza or Licorice Glycyrrhiza glabra L.(Fam.Leguminosae) is a perennial herbaceous plant attaining a height of about 1 meter. The word Glycyrrhiza is of Greek origin and means sweet root; glabra means smooth and refers to the fruit of this species which is a smooth pod. The leaves of Licorice are alternate consisting of several pairs of ovate, blunt petiolate leaflets. The flower are arranged in axillary spikes having long peduncles. The underground portion consists of a large branched rhizome with long thick Vertical tap tap roots and lateral stolons. The underground organs are sufficiently developed by the end of the third or fourth year at which stage they are dug up, washed and air-dried. The Licorice root contains from 10 to 25 per cent of a characteristic principle saponin - glycyrrhizin, about 20 per cent of sugars, flavonoids, pectin, mannite and a bitter principle known as glycyramarin. The characteristic principle in the root-glycyrrhizin or glycyhizic acid is about 50 times as sweet as sucrose. Glycyrhiza also contains spasmolitic and esterogenic principles, resins cellulose, lignin etc. Glycyrrhiza is a demulcent, an expectorant and a mild laxative. It is used also as a flavoring agent to mask the taste of such drugs as aloe, quinine, ammonium chloride etc. Glycyrrhiza is abundant in the Urals and in the Central Asia. It grows well wild and cultivated on clay and saline soils along the Amu-Darya river.
XI. Give the sentences in the Past Continuous Passive Voice using the following word-combinations and make these sentences negative and interrogative: to develop by the end of the fourth year; to contain a characteristic principle; to use for various purposes; to incorporate in cough medicines; XII. Group: a) the synonyms principle, substance, effective, mild, incorporate, part, added, weak, constituent, strong, agent, portion. b) the antonyms sweet, mild, blunt, long, sedative, effective, short, bitter, acute, tonic.
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