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XIV. Fill in the appropriate preposition.


1. There is a large number … different types of leaves.

2. The leaf-blade … the compound leaf is divided … many leaflets

3. When the projections lie regularly … each other, like the teeth … a saw the    

leaf is serrate.

4. When the divisions extend … halfway down, the leaf is called cleft.

5. When the divisions extend nearly … the base or … the mid-rib, the leaf is partite.

XV. Answer the questions.

1. What kind of lamina has a simple leaf?

2. What kind of leaf do we call entire?

3. What kind of leaves have the slight projections?

4. How do we call a leaf, if it has extended divisions?

5. Does Dogrose (шиповник) have a simple leaf?

XVI. Make the plan of retelling.

XVII. Retell the text.

Lesson VIII

Types and shapes of leaves


Rules of reading: Letter combinations oo and ou;

Grammar: The equivalents of the Modal Verbs.

Text: Types and shapes of leaves


Letter combinations oo and ou

                                   oo                                                        e.g.: book

Letter combinations                 are usually pronounced as [u]

                                   ou                                                        e.g.: group


                                            oo                                                      e.g.: blood

But these letter combinations         are sometimes pronounced as [Λ]

                                            ou                                                  e.g.: country


I. Read the words with the letter combinations oo and ou.

stool, could, too, soon, stood, blood, soup, zoo, souvenir, spoon, louver, country         


II. Remember the pronunciation of the following words and translate them:

cauline, axis, whorl, unelongated, angle, linear


Remind Grammar (look at grammar reference)

The equivalents of the modal verbs:

can   – to be able to; (the verb “to be” is changed according to the tense)

may – to be allowed to;


e.g.: (Present tense)

   I can swim. = I am able to swim.

      I cannot swim. = I am not able to swim.

   Can you swim. = Are you able to swim.


  (Past tense)

   I could play volleyball when I was a child.

   I was able to play volleyball when I was a child.

III. Answer the questions.

1. What is the meaning of the modal verb “may”?

2. What is the difference between the modal verbs and the other verbs?

3. How do we form the negative and the interrogative sentences with the Modal  


4. Do we use the modal verb “can” in the Future and the Past tenses?


IV. Replace the Modal verbs with their equivalents and make the sentences negative and interrogative.

1. I can work hard.

2. I could go to Moscow.

3. I can speak Russian.

4. She may read the book.

5. He can do this work.

6. They may stay at home.


V. Put the appropriate form of the verb “to be”.

1. I … allowed to go out yesterday evening.

2. My mother …able to dance very well, though she … 45.

3. She … allowed to go to the secondary school when she is 6.

4. Our teachers … able to speak German too.

5. My brother … not allowed to go the night clubs now.


VI. Paraphrase the sentences using the modal verbs.

1. Students are allowed to wear jeans, but the teachers are not allowed to wear casual clothes.

2. We are able to study well.

3. The leaves are able to have different shapes.

4. My grandfather was able to swim well when he was young.

5. The schoolchildren are not allowed to spend a lot of time in the computer clubs.


VII. Read and memorize the new words to the text.

elongated     вытянутый

plantain       подорожник

radical          растущий из корня,   прикорневой

cauline         пристеблевой

crowned       законченный

floral            цветочный

node             узел, утолщение

internode       междуузлие

axis               ось

level              уровень

opposite         супротивный

verticillate     мутовчатые

verticel, vertical  мутовка

whorl             кольцо листьев, вокруг стебля, мутовка

alternate        очередной

decussate         попарно-супротивные,

ovate              овальный, яйцевидный

elliptical        элиптический

lanceolate      ланцетовидный, копьевидный

cordate          сердцевидный

kidney-shaped почковидный

wedge-shaped клинообразный

linear            узкий и длинный

orbicular       круглый, шарообразный

obovate        обратнояйцевидный

circle                 кольцо, круг



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