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X . Rearrange the mixed – up letters to make words.Содержание книги
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e.g. ginw - wing ehlgnis, tutf, aloloroc, seutbo, ekisp, ergnif
XI. Write the following words in plural form and translate them: a singer, a digitalis, a wing, a flower, a leave, a plant
XII. Read the text and translate it. Do the tasks below. Digitalis (foxglove) The plant is a beautiful herbaceous biannual or perennial with tufted basal leaves and single, erect, leafy stem which bears a spike or purplish flowers. Digitalis is from the Latin digitalis, meaning a finger, and refers to the finger –shaped corolla. Digitalis leaves have ovate or ovate-lanceolate lamina, 10-35 cm in length. Apex obtuse or rounded, base tapering into a winged petiole margin dentate or crenate; upper surface dark green, minutely, somewhat wrinkled, under surface greyish green; midrib greyish brown. The leaves are collected from July to September, from both the first and 2-nd year plants. Fresh and full-grown leaves are carefully and quickly dried for use as the source of the drug. The medicinal properties of digitalis have been known for a long time. The most active principle is a glucoside, digotoxin. Digitalis is a heart stimulant of the greatest importance because of its powerful action and it is specific for some types of heart disease.
XIII. Find English equivalents of the following words and word - combinations in the text: наперстянка, травянистое двухлетнее и многолетнее растение, края листьев, собирать однолетние и двухлетние листья, сверху темно-зеленые, сердечное средство. XIV. Translate the following word-combinations into Russian: herbaceous biannual or perennial, basal leaves, leafy stem, finger – shaped corolla, leaves have ovate or ovate lanceolate lamina, upper surface, are collected, full-grown leaves, for a long time, powerful action, the most active principle
XV. Say True or False. 1. Наперстянка является двухлетним или многолетним растением. 2. В первый год жизни развивается прикорневая розетка листьев. 3. Листья наперстянки содержат гликозиды сердечной группы. 4. Микроскопическое исследование плода показывает, что он имеет многочисленные семена с осевой платентацией. 5. Наперстянка цветет на втором году жизни в июне-июле. 6. Наперстянку пурпурную разводят часто в садах как декоративное растение. XVI. Fill in the gaps with prepositions (by, from, for, on, in, of). 1. Digitalis consists... the dried leaves rapidly dried... a temperature about 60° C. 2.... the first year the plant forms a rosette... leaves. 3. The medicinal properties... digitalis have been known... a long time. 4. Digitalis may be readily grown... seed. 5. The loss... drying should not exceed 5 percent. 6. The veins are depressed... the upper surface. 7. Digitalis preparation are mainly used... their action... the cardiac muscle.
XVII. Fill in the gaps with the following words: (digitalis, medicine, capsule, foxglove, poisonous, seed, native, leaves) 1. Digitalis may be readily grown from the... 2. Foxglove... were stated to have been used externally 3. Digitalis is believed to be a... plant of England. 4. Dried leaves f….being kept in a container, the loss on drying should not exceed 5 per cent. 5. Some of digitalis preparations being …, their overdosage may cause untoward reactions in patients 6. Digitalis preparations being widely used in …, medical students must know their chief constituents well. 7. It was found that calcium oxalate was absent in…. 8. The fruit of …. is a bilocular…. Which contains numerous seeds attaches to axil placentae.
XVIII. Make up the sentences from the following words: 1. digitalis, the, consist of, leaves, dried, 2. after, leaves, at a temperature, dried, the, collection, of about 60 as soon as possible, are. 3. leaves, either, used, be, first or, the growth, year, second, may. 4. herb, the foxglove, is, perennial, a. 5. a rosette, in, the, year, forms, of, leaves, first, the plant. 6. has, wild, the common, a purple, the, plant, corolla, form, of.
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