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VII. Complete the sentences for your country. Use either the negative or the positive form .


Example: Most people don’t live in houses. They live in flats.

Life in my country.

1. Most people ________ (live) in houses.

2. Most people ________ (have) gardens.

3. Most office workers ______ (start) work at 9 a.m.

4. Most people _______ (go home) at lunch time.

5. Most people _______ (have) a big meal in the evening.

6. Children _________ (go to school) in the afternoon.

7. Most children _______ (leave school) at sixteen.

8. Most shops stay ________ (open) twenty four hours.

9. Most shops ______ (close) for lunch.

10. Restaurants (close) at eleven in the evening.


VIII. Read the new words and memorize them:

embrace                                включать, содержать

mottled                                  крапчатый, испещренный

cuticularized                         кожистое

spot                                       пятно, пятнышко

prickly                                   колючий

arrange                                  располагать, классифицировать

dense                                     плотный, компактный

downward                             вниз, книзу

lump                                      кусок

solidify                                  твердеть, застывать

rosette                                    розетка

convex                                   выпуклый, вогнутый

spine                                      шип, игла, колючка


IX. Match the words from the left column with the equivalents from the right one:

a) cluster                                      сок

juice                                         испещрять полосами

tubular                                     род

stripe                                       нести, держать

apex                                         трубчатый

sharp                                        серый

grey                                          верхушка

rosette                                      острый, остроконечный

bear                                          пучок

    b) густо, плотно                         lance-shaped   

       испещренный                         apparently

       трубчатый                               densely

       колючий                                  bear

       ланцетовидный                       juice

       явно, очевидно                       genus

       род                                           apex

       верхушка                                  tubular

       носить                                      spiny    

         сок                                            mottled

X. Write the verbs from which the following nouns are derived:

 production, difference, requirement, investigation, action, mixture, distribution, occurrence, definition.


XI. Find antonyms to the following words and translate them into Russian:

dry, compound, flesh, uncommon, hot, large, active, thick, right, unimportant, small, simple, common, cold, inactive, thin, important, wrong.


XII. Translate the following words and word - combinations:

genus, of plants, belonging to family, in dry parts, short woody stem, lanceolate leaf, usually prickly, transversely cut, vascular lump, from the pericycle, a mixture of glucosides, soluble in water, are used.


 XIII. Translate the following words and word-combinations:

ланцетовидный лист, белое пятно, имеющий колючки, цветки оранжевые, сок собирается, растение содержит, обычно колючий, используется как слабительное, составная часть лекарства.


XIV. Read the text and translate it. Do the tasks below.


Aloe is genus of plants belonging to the family Liliaceae, with 180 spieces growing in dry parts of Africa. It has a very short woody stem and lanceolate embracing leaves, irregularly mottled with white spot.

The flowers are bright-yellow. The fleshy and strongly cuticulized leaves are usually prickly at the marine and arranged in dense rosettes.

When a leaf is transversely cut and held with its cut and downwards, a yellowish juice often forming vascular lumps flows out from the pericycle.

The juice is collected and concentrated; on cooling it solidifies and constitutes the commercial drug aloes.

Aloes contain a mixture of glugosides collectively called “aloin” which is the active constituents of the drug. The principal constituent of alloin is barbaloin – a pale yellow crystalline glucoside soluble in water, other constituents are isobarbaloin, aloes, emodin and resins. Aloes are used as a purgative and a tonic.

XV. Find the sentences with the following word-combinations in the text and translate them:

 белое пятно, цветки оранжевые, растение содержит, обычно колючий, используется как слабительное,. ланцетовидный лист, составная часть лекарства


XVI. Fill in the gaps with the proper prepositions (on, with, in, from, of):

1. Aloes flourish … a variety of climates and … the poorest soil.

2. The aloe plants are apparently stemless, bearing a rosette … large thick, fleshy leaves.

3. The leaves are generally lance-shaped … a sharp apex and a spyny margin.

4. There are some species of aloes that are quite different … the medicinal aloes.

5. The juice … Aloe Venenosa is poisonous.

6. Aquilaria Agallocha (aloe), a native … east India and China, contains much resin and oil.


XVII. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words:

   juice, stem, colour, substance, flowers, leaves, aloes

1. Aloe has a very short woody ….

2. Aloes are tropical plants with succulent … and showy ….

3. … are frequently cultivated in greenhouses.

4. The … of aloe contain a resinous juice in which there are several glucosides.

5. Aloe is a medicinal … used as a purgative and produced from various species of aloe.

6. The leaves of aloe vary in … from grey to bright green.


XVIII. Fill in the verbs in the proper form:

Aloe is a genus of plants (to belong) to the family Liliaceae, with 180 species (to grow) in dry parts of Africa. It has a very short woody stem and lanceolate (to embrace) leaves. When a leaf is transversely cut and held with its cut end downwards, a yellowish juice often (to form) vascular lumps flows out from the pericycle. Aloe (to know) to the Greeks as early as the fourth century. Aloes (to be) much cultivated as ornamental plants. Aloe barbadensis (to introduce) in to the Barbadoes Islands in the 17th century.


XIX. Compose sentences with the following words and word-combinations and translate into Russian:

1. contain, aloin, called, a mixture, of, aloes, glucosides, collectively.

2. flowers, has, bright-yellow, aloe.

3. apex, and, the leaves, lance-shaped, generally, are, with, a sharp, margin, a spiny.

4. and, has, taste, a bitter, aloe, disagreeable, as, a cathartic, is, largely.


XX. Give definitions to:

a leaf, photosynthesis, a mixture, genus of plants.


XXI. Translate into Russian:

1. The rather small tubular yellow or red flowers are born on simple or branched leafless stems, and are generally densely clustered.

2. Aloe is from the Arabic word Alloeh meaning a shining, bitter substance.

3. Aloe barbadensis hasa stem about 50 cm. high.

4. Curacao aloe comes from the Dutch Islands of Curacao, Aruba and Bonaire.


XXII. Translate into English:

1. Алоэ цветет очень редко.

2. Алоэ древовидное многолетнее растение, в дикорастущем виде достигает высоты 4 метра.

3. Они используют алоэ для получения многих ценных лекарственных препаратов.


XXIII. Answer the following questions:

1. How many species of Aloe grow in dry parts of Africa?

2. What kind of stem has Aloe?

3. What part of this plant is used in pharmacy?

4. What kind of leaves has Aloe?

5. Why is Aloe used as purgative and a tonic?



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