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I. Read the following words paying attention to their pronunciation:Содержание книги
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picture, lecture, rapture, nature, culture, feature, future, mixture;
II. Read and explain the rules of reading of the following words: photo, phase, phrase, phosphor, phonic, sphere, physics, phone, physiology.
Remind Grammar (look at grammar reference) III. Answer the questions. 1. Why do we use an apostrophe (´) and an -s? 2. Are there any differences of possessive nouns in singular and plural forms? 3. What question words are usually used with possessive nouns?
IV. Translate into Russian. 1. The teacher’s question is very difficult. 2. The assistant’s room is over there. 3. A receptionist’s job is to write down callers names and take messages.
V. Translate into English. 1. Комната моего друга. 2. Комнаты моего друга. 3. Комната моих друзей. 4. Комнаты моих друзей. 5. Сын этого инженера. 6. Сыновья нашего преподавателя. 7. Диктант этого студента. 8. Письма ваших экономистов. 9. Сестра вашей преподавательницы. 10. Подруга Мэри. 11. Письма Джеймса Брауна.
VI. Use the correct possessive form of the nouns to complete the sentences. man Robert is a _______ name. woman Heidi is a ________ name. earth The __________ surface is about seventy per cent water. teacher My English __________ husband is an engineer.
VII. Put ‘s in the correct place in the sentences, as in the example. Example: Patrick is Jane’s brother. Is that Michael_ car? It is Tessa_ birthday on Saturday. What is your mother_ name? Where is Philip_ desk? My husband_ name is Peter. Joe is my sister_ friend. Carla_ house is in the centre of Rome.
VIII. Read the new words and memorize them. a chemist’s shop- аптека medical items – медицинские товары to buy – покупать, приобретать ready-made drug-готовое лекарство disinfectants - дезинфицирующие вещества pharmaceutical goods-фармацевтические товары prescription department-рецептурный отдел a chemist’s department-отдел ручной продажи a box -коробка intramuscular-внутримышечный intravenous - внутривенный rubbing-натирание internal-внутренний administration-прием, применение to check up-проверять to calculate-подсчитывать, рассчитывать a label-ярлык, этикетка to stick - наклеивать signature-копия рецепта врача direction for-указание по patient-пациент, больной drug cabinet-шкаф для лекарств
IX. Match the words from the left column with the equivalents from the right one. a) 1. stick проверять 2. label коробка 3. check up внутренний 4. administration натирание 5. rubbing покупать 6. box внутривенный 7. buy наклеивать 8. intravenous больной 9. internal применение 10. patient этикетка b) 1. указание drug 2. применение department 3. рецепт intramuscular 4. больной label 5. товар direction 6. лекарство administration 7. этикетка ointment 8. отдел patient 9. мазь item 10. внутримышечный prescription
X. Translate the following words and word-combinations into Russian: intramuscular and intravenous injections, prescription department, internal use, directions for administrations. XI. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English: приобретать таблетки, покупать дезинфицирующие вещества, хранятся в шкафах для лекарств, наклеить этикетку.
XII. Read the text and translate it. Do the tasks below.
At a chemist’s Chemist’s shops are specialized shops where medicines and medical items are sold. There are two departments in a chemist’s shop: a chemist’s department and a prescription department. At a chemist’s department you can buy ready-made drugs such as tablets, ampoules, pills, vitamins, etc. Disinfectants, herbs and various pharmaceutical goods can also be found in a chemist’s department. In the prescription department you can see drugs of all kinds: boxes of different powders, ampoules of glucose and camphor used for intramuscular and intravenous injections; tubes of ointments for rubbing: different pills and tablets for internal use; tonics and sedatives administered orally. Lots of drugs have to be ordered at a prescription department. The pharmaceutist takes the prescription, checks up the dosage, calculates the cost and hands the prescription over to an assistant’s room, where assistants make drugs in the accordance with the prescription. All medicines are kept in drug cabinets, on the shelves and in the refrigerator. Poisonous (toxic) drugs are kept in the drug cabinet with the letter <A>.Strong effective drugs are kept in the drug cabinet having the letter <B>. Every small bottle or box has a label with the name of the medicine stuck on it. The single dose and the total dosage are indicated on the label or the signature. The directions for the administrations of a drug are very important for patients.
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