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XIII. Fill in the appropriate word.Содержание книги
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1. The word glycyrrhiza is of Greek... and means sweet root. 2. Glycyrrhiza is a perennial herbaceous plant... a height of about 1 meter. 3. The leaves of Licorice are... consisting of several pairs of ovate blunt leaflets. 4. The leaflets have... shape with blunt margin and petiolate. 5. The flowers are arranged in axillary... having long peduncles. 6. The underground portion consists of a large and... rhizome with long thick rootlets. 7. Glycyrrhizin is the main principle of the roots and is about 50 times as... as sucrose. XIV. Make the sentences using these words: 1. rhizome, portion, with, underground, of, consists, the, number, a, rootlets, of, branching, a,; 2. contains, glycyrrhizin, of, acid, as, glycyrrhizic, known, 5 to 10 per cent, root, from, Licorice, also,; 3. leaflets, pairs, the, of, are, petiolate, alternate, of, leaves, several, consisting, ovate, blunt,; XV. Answer the questions. 1. What is Licorice? 2. What does the word Glycyrrhiza mean? 3. What part of this plant is used in Pharmacy? 4. Is Licorice a toxic plant? 5. Why is the glycyrrhiza used in cough mixtures?
XVI. Make up the plan of retelling the text: XVII. Retell the text. Lesson V Digitalis (Foxglove)
Word building: suffix – ish Grammar: Present Simple Tense Text: Digitalis Assignments to do: Remember: The suffix -ish forms the adjectives from the e.g. 1. nouns: fever лихорадка – feverish лихорадочный 2. adjectives: yellow желтый – yellowish желтоватый
I. Read and translate the following words: reddish, womanish, longish, blackish, thickish, thinnish
II. Read and remember the pronunciation of the following words: herbaceous, biannual, perennial, purplish, ovatelanceolate, greyish, digitalis, digitoxin. Remind Grammar (look at grammar reference) III. Answer the question.: 1. How is Present Simple formed? 2. How do we form negative and question forms?
IV. Write the letters to make the he/she/it form. 1. Mother reads “Hi!” Magazine. 2. Francis enjoy… watching football on TV 3. James watch… TV in the morning. 4. My brother say… he’s fine. 5. Winnie come… from South Korea. 6. Norma stud… economics at the University of Leeds. 7. Richard live… in the United States. 8. Ian always play… football on Saturday.
V. Make the sentences negative. e.g.: Maria likes studying grammar. Maria doesn’t like studying grammar.
1. It rains in summer. 2. My brother likes getting up at seven o clock. 3. The restaurant closes on Sunday evening. 4. Martin comes to class every week. 5. Tony buys all his food at the supermarket. 6. Carla drives to work. 7. My cousin visits me every month VI. Complete the questions with the words below. Football, in, Do, French, like, study, live, you, speak 1. … your parents speak English? 2. Do you and your brother …? 3. Do … like Japanese tea, Johnny? 4. Do Sophie and Emily …? 5. Do you all … economics? 6. Does the White family …? 7. Do you … Indian food, Paula?
VI. Present Indefinite with he/she/it. 1. She comes from Japan. (come) 2. She … fashion Design. (study) 3. She … in San Francisco. (live) 4. She … Japanese and English.(speak) 5. She … cooking and ballet. (like)
VII. Write sentences about your friends using the Present Indefinite. 1. My friend … at the medical University (study) 2. He / she … (come from) 3. He / she … (live) 4. He / she … (speak) 5. He / she … (play) 6. He / she … (go to gym) 7. He /she … (work) VIII. Read and memorize the new words. foxglove наперстянка tuft расти пучками, пучок single один, отдельный to bear (bore borne) носить, рождать spike колос finger палец obtuse тупой taper суживаться к концу wing окрылять wrinkle морщиться
IX. Find in the right column the English equivalents of the following words: taper наперстянка finger колос spike носить, рождать to bear один single суживаться к концу tuft окрылять corolla палец digitalis венчик obtuse тупой wing расти пучками
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