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XX. Study the text and say which statements are true and which are false.Содержание книги
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Correct the false ones. 1. Roots and rhizomes, fruits and seeds, flowers, stems may be used for medicinal purposes. 2. Bark is collected in autumn. 3. Flowers are collected after the ripening period. 4. Too much moisture decreases the weight of the drug. 5. The usual shapes for fruits are round and square. 6. There are five groups of substances. 7. Pharmacological activity of a drug is established using chemical tests, chemical analysis, chromatographic study. XXI. Review the text to answer the questions. 1. Do the plants possess medicinal properties? 2. Which parts of the plant are used for medicinal properties? 3. Are different parts of the plant gathered at different period? Give examples. 4. What factors affect the quality of a plant? 5. What are the usual shapes of fruits and seeds? 6. Which groups are medicinal herbs divided according to taste? 7. How is pharmacological activity of a drug established?
XXII. Comment on the basic points of the text: (Plan of retelling) Medicinal properties of a plant. Different parts of a plant. Time of a plant different. Factors affecting quality of a plant. Shapes of fruits and seeds. Odor of a drug. Four groups of substances. Pharmacological activity of a plant.
XXIII. Make up a short summary. XXIV. Retell the text.
Lesson II Valerian The rules of reading: The letter combinations ch, tch, sh, qu; Grammar: Past Indefinite Passive Voice Text: Valerian
Assignments to do: Remember: The rules of reading of the letter combinations ch, tch, sh, qu. 1. The letter combinations ch and tch are pronounced as [tς]; e.g.: chess, match 2. The letter combination sh is pronounced as [ς]; e.g.: ship, shelve 3. The letter combination qu is pronounced as [qw]; e.g.: quickly, quit
I. Read the following words paying attention to the rules of reading and translate them: reach, teach, match, speech, she, quest, ship, dish, quiet, shame, mash, quite, sheep, shrub, watch, show, chicken.
Remind Grammar (look at grammar reference) II. Answer the questions. 1. What is the form of the Past Indefinite Passive Voice? 2. What is the meaning of the Passive Voice? 3. How do we form the participle II? 4. Why are the verbs in the English language divided into regular and irregular ones? 5. When do we use Past Indefinite Passive Voice? III. Give the third form (Participle II) of the following verbs: to study, to begin, to do, to use, to keep, to lose, to cut, to bring, to learn, to explain, to read, to go, to make, to say, to see, to take. IV. Open the brackets using the Past Indefinite Passive Voice and make these sentences negative and interrogative. 1. These houses (to build) about 25 years ago. 2. A lot of pop corn (to eat) yesterday evening. 3. We (to teach) by excellent teacher when we were young. 4. A letter (to write) by me. 5. The word «botany» (to derive) from Greek. V. Read and memorize the new words. generic - родовой health - здоровье straight - прямостоящий herbaceous - травянистый numerous - множество hollow - полый, пустой terminal - конечный region - область, район corymbiform - щитковидный panicle - метелка akene - семянка wild - дикорастущий value - значение, ценность raw material - сырье infusion - настой tincture - настойка drug - лекарство palpitation - тахикардия VI. Choose the correct equivalents of the English words. 1. hollow 1.сырье 2. palpitation 2. значение, ценность 3. corymbiform 3. настойка 4. tincture 4. дикорастущий 5. panicle 5. полый, пустой 6. raw material 6. настой 7. wild 7. семянка 8. infusion 8. тахикардия 9. value 9. метелка 10. akene 10. щитковидный VII. Translate the following word – combinations: a) to be in good health, perennial herbaceous plant, underground part, the terminal region, generic name, hollow stem, numerous rootlets, to be of a great medicinal value, raw material, characteristic odour, opposite leaves, numerous drugs. b) состоять из, травянистое растение, супративные листья, множество белых цветков, лекарственная форма, хорошее здоровье, дикорастущее растение.
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