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VII. Active or Passive? Tick the correct sentence.Содержание книги
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1) a) Twenty people arrested at the demonstration. b) Twenty people were arrested at the demonstration. 2) a) Mona Lisa painted Leonardo da Vinci. b) Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci. 3) a) Romeo and Juliet wrote William Shakespeare. b) Romeo and Juliet was written by William Shakespeare. 4) a) All her clothes are made in Italy. b) All her clothes made in Italy.
VIII. Read and memorize the following words:
IX. Read and memorize the names of plant’s groups. 1. Thallophytes - таллоидные растения 2. Bryophytes – мoховые растения 3. Pteridophytes – папоротниковые растения 4. Spermatophytes – семенные растения
X. Read and translate one-root words. leaf, leaflike, leaflet, leafy; fern, fernlike, ferny.
XI. Find the antonyms to the following words: important, different, low, simple, small, complex.
XII. Find in the right column the equivalents of English words in the left one.
XIII. Translate the following word combinations into Russian: classification of plants, the group includes, are often seen, on bread and cheese, with the microscope, hundreds of feet long, simple plants, are found in forests, quite small, neither flowers nor seeds, plants that have flowers, reproduce by fertilization with pollen.
XIV. Translate the following word combinations into English: классификация растений, одноклеточные бактерии, видны только под микроскопом, различные группы растений, моховые растения, не имеют ни цветов, ни семян, большинство растений, семенные растения. XV. Read the text and translate it. Do the tasks below. Classification of plants There are four important different groups of plants. Thallus Plants, or Thallophytes, are the lowest and simplest of all plants. The group includes the one-celled bacteria, the algae, and the fungi, like the molds that are often seen growing on bread and cheese. Bacteria can only be seen with the microscope, but some of the seaweeds are hundreds of feet long. Another group of relatively simple plants includes the mosses, lichens and liverwords that are found in forests. Moss Plants, or Bryophytes, have no true roots or stems. Instead of leaves they have green, leaflike scales. Most plants belonging to this division are quite small. A third group of plants includes the ferns, quillworts, and club mosses. They are Fernlike Plants or Pteridophytes. These plants have neither flowers nor seeds, but they are divided into distinct parts, including roots, stems and leaves. Most of the plants we know belong to the group of plants called Seed Plants or Spermatophytes. They have the most complex structures of all plants. These are the only plants that have flowers and reproduce by fertilization with pollen. Such plants include our common grasses, vegetables, most trees, shrubs, flowers and many others.
XVI. Find in the text the words from Greek or Latin origin. Translate them.
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