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III. Form the Ordinal numbers.


twenty …           eight …           nine …    

sixteen …           fifteen …        five …

three …              seven …          one …                             

twelve …            seventeen …   six …                                             fourteen …              eleven …         eighteen …          


IV. Read the following Numerals:

15,11,130,151,347,12,0.001,0.05,2/3,41st,12 th,102,5/6,4/5,3 ½,


V. Write the following numerals:

5,2,3,21,25,30,113, ½,125,105


VI. Form the common and decimal fractions.

1/6, 5 1/2, ½, 0.1, 8.26, 7.905, 1/9.


VII. Read and memorize the following words and word - combinations

measurement - измерение

unit - единица

length -длина

mass - масса

volume - объем

density - плотность

fundamental - основной

combination - сочетание

metric - метрический

decimal - десятичный

solid - твёрдое вещество

correspond - соответствовать

derived units - производные единицы.


VIII. Write the following words in the plural:

a measurement, a unit, a length, a volume, a density, a kilogram, a gram, a member.

IX. Find the pairs of antonyms.

to leave, strength, early, false, still, former, present, true, to return, weakness, late, excited.

X. Read the following volumes:

example: Volume: = 10cm x 7 cm x 5 cm = 350 cm3- ten centimeters by seven centimeters by five centimeters give three hundred fifty cubic centimeters.

20 cm x 9 cm x 5 cm = 900 cm3

350 cm3 x 1000 mm3/cm3= 350.000 mm3

15 cm x 10 cm x 5 cm = 750 cm2

XI. Find in the right column the equivalents of English words in the left one.

density                          масса               

measurement                производные единицы

liquid                            объем

unit                               десятичный

mass                             твёрдое вещество

metric                           единица

solid                              метрический

volume                         измерение

decimal                         жидкость

derived units                 плотность


XII. Give English equivalents.

единица      измерения

единица      массы

единица      плотности

единица      объема

производные единицы

метрическая система

объем           твердых веществ

объем           жидкости

плотность    жидкости

объем           воды

сочетание    основных единиц

десятичная  система

XIII. Read the text and translate it. Do the tasks below.

On measurements

Measurements are the basis of all scientific work. There are many different units of measurements depending on what it is we want to measure. There are measurements of length, mass, time, volume, density, and many others. There are three fundamental units: units of mass, length and time. All other units can be expressed as combinations of these basic units; they are called derived units.

The fundamental unit of time is one second. The fundamental unit of length is one metre in the metric system and it was one yard in the old British system. The British system was substituted by the metric one in 1971 but the units of it are sometimes in use in everyday life. In all scientific measurements the units of the metric system are used.

The metric system. The metric system is a decimal system applied to the measurement of length and mass. The basic unit of length is the metre, and the basic unit of mass is the kilogram.

The most common prefixes in the metric system are milli-, centi-, and kilo- which mean one thousandth of, one hundredth of and one thousand times the standard of length or mass.

Volume of solids. The volume of a solid is expressed in cubic measure, for example, in cubic centimeters (cc or cm3)or cubic millimeters (mm3). Since 1 cm equals 10 mm, it follows that 1 cm3 equals 1000 mm3.

Example: The length, width, and height of a rectangular box are 10.0 cm, 7.0 cm, and 5.0 cm respectively. Compute the volume of the box in (a) cubic centimeters and(b) cubic millimeters.

Volume = 10 cm x 7 cm x 5 cm = 350 cm3

Volume = 350 cm3 x 1000 mm3/cm3= 350.000 mm3

Volumes of liquids. The units of volume in the metric system is called a litre. A litre corresponds to 0.88 quarts in the old British system. A smaller unit is the millilitre. The millilitre is almost identical with a cubic centimeter. Thus we can say that one litre equals 1000 ml and also 1000 cm3.

Units of mass (or weight). Units of mass are milligram, centigram, gram and kilogram. 10 milligrams (mg) equal 1 centigram; 100 centigrams (cg) equal 1 gram; 1000 grams (g) equal 1 kilogram (kg).

The instrument used for weighing objects is a balance.

Density of liquids. Volumes of liquids and gases are usually expressed in milliliters (or litres) and not in cubic centimeters which are usually used for solids.

Thus we speak of a volume of 25 ml of water but a volume of 25 cm3 of ice.

It follows that densities of liquids are usually expressed in grams per milliliter. Thus the density of alcohol is 0.79 g/ml and the density of water is 1 g/ml.

All gases are light when compared with liquids and solids and, expressed in grams per milliliter, their densities are of a very small order of magnitude. The density of air, for example, is 0.0001293 g/ml.


XIV. Find in the text the sentences with the following word -combinations and translate them:

called derived units, old British system, decimal system, in cubic measure, rectangular box, a litre corresponds to, units of mass are milligram, density of alcohol, small order of magnitude, measurements of length, one thousand times the standard. 


 XV. Translate the following word-combinations into Russian:

scientific work, units of measurements, fundamental unit, the basic unit of mass, measurements of time, combinations of units, British system, units of weight, the density of water, a cubic centimeter, used for solids, the density of air



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