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XVII. Make the plan of retelling the text.


XVIII. Retell the text.

Lesson II

The Common Forms of Drugs


Rules of reading: letter C c

Grammar: The differences between the Modal verbs can, may, must

Texts: The Common Forms of Drugs

        Solid Forms of Drugs

Assignments to do:



before e, i, y letter Cc is pronounced as followings [ s ]

place - место                  civil - гражданский

face - лицо                     icy - ледяной


before vowels, consonants and at the end of the words C c reads as [k]

cap -шапка clean - чистый


I. Read the following words paying attention to the pronunciation:

face, cite, cyst, can, cut, cold, clot.


II. Give transcription to the following words:

complete, polyclinic, city, doctor, practical.


          Remind Grammar (look at grammar reference):


III. Give the differences between 3 modal verbs (can, may, must) with examples.


IV. Give negative and interrogative forms of sentences with the modal verbs.

V. Compose the sentences with the following words and word –combinations in brackets:

Example 1. My son can (can’t) speak English.

            My son couldn’t speak English last year, but he can do it now.

to read, to write, to speak, to ski, to teach little children, to play chess,(volley-ball, tennis, football), to speak German (French) to walk.

Example 2. “Can I leave my bag here?’’


              “I am afraid not’’

to talk, to have, to give, to tell, to speak, to go, to see, to meet, to leave, to put.


VI. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. You may take any book you like.

2. He may come tonight.

3. I may come and see you next summer, but my plans are not fixed.

4. I must do my exercises.

5. He must be at the Institute at 9.

6. You must learn the story by heart.


VII. Make these sentences affirmative.

1. Must these students work during the whole term?

2. He could not enter the Institute last year.

3. Can he become a good therapeutist?

4. May this remedy do you harm?


VIII. Read the following words paying attention to their pronunciation and memorize them:

1. powder                            порошок

2. granule                            гранула

3. lozenge                            лепешка

4. globule                            шарик

 (pellet, pill)                                     

5. capsule                            капсула

6. ground                             измельченный

7. comminute                      толочь

8. headache                         головная боль

9. convenient                      удобный

10.swallow                         глотать

11.internal                          внутренний


IX. Match the words from the left column with the equivalents from the right column.


1.comminute                                 головная боль

2. ground                                       шарик

3.headache                                    измельченный

4.internal                                       гранула

5.pellet                                          шарик

6.swallow                                      толочь

7.globule                                            глотать

8.capsule                                        лепешка

9.lozenge                                       внутренний

10.granule                                      капсула


1.удобный                                  lozenge

2.порошок                                  internal

3.лепешка                                   pellet

4.глотать                                     convenient

5.внутренний                             globule

6.толочь                                       headache

7.шарик                                       swallow

8.головная боль                         ground

9.измельченный                         comminute

10.шарик                                     powder


C. Determine the parts of speech of the following words:

a powder, to powder, powdered, powdering, to administer, administration, administered, administering.


C I. Find synonyms of the following words and translate them into Russian:

powder, globule, tablet, appropriate, inner, pill, talc, pellet, internal, convenient, distance, tolerate, apply.


C I I. Read the texts ‘’The Common Forms of Drugs’’, ’’Solid Forms of Drugs’’ and translate them. Do the tasks below.


                                 The common forms of drugs

 Most of the drugs commonly dispensed fall into three categories:

1) solids, 2) semisolids and 3) liquids. It is up to the physician to decide upon the precise form in which his medication is to be administered. Since the ideal prescription is “tailor-made” to fit the exigencies of the individual case, several facts must be taken into consideration. If the patient can not swallow tablets, especially true of small children/ he must always receive medication in a liquid form. Sometimes multiple diseases complicate the picture too. For instance, a patient with a chronic peptic ulcer might not tolerate a cough syrup containing the irritating ammonium chloride.


Solid forms of drugs

A lot of drugs manufactured by pharmaceutical industry in a solid state greatly differ in shape, size and colour. They are powders, granules, tablets, lozenges, globules, capsules and pills.

A powder is a finely ground or comminuted mass of free particles formed from a solid substance in the dry state (head-ache powders, powders of ascorbic acid etc.)

A tablet is a compressed solid mass of medicated material usually in the shape of disc or flat square.A large medicated or sweetened round-shaped tablet is called a lozenge.

A capsule is a small cylindrical or spherical gelatinous container with a dose of medicine inside. Capsules may be of different forms, size and colour.

A pill is a medicinal substance put up in a pellet, convenient for swallowing whole.

Solid medicinal forms are mainly administered internally.



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