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XVIII. Find in the text the words of Latin origin and translate them.Содержание книги
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XIX. Find the sentences with the following words and word combinations and translate them: development of sciences; papaver somniferum; codeine; papaverine; narcotic activity; strychnine; caffeine; garlic; to affect microbes. XX. Fill in the gaps with the proper words: 1. The alkaloids of opium … about 25% by weight. 2. Only four- …, …, …, … have medicinal uses. 3. Opium … and promotes sleep. 4. Most of narcotic activity of opium was dependent upon …. 5. … is used in the treatment of many diseases. 6. … oil is named as Russian penicillin. XXI. Put indefinite and definite, or zero article in the following sentences: 1. Various plants are used in … treatment of certain diseases. 2. … alkaloids of opium constitutes about 25% by weight. 3. Opium relieves … pain. 4. In ancient … Greek and Rome cultures in was used as a sleeping drug. 5. Thousands of slaver used... garlic in food daily.
XXII. Answer the question. 1. How can you find out information about use and history of medicinal plants? 2. What do you know about the word “opium”? 3. What did Sertürner isolate in 1803? 4. What is garlic? XXIII. Make up a plan of retelling. XXIV. Retell the text. Module “ Environment ” Lesson I Toxic substances in man's environment.
Word- building: prefixes in-, im-, ir-, un-. suffixes -age, -ive. Grammar: Ordinal, cardinal and decimal numerals. Text: Toxic substances in man's environment. Assignments to do: Remember: prefixes in-, im-, ir-, un- show the negative form of the adjectives: indefinite, impossible, irregular, ineffective, unusual, unhappy. - age is the suffix of nouns: passage, cartilage, village, language; suffix - ive forms the adjectives from the verbs: connective, attentive, active, effective.
I. Read and translate the following words: impossible, indefinite, irregular, undone, unhappy, illegal, unwritten, ineffective, unknown.
II. Read and translate the following words: village, cartilage, percentage, bandage, shortage, language, usage, advantage. Remind Grammar (look at grammar reference)
III. Answer the questions. 1. How can you translate the word "числительные "? 2. What kind of numerals do you know? 3. How are the ordinal numerals formed? 4. How are the cardinal numerals formed?
IV. Translate into Russian. thirteen men, fourteen women, fifteen girls, sixteen boys, nineteen schools, seventy engineers,1896, 1987, 1856, 1975,2001,2006, 0.01, 0.001. V. Translate into English. первое ноября, седьмое мая, второе апреля, двенадцатое декабря, пятое октября, двадцатое ноября, девятнадцатое августа, 1997, 2005,2003, 0.01, 0.001, 0.002.
VI. Answer the questions. 1. How old is your friend? 2. How old is your brother? 3. How old is your mother? 4. How old is your father? 5. How old is your sister? 6. What's your phone number? VII. Read and memorize the new words to the text. toxic - токсический intake - поглощение, прием excessive - чрезвычайный, превышающий affect – поражать corrosive - едкий, ржавеющий metabolic - относящийся к обмену веществ neurotoxic - нервнотоксический mutagenic - мутагенный carcinogenic - канцерогенный chronic - хронический acute - острый sulphuric - серный damage - повреждение extensive - обширный
VIII. Write the missing letters. tis…ue, me…hanism, st…mach…ache, envi…onment, poi…on, ce…l, s…bst…nce, fun…tion, let…al.
IX. Write the following nouns in the plural and remember them: substance, compound, amount, chemical, dose, category, tissue, structure, cell.
X. Find the pairs of antonyms and remember them. chronic, different, less, acute, same, small, false, more, large, true. XI. Find in the right column the equivalents of English words in the left one. 1. tissue 1. яд 2. environment 2. химикаты 3. toxic substances 3. ткань 4. poison 4. ядовитый плющ 5. enzyme 5. клетка 6. chemicals 6. механизм 7. cell 7. окружающая среда 8. laundry products 8. токсические вещества 9. mechanism 9. фермент 10. poison ivy 10. моющие средства
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