XXI. Divide the text into some parts and name them. 

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XXI. Divide the text into some parts and name them.



XXII. Answer the questions.

1. Who was the first to discover the law of dependence of the elements upon their atomic weights?

2. What is the main idea of the Periodic System?

3. How many groups are in the periodic table?

4. How does the atomic weight increase in the table?

5. Why did Mendeleyev leave many spaces in the table vacant?

6. Why is the Periodic Table so important for science?


XXIII. Make up a short summary of the text.

1.D.I. Mendeleyev is a great Russian scientist.

2. Mendeleyev's Periodic Table of the elements.


Lesson II


Rules or reading: Letter combinations ch, ph, th, rh in Greek words

Grammar: Modal verb “should”

Text: Chemistry

Assignments to do:


In words of Greek origin ch, ph, th, rh are pronounced as followings:
ch [k] chemistry, th  [θ] asthma, ph [f] photo, rh [r] rhizome

I. Read the following Greek words and translate them:

chemical, architecture, mechanism, chronical,

sulphur, sulphate, phosphorus, phonetics, physics

asthma, rhythm, thesis, hypothesis, hypothalamus

rhinitis, rhizomes, haemorrhage


     Remind Grammar: (look at grammar reference)

II. Answer the questions:

1. Which modal verbs do you know?

2. What are the equivalents to these verbs?

3. Is the verb “should” a modal verb?

4. How is it translated into Kazakh or Russian?


III. Translate the following sentences. Mind the modal meaning of the verb “should” and “have to”.

1. A first-year student has to carry out a number of experiments.

2. You should raise the temperature as the mixture doesn’t boil.

3. They have to ask a teacher if they do not understand a theme.

4. He should study well to get a good diploma.

5. All of you should go there now or you’ll be late.

6. I have to get up early on Monday.

7. Every mother should take care of her children.


IV. Translate into English.

1. Вам следует выполнить это задание.

2. Пациентам следует соблюдать диету, так как это предотвратит боль в желудке.

3. Родителям следует заботиться о своих детях.

4. Ему не следует принимать это лекарство.

5. Им не следует говорить ему об этом.

6. Детям нужно есть много витаминов.

7. Каждому из нас нужно подумать об этом еще раз.

V. Read the international words and guess their meanings. Mind the stress.

substance, reaction, subject, gas, liquid, element, metallic, metal

VI. Read and memorize the following words and word-combinations.

 science                       наука

a structure                     строение

a property                     свойство

to change                      менять

to exist                          существовать

ordinary                         обычный

the same                        тот же самый

a condition                     условие

to turn into                    превращаться

a compound                   сложное вещество

to divide                           делить

can be divided               может быть разделен

namely                           именно

to decompose                 разлагать

decomposable                разлагаемый

undecomposible             неразлагаемый         

to consist of                     состоять из

a state                              состояние


VII. Learn the names of chemical elements.

iron                     железо

silver               серебро

bromine           бром

mercury           ртуть

sulphur             серо

carbon              углерод

nitrogen            азот

lead                   олово

tin                     свинец


VIII. Write the following nouns in the plural.

science, state, property, compound, change, solid, substance


 IX. Find the pairs of antonyms and remember them.

solid, heat, different, element, compound, undecomposable.


X. Paraphrase the sentences using the synonyms and the antonyms.

There are various elements in the Periodic Table.

An element is a decomposable substance.

Water is boiled to 60 º C.

Substances may exist in a fluid state.



XI. Memorize the following pairs of derivatives.

compose – decompose – decomposable – undecomposable

structure – structural

exist – existence

divide – division

change – changeable – undecomposable


XII. Find in the right column the equivalents of the English words from the left one.

1. science                                изменять

2. lead                                     слово

3. tin                                       делить

4. property                              твердый

5. change                                сложное вещество

6. solid                                    свойство

7. exist                                    наука

8. divide                                 железо

9. compound                          существовать

10. iron                                   свинец



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