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I. Read and translate the following words.


sleep, sea, three, weak, each, leave, feel, week.

head, already, health, death.

too, school, spoon, tooth, took, food, football.


II. Give the transcriptions of these words.

book, sleep, head, headache, football, reader, teacher, health, great.


Remind Grammar (look at grammar reference)

III. Answer the questions.

1. What is the formula of Passive Voice?

2. What are the forms of the verb “to be” in the Past Indefinite?

3. What are the negative and interrogative forms of Past Indefinite Passive?

4. How are sentences in passive voice translated?

5. How can the Participle II be formed from regular verbs?

6. How can the Participle II be formed from irregular verbs?


IV. Translate these sentences.

1. These operations were performed by me.

2. Medical students were taught Anatomy in practical class.

3. The lecture in biology was delivered on Monday.

4. Many experiments were carried out by students.

V. Translate into English.

1. Вчера врач осмотрел больного.

2. Больного обследовали по поводу пневмонии.

3. Больной обследовался в клинике.

4. Много экспериментов было выполнено студентами.

5. Студенты изучали химию в библиотеке вчера.

6. Гамлет был написан в 1600 году.

7. Учебники пишутся для студентов.


VI. Give the Past Indefinite of the following verbs.

 start                                                 pass

 jump                                                send

 go                                                    buy

 watch                                              save

 know                                               swim

 make                                               fly

 ring                                                 give

 happen                                            come

 say                                                  feel

 do                                                   find


VII. Choose the correct verb form.

1. I saw / was seeing a very good program on TV last night.

2. While I walked / was walking this morning, I lost / was losing my   

money. I don’t know how.

3. Last week the policemen stopped / were stopping Alan in his car because he traveled / was traveling at over eighty miles an hour.

4. “How did you cut / were you cutting your finger?”

“I cooked / was cooking and I dropped the knife”.


VIII. Make these sentences negative and interrogative.

1. My car was stolen last night.

2. The animals were frightened by a loud noise.

3. He was injured in the accident.

4. The window was broken.

5. The plants were watered last night.

6. America was discovered by Christopher Columbus.


IX. Put the verbs in Past Simple Passive.

1. I (to pass) the entrance exams last week.

2. He (to enter) the Cambridge University in 1991.

3. His mother (to die) in 1910. Newton (to stay) in his village for 18 months.

4. In 1893 Jack London (to become) a sailor and (to go) to the shores of Japan. He (to read) many books on History and Philosophy.

5. Jack London (to bring) a book of stories about the life in the Far North.


X. Read and memorize the new words.

1. pharmaceutical        фармацевтический

2. faculty                    факультет

3. chemist                  провизор, аптекарь

4. chemistry               химия

5. comprise                охватывать, заключать в себя

6. medicinal form        лекарственная форма

7. pharmacognision      фармакогнозия

8. maturity                  зрелость

9. title                         звание, титул

10. biotechnology       биотехнология

11. accept                     принимать, допускать

12. incredible              невероятный

XI. Read and translate the following words or word- combinations:

train, set up, highly qualified, part time, medicinal forms technology,

pharmacy economics.


XII. Read and translate the following word-combinations into English:

было принято, подготовил, высококвалифицированный, токсикологическая химия, биотехнология, ученая степень.


XIII. Find in the right column the Russian equivalents of words in the left one.

    1. pharmaceutical                                  1. зрелость

    2. chemist                                              2. биотехнология

    3. faculty                                                3. звание

    4. medicinal form                                  4. фармацевтический

    5. biotechnology                                    5. лекарственная    


       6. maturity                                              6. аптекарь

    7. title                                                     7. факультет

    8. accept                                                 8. охватывать

    9. comprise                                             9. взаимодействиe

    10. interaction                                        10. принимать        


XIV. Write the plurals of these nouns.

student, economic, degree, title, subject, country, remedy, committee,

specialist, approach



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