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VI. Make questions in the Future Continuous tense.Содержание книги
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1. My sister will be finishing this work at 5 o'clock tomorrow e.g.: Will my sister will be finishing this work at 5 o'clock tomorrow? Who________________________________________? When_______________________________________? What________________________________________?
2. He will be playing tennis at 8 o'clock in the morning. 3. They will be walking in the park tomorrow. 4. We shall be having practical class on chemistry at 10 a.m. 5. Teacher will be making experiment the day after tomorrow. VII. Read and memorize the new words and word – combinations. 1. to conduct - проводить опыт 2. rod - стеклянная палочка 3. round-bottom flask - круглодонная колба 4. to add - добавлять 5. drop - капля 6. match - спичка 7. flame - пламя 8. inflammable - горючий 9. air - воздух 10. proper - соответствующий 11. wash - мыть
VII. Translate the following word – combinations: a) burning match, various glassware, pure hydrogen, at the top of the flask, inflammable air, experiment on chemistry, to wash the dishes, to use the match, proper place, a blue flame, to use rods; b) очень интересный эксперимент, чистый водород, добавлять несколько капель, воспламеняемый воздух, соответствующее место, использовать круглодонную колбу; VIII. Make sentences using the following verbs in the Future Continuous tense and translate them. to use, to obtain, to burn, to begin, to conduct, to observe, to record, to weigh IX. Read the text «My first experiment» and translate it. Do the tasks below. My first experiment Last week our group conducted a very interesting experiment on chemistry. We obtained pure hydrogen at our last lesion. For conducting an experiment we needed different apparatus. We used various glassware or dish such as test – tubes, bottles, flasks, funnels, beakers, glasses, rods and tubes. Before the reaction the students weighed substances on the scales, We needed some metals and acids. Then we put some metallic zinc into the round - bottom flask and began to add some drops of hydrochloric acid. Then we put a burning match at the top of the flask. We saw a blue flame that was a fact that we obtained pure hydrogen or inflammable air. We observed the reaction and recorded the yield. At the end of the reaction we washed all dishes and put them on proper places. X. Translate the following word-combinations: a very interesting experiment, at our last lesson, different apparatus, various glassware, before the reaction, some drops, burning match, at the top of the flask, inflammable air, at the end,
XI. Translate the following words and word-combinations and find the sentences with them from the text: эксперимент по химии, круглодонная колба, до реакции, горючий, стеклянная палочка, несколько капель, проводить опыт, последнее занятие, разный, спичка, посуда, соответствующий
XII. Form the participle I of the following verbs and translate them: to work, to go, to have, to wash, to begin, to heat, to make.
XIII. Complete the sentences. 1. Our group conducted … 2. We heated the substances on … 3. Medical students obtained … 4. They observed the reaction … 5. We evaporated this mixture … 6. The students recorded the yield …
XIV. Translate the word – combinations paying attention to the prepositions. во время опыта, по химии, у стены, на лекции, в конце опыта, до реакции, в соответствующее место, на последнем занятии
XV. Answer the questions. 1. What did you do at your last lesson on chemistry? 2. What apparatus do you need for conducting an experiment? 3. What do you usually do before the reaction? 4. What substances do you need for obtaining pure hydrogen? 5. Can you describe the method of obtaining pure hydrogen?
XVI. Make up the dialogue on theme “My first experiment”. XVII. Divide the text into some logical parts and name them. XVIII. Retell the text. Module “ Famous scientists ” Lesson I D. I. MENDELEYEV Rules of reading: Letter combinations: w r, w h, k n Grammar: Passive Voice. Text: “D. I. Mendeleyev”.
Assignments to do: Remember: The following letter combinations are pronounced as followings: wr [ r ] write wh [ w ] what kn [ n ] knew before o letter combination wh is pronounced as [ h ]: who after w and wh letter Aa is pronounced as [o ]: what
I. Read the words paying attention to their pronunciation. knee, knock, know, who, whom, whose, when, where, what, want, war, was.
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