XXI. Make up a short summary of the text and retell it. 

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XXI. Make up a short summary of the text and retell it.


Lesson VI


Rules of reading: 3rd type of reading

Grammar: Participle II

Text: Carbon

                                  Assignments to do:


the combination of a vowel + r is pronounced as follows:

                 A                 O  E  I     Y    U
               [ a:]               large               [ o:]               fork                  [ə] term firm Byrd fur


I. Read the words paying attention to the pronunciation.

fur – firm – first, sir, burn – burst, her – turn – thirst, burn – born, turn – torn, cur – corn.

II. Read and explain the rules of reading of the following words:

burn – Ben, turn – ten, bird – bed, burn – bone, turn – tone, cur – cone, war – warm – ward.

Remind Grammar. (look at grammar reference)

III. Answer the questions.

1. How many types of the Participle in English do you know?

2. What is the difference between the Participle I and the Participle II?

3. How do we form Participle II from regular verbs?

4. How do we form Participle II from irregular verbs?


IV. Translate the following participles into English:

oпрошенный – спрашивающий, посланный – посылающий, проведенный – проводящий, написанный – пишущий, прочитанный – читающий, изучаемый – изучающий.

V. Translate the following sentences paying attention to Participles:

a. Doctor saw a waiting patient.

b. Doctor waited by a patient came later.

a. Professor inviting to the conference must come from the UK.

b. Professor invited by students must hold the conference.

a. Students discuss an issue, interesting to them.

b. Students interested in Maths solved a complex issue.

VI. Say what participles are in the following sentences and translate them into Russian:

    1. A person bringing good news is always welcome.

    2. While skating yesterday he fell and hurt himself.

    3. She showed the travelers the room reserved for them.

    4. The leaves lying on the ground reminded us of autumn.

    5. Books read in childhood seem like old friends.

VII. Translate the following sentences:

     1. Я уже проверил все сочинения, написанные слушателями   

          моей группы.

     2. Все студенты, принимающие участие в этой работе, должны                

          прийти в институт сегодня в 6 часов вечера.

     3. Разбитая чашка лежала на столе.

     4. Он сидел у стола, задумавшись.

     5. Быстро упаковав свои вещи, он поспешил на вокзал.

VIII. Give the negative and interrogative forms of the following sentences:

1. I showed him the letter written by my friend.

2. When heated concentrated sulphuric acid reacts with acids.

3. The question discussed at the meeting was very important.

4. The work done by them took up much time.

5. We spoke about the holidays spent in the country.

6. All mineral oils contain a large proportion of hydrogen combined with carbon.

IX. Read the new words and memorize them.

2. distinct                        различный, разный  

3. allotropic                    аллотропный

4. modification               модификация

5. elementary                  неразложимый

6. X-ray                           рентгеновский

7. bed                               пласт, залежь

8. octahedron                   восьмигранник

9. exceedingly                 чрезвычайно, очень 

10. because of                  вследствие, из-за

11. extreme                       крайний, чрезвычайный

12. cut                               резать

13. transparent                  прозрачный

14. resistant                      стойкий, прочный

15. infusibility                  тугоплавкость, не плавкость

16. binder                          связывающее вещество

17. extensive                     широкий, обширный

18. fine                              мелкий

19. ground                        молотый, измельченный

20. bake                            сушить


X. Match the words from the left column with the equivalents from the right one.

a) 1. elementary                  1. мелкий

2. ground                         2. крайний, чрезвычайный

3. fine                              3.стойкий

4. resistant                       4. модификация

5. extreme                       5. пласт, залежь

6. bed                                6. различный, разный

7. infusibility                   7. неразложимый

8. exceedingly                 8. чрезвычайно, очень

9. modification                9. тугоплавкость, не плавкость

10. distinct                       10. молотый, измельченный


b) 1. рентгеновский              1. binder

2. широкий, обширный    2. allotropic   

3. связывающее вещество 3. resistant                           

4. восьмигранник              4. fine                                  

5. аллотропный                 5. X-ray                      

6. сушить                           6. bed   

7. стойкий, прочный         7. extreme    

8. чрезвычайный               8. bake      

9. пласт, залежь                 9. octahedron

10. мелкий                         10. extensive

XI. Match the words from the left column which the antonyms from the right one.

     a. to heat                                 1. presence

     b. combined                            2. to cool

     c. high                                     3. bad

     d. large                                    4. low

     e. good                                    5. free

     f. soft                                      6. small

     g. absence                               7. hard



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