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XVII. Find in the text the words from Latin or Greek origin.Содержание книги
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XVIII. Read the text again. Find the sentences with the following words or word combinations and translate them. derived from, holds its place, broad subdivisions, plant morphology, paleobotany, study of mosses, grasses
XIX. Insert the missing word. 1. Botany is a science which… living and extinct plants. 2. Systematic botany is a study of… and … of plants. 3. Mycology is a study of…, and algology is a study of … 4. Plant morphology is a study of the from a … of plants. 5. Paleobotany is a study of …plants.
XX. Translate into English, using Present Prefect Tense: 1. Ученые разделили сферу ботаники на 3 подразделения 2. Сегодня мы изучили текст «Ботаника» 3. Студенты узнали, что генетика изучает бактерии
XXI. Turn these sentences into negative and interrogative. XXII. Tick the sentences that are true and change the ones that are false. 1. Botany is derived from Italian language 2. The scope of botany may be summarized by 3 subdivisions 3. Plant physiology studies life processes. 4. Paleobotany studies fossil bacteria 5. Agrostology studies fossil plants
XXIII. Answer the questions. 1. Is botany derived from Greek “botany”? 2. What does the science deals with? 3. Is the scope of botany very large? 4. What are the main subdivisions of botany? 5. What are many specialized fields of botany? 6. What kind of botany is systematic botany? 7. What does plant morphology deal with?
XXIV. Make a short summary of the text. Use the following word combinations: to deal with broad subdivisions morphology of plants physiology of plants pathology of plants
XXV. Make up a scheme of the text XXVI. Retell the text Lesson II About plants
Rules of reading: Letter combination -ea. Grammar: Present Indefinite Passive. Text: About Plants. Assignments to do: Remember: The letter combination - ea is pronounced as [i:] e.g.: leaves, features, beat. The letter combination - ea is pronounced as [e] in the following words: read, spread, threaten, pleasant, measure, treasure.
I. Read the following words and translate them: read, leap, reason, mean, beat, peak, teach steak, cream, please, weak, leap.
Remind Grammar (look at grammar reference)
II. Answer the questions. What is the formula of present Passive? How does a regular verb form its Participle II? Where do we find Participle II from irregular verb? How is the verb “to be” conjugated in the Present Indefinite? When do we use Passive Voice?
III. Form Participle II from the following verbs and translate them: to make, to develop, to relate, to consist of, to live, to call, to complete.
IV. Translate the following verbs in the Passive Voice: to be made, to be developed, to be related, to be called, to be completed.
V. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Voice (Active or Passive): 1. We call them plants. 2. They are called plants. 3. Hydrogen is prepared by a method of organic chemistry. 4. D. L. Mendeleyev opened the Periodic Table. 5. All the chemical elements are placed in the Periodical Table.
VI. Translate into English. 1. Книга была выпущена в 1920 г. 2. Кислород и водород смешиваются в атмосфере. 3. Имя этого ученого известно во всем мире. 4. Она была приглашена на вечер. 5. Эксперименты были вчера проведены.
VII. Read and memorize the following words: a feature 1. черта, особенность. to relate 2. относиться, иметь ввиду. vegetative 3. растительный, вегетативный. to consist of 4. состоять из чего-л. flat 5. плоский. to absorb 6. впитывать, поглощать. to display 7. украшать. to list 8. вносить в список. length 9. длина, продолжение. annual 10. однолетний, годовой. biennial 11. двухлетний. perennial 12. многолетний. corn 13. зерно, зернышко. growing 14. растущий. to mature 15. созреть, вполне развиться. winter-wheat 16. озимая пшеница. the fall 17. осень. to anchor 18. закреплять, укреплять. a root 19. корень. a stem 20. ствол, стебель. a leaf 21. лист. a flower 22. цветок. a seed 23. семя, зерно.
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