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V. Write in Latin the names of remedies.Содержание книги
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cтрептоцид, парацетамол, гепарин, фибриноген, стугерон, панкреатин, окупресс, лидаза, апрессин, гидромецин, диклоксациллин, дикаин, корвалол, инсулин, нитроглицерин, резорцин, раунатин, резерпин, валидол, неодикумарин, папаверин, акрихин, пантоцид, ангиотензинамид, тетрациклин, пенициллин, хинин, брунеолицин, оливомицин, амидопирин, пиромекаин, кардиовален, фаза, рутин, роцефин.
VI. Latinize conventional generic names of import. Blaxena, Mexan, Tavegil, Locacorten, Cordox, Phrenolon, Digestal, Bromhexin, Phosphalugel, Radedorm, Falimint, Baralgin, Intestopan, Ocupress, Solcoderm, Zovirax.
VII. Read and memorize the following words and word-combinations: unique- единый traditional abbreviations - традиционные сокращения generic name- официальное название trade name- торговое название private- частная property- собственность is copy right- на него распространяется авторское право to capitalize- писать с заглавной буквы dose specifications- инструкция по дозировке prescription- рецепт dosage- дозировка subscription- подпись
VIII. Write the following words in plural: a drug, a physician, an abbreviation, a property, a patient, a medicine, a powder, a tablet
IX. Find the pairs of synonyms and remember them. at present, physician, medicine, doctor, today drug
X. Paraphrase the sentences using the synonyms. A more serious problem is the naming of drugs. Toda y all prescriptions are written in English. Name and address of the physician and his telephone number. Most drugs have several trade names because each company producing the drug gives it the same name.
XI. Find from the right column the equivalents of English words in the left one. dosage – собственность knowledge – частная private – знание property – дозировка unique – рецепт abbreviations – единый prescription – адрес address – лекарство medicine – сокращения XII. Translate the following word- combinations into English: официальное название специалист медицины название лекарств различные названия инструкция по дозировке
XIII. Give Russian equivalents. the prescription was unique names of drugs dosed drugs official name the chemical name the majority of physicians the language of prescriptions general public the dose effects of drug command for a patient the body of the prescription called subscription
XIV. Read the text and translate it. Do the tasks below.
The English prescription The language of the prescription was unique in Great Britain some half a century ago when all the names of drugs were Latinized. It was possible because the physician used only dosed drugs. Today all prescriptions are written in English. The only Latin which is used is few traditional abbreviations in the direction to the pharmacist and on the label. A more serious problem is the naming of drugs. In the old days, drugs had only one official name and drug companies did not have many trade names. At present, each drug has at least three names. They are the chemical name, the so-called generic name, and trade name. The chemical name is difficult to use and remember except for the simplest drugs because of its length and complexity. The trade and brand name is the private property of the drug company and is copy right. Most drugs have several trade names because each company producing the drug gives it a different name. It is common practice to capitalize6 the first letter of a trade name. The generic or official name is shorter than the chemical name, is public property and any drug manufacture may use it. There is only one generic name for each drug. The majority of physicians use trade names on prescriptions. Generic names should be used as the language of prescriptions. It is known to the specialists of medicine and pharmacy and it is not known to general public. For example, ampicillin – the generic name of a well known antibiotic; alpha-aminobenzyl P — its chemical name; Omnipen, Penbritin, Polycillin, etc. are its trade names. Dosage. It goes without saying that a prescription cannot be written without a very good knowledge of the dose effects of drugs. Each drug has its own dose specification dependent on pharmacological properties, metabolism of the drug. It should have the following information: Name and address of the physician and his telephone number. The title M.D. (Medical Doctor) should follow the physician's name to indicate that he or she is a physician. Usually at the top — patient's name, address, age and the date. Symbol Rx. This is about the same as "Dear Sir" on top of a letter. It comes from Latin and means a command for a patient "you take". The body of the prescription contains the name of the drug and the dose. Under the body of the prescription should be written the directions to the pharmacist. It is called subscription. In modern prescriptions it consists only of the form of the medicine (powder, tablet, capsules, etc.) and the number, of units. The directions to the patient as to how he should take the medicine. It is called the label or "signature".
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