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V. Translate the sentences, do grammar analysis:


1. I’m afraid I’ve forgotten my book at home

2. I’ve learnt the song. Could you listen to me?

3. Have you ever been to London?

4. He hasn’t received any letters from her this week

5. We have seen some good films recently

VI. Choose Present Perfect /Past Indefinite.

1. We didn’t/haven’t had a holiday last year

2. I lost/have lost my glasses, so. I can’t see.

3. Are you tired?- Yes, a little. I’ve painted/painted the ceiling today.

4. When I was a child, I was always/have always been late for school

5. Mom lost/has lost her car keys so we can’t open the door

VII. Read, translate and explain the usage of the Past Perfect.

1. When I came back, Dad wasn’t at home. He had gone out 20’minutes before.

2. I apologized I hadn’t phoned her.

3. Mr. Jackson said that he had already bought everything for lunch.

4. We had no car at that time because we had sold our old one. 

5. Hardly…I had gone to bed when the telephone rang.


VIII. Choose Past Perfect/Past Indefinite

1. I work up/had woken up early and got out of bed

2. We were late. The meeting started/had started an hour before

3. She was the most intelligent person I ever met/ had ever met.

4. That morning she went out after she phoned/had phoned somebody.

5. The sun set/had set and we went home.

IX. Put the verb into the Future Perfect and  translate the sentences:

1. Julia (finish) all her housework by 3 o’clock

2. He probably never (be) patient

3. By the time I come they (go)

4. They (have lunch) by the time we arrive


X. Read and memorize the new words:

1. to derive-происходить

2. to deal with – иметь дело с…

3. extinct - вымерший

4. to hold - занимать

5. a scope – охват, сфера

6. a subdivision - подразделения

7. an arrangement – расположение

8. fossil-ископаемый

9. fungi -грибки

10. algae-водоросли

11. moss- мох

12. a plant – растение

13. a herb- трава


XI. Write the following nouns in the plural.

subdivision, arrangement, fossil, moss, plant, herb.


XII. Memorize the following derivatives:

science, scientifical, scientific, scientist, botany, botanical, botanist, botanize, to derive, derived, derivatives, to divide, division, subdivision, divided.


XIII. Find in the right column the equivalents of English words in the left one.

a) 1.a herb                             иметь дело с чем-либо 

2.to derive                         наука

3. science                      трава

4. to deal with               сфера

5. to hold place             происходить

6. living                         вымерший

7. a scope                          занимать место

8. extinct                           подразделение

9. to summarize                суммировать

10. subdivision                 живой

b) 1.прикладной                  fungi

2. расположение             field

3. ископаемы                   study                                                        

4. водоросли                    moss

5. грибки                          disease

6. область                         grass

7. мох                                algae

8. трава                             applied

9. изучение                       fossil

10. болезнь                      arrangement 


XIV. Translate into English.


расположение и классификация растений, учение об, наука, имеющая дело с, грибки, мох, вымершие растения


XV. Translate into Russian.

derived from Greek, living and extinct plants, the scope of botany broad subdivisions, study of fossils, to deal with plants, to hold place


XVI. Read the text and translate it. Do the tasks below.


   Botany (derived from the Greek “botany” for a herb or a plant) is the science which deals with plants, living and extinct. Botany holds its place as a sciences parallel with zoology, physics, geology and other concrete sciences.

   The scope of botany, as a pure and as an applied science may be summarized by the main broad subdivisions:

    Systematic botany or taxonomy, a study of the arrangement and classification of plants;

    Plant morphology, a study of the life processes and functions of the plant and its organs.

    In addition to the three broad fields of botany there are many specialized ones such as plant pathology or phytopathology (study of plant disease), paleobotany (study of fossil plants), genetics (study of bacteria), mycology (study of fungi), algology (study of algae) bryology (study of mosses), agrostology (study of grasses) and other.


Ботаника (от греческого "​​ботаники" для травы или растения) это наука, которая занимается растений, живых и вымерших. Ботаника имеет свое место в качестве науки параллельно с зоологии, физике, геологии и других конкретных наук.
Объем ботаники, как чисто и как прикладная наука может быть обобщены основные широкий подразделений:
Систематическое ботаники или таксономии, изучение организации иклассификации растений;
Морфология растений, изучение жизненных процессов и функций растения и его органов.
В дополнение к трем широким областям ботанике существует множество специализированных, таких как завод патологии или фитопатологии (изучение болезней растений), палеоботаники (изучение ископаемых растений), генетика(изучение бактерий), микология (изучение грибов), альгологии (изученияводорослей) бриология (исследования мхов), учение о травах (изучение трав) и другие.



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