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XII. Find in the right column the equivalents of English words from the left one.Содержание книги
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invisible облака, тучи nutrition жизненный, жизненно важный cloud конденсировать germ распределять vital невидимый condense видимый distribute непрерывный visible тонкий fine микроб continual питание
XIII. Translate the following word combinations into English: состоит из, широко распространен, жидкая вода, лед или снег, бесцветная жидкость, жизненно важный, обычная вода, путем дистилляции, чистая вода, невидимый газ, при обычной температуре, химические вещества. XIV. Read the text and translate it. Do the tasks below.
Water Water is a compound substance which consists of two elements – hydrogen and oxygen. Water is widely distributed in nature in its states of aggregation – steam or aqueous vapor, liquid water, and solid ice or snow. At ordinary temperature pure water is a tasteless, odourless and colourless liquid. Water boils 100º under 760 mm pressure. Steam or water vapour is an invisible colourless gas that condenses to a visible cloud of small particles when it comes in contact with the atmosphere. Liquid water freezes at 0ºC into crystalline ice. Water plays a vital part in the nutrition of animals and plants. Water may be purified by boiling. The boiling will kill any germs, which may be present in water. Water is purified by distillation. The water is boiled in flask or boiler, and the steam is condensed back to the liquid condition by passage through a tube about which a continual steam of cold water flows. The liquid which distils or passes over is called the distillate. In chemical laboratories ordinary water is distilled in order to purify it for fine work with chemical substances. XV. Translate the following word combinations into Russian: consists of two elements, three states of aggregations, colourless liquid, aqueous vapour, visible cloud
XVI. Find in the text the sentences with the following words or word- combinations and translate them: hydrogen, widely distributed, colourless liquid, water boils, invisible, crystalline ice, purified by distillation, any germs, flask, passes over, chemical laboratories XVII. Fill in the gaps with prepositions: at, in, for 1. Clay contains up to 14 percent … combined water. 2. Sea-water contains a relatively large proportion … soluble salts. 3. Water boils … 100º under 760 mm pressure. 4. Hydrogen peroxide dissolves … water in all proportions. 5. Water is a compound substance which consists … two elements hydrogen and oxygen. 6. Liquid water freezes … 0ºC into crystalline ice. XVIII. Complete the sentences. 1. Water is widely distributed in nature in its states of aggregation – steam or aqueous vapor, … 2. At ordinary temperature pure water is a tasteless, … 3. Water plays a vital part in the nutrition … 4. Water may be … 5. The liquid which distils or passes over is … XIX. Tick the sentences which are true and false. Find the sentences which are not given in the text. 1. Вода – весьма распространенное вещество на земле. 2. Чистая вода представляет собой бесцветную прозрачную жидкость. 3. Почти ¾ поверхности земного шара покрыт водой, образующей океаны, моря, реки и озера. 4. Вода кипит при 100º С под давлением 760 мм. 5. Вода имеет очень большое значение в жизни животных и растений. 6. При нагреваний воды часть теплоты затрачивается на разрыв водородных связей. 7. Чистая вода очень плохо проводит электрический ток. 8. Вода очищается путем дистилляции.
XX. Translate the following sentences into Russian: 1. At ordinary temperature pure water is a tasteless, odourless and colourless 2. liquid. 3. Water can be decomposed by the electric current. 4. Water vapour is only 0.62 times as heavy as equal volume of air. 5. Fish contains about 80 percent of combined water. 6. Water under great pressure is a powerful solvent. 7. The chemical laboratories ordinary water is distilled in order to purify it for fine work with chemical substances.
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