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V. Paraphrase the sentences with the help of the equivalent of the modal verb “must” and make them negative and interrogative.


1. You must take a taxi.

2. He must hurry.

3. I must stay at home.

4. I must water the garden.

5. She must leave early.

6. You must get up early in the morning?

7. Arman must give my book back?

VI. Give the Past and the Future tenses of the following sentences.

1. You have to study well to be a good specialist.

2. They have to go home earlier today.

3. She has to be very tidy.

4. Doctors have to be very qualified.

5. Parents have to be attentive to their children.


VII. Remember the new words to the text.

ovary                                  завязь

fertilization                    оплодотворение

ovule                              семяпочка

aggregate                       сложный, соплодие

carpel                             плодолистик

shed                                   ронять

leave                              покидать

composite                      сложноцветный

join                                присоединять

single                             единый

sweet pea                       душистый горошек

poppy                            мак

butter cup                      лютик

fig                                 инжир

pineapple                      ананас

milberry                       шиповник

hop                               хмель

ripen                             зреть, созревать

harvest                          собирать

thresh                            молотить


VIII. Choose from the words above the names of the fruits and memorize them.


IX. Choose the right translation.

ovary                                ананас

fertilization                      молотить

ovule                                зреть, созревать

aggregate                         собирать

carpel                               хмель

shed                                 шиповник

leave                                инжир

composite                        сложный, соплодие

join                                  лютик

single                              мак

sweet pea                        единый

poppy                              семяпочка

butter cup                        плодолистик

fig                                   сложноцветный

pineapple                        оплодотворение

milberry                          присоединять

hop                                 покидать

ripen                               ронять

harvest                            душистый горошек

thresh                              завязь


X. Translate the following word-combinations:

after fertilization, from the ovules, aggregate fruits, each carpel, before harvesting, to join to form a single structure


XI. Read the text and translate it. Do the tasks below.



The fruit is complete structure formed by the ovary and neighbouring parts of the flower after fertilization has taken place. The fruit contains of seed, which develop from the ovules after fertilization.

The fruits of flowering plants take on many shapes and sizes and may be formed from one carpel or from many.

Each fruit may contain one or a number of seeds, which may be distributed direct from the plant or, more often, shed from the fruit after it has left the plant.

Fruits are of three kinds – simple, aggregate and composite.

Simple fruits, such as those of Sweet Pea and Poppy are formed from one carpel joined to form a single structure.

Aggregate fruits, of which the Butter-cup is a good example, are formed when each carpel gives rise to a fruitlet, and the fruit is therefore made up of a number or aggregate of fruitlets.

Composite fruits, of which there not many, are formed not from a single flower, but from many, for example a Fig, Pineapple, Mulberry and Hop.

Seeds should be collected when fully matured, that is when most of them have ripened, but if possible before fruits have opened. Fruits and seeds are generally dry before harvesting and especially before threshing


XII. Group the synonyms.

to complete, fertilization, to distribute, to give rise, to finish, to occure, to grow, pollination


XIII. Translate the following word-combinations:


structure formed by the ovary, neihgbouring parts of the flower, after fertilization, from the ovules, fruits of flowering plants, shape and size, number of seeds, may be distributed, shed from the fruit, simple and aggregate fruits, single structure, to give rise to a fruitlet;


образованная завязью, соседние части цветка, после оплодотворения, плоды цветущих растений, могут быть образованы с одним плодолистиком, могут быть распространены, сложные плоды, цветущие растения, прямо из растения


XIV. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Плод образуется завязью цветка.

2. В цветке происходит оплодотворение.

3. Плоды содержат семена.

4. Плоды цветущих растений принимают различные формы и размеры.

5. Семена и плоды имеют многочисленные приспособления к распространению в природе.

6. В медицине широко используют плоды для лечебных целей.



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