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VII . Translate into English.


1. Работа, выполненная им, заняла много времени.

2. Фрукты, содержащие витамины, очень полезны для здоровья.

3. Книги, написанные этим писателем, очень интересные.

4. Читая много книг, ты узнаешь все, что ты хочешь знать.

5. Студенты, сдавшие экзамен, уедут отдыхать.

6. Опыты, приведенные вами, многое доказали.


VIII. Read the following words and memorize them:

concern                                 касаться, иметь дело              

sexual                                   половой, сексуальный

reproductive                         воспроизводительный

angiosperm                           покрытосемянной

preliminary                           предварительный

calyx                                     чашечка цветка

corolla                                   венчик

stamen, stamina                    тычинка

pistil                                      пестик

pericarp                                 перикарпий (околоплодник)

receptacle                              цветоложе

delicate                                  тонкий, нежный

crown                                     корона

tint                                          оттенок

seed-producing                       семяпроизводящий

slender                                    тонкий, слабый

knob                                        стебель цветоножка, черешок

tip                                            кончик

thread                                      нить, нитка

filament                                   нить, тычинка 

anther                                       пыльник

germen                                     зародыш

style                                         род, сорт, столбик

stigma                                      рыльце

sepal                                            чашелистик

blossom                                    цветение

complete                                   полный, законченный

incomplete                                неполный

prior                                          до, прежде

pollination                                опыление


IX. Find the words of Latin origin in the text.


X. Find the Russian equivalents to the English words in the right column.

attract                                              1. венчик

receptacle                                        2. цветок

calyx                                               3. расти

corolla                                             4. держать

equally                                            5. пестик

flower                                             6. привлекать

pistil                                                7. околоплодник

grow                                                8. одинаково

hold                                                 9.чашечка

pericarp                                           10. цветоложе

incomplete                                       11. чашелистик

sepal                                                12. кончик

 petal                                                13. зародыш

crown                                               14. цветение

tip                                                     15. неполный

anther                                                16. нарост

blossom                                            17. корона

germen                                              18. чашечка цветка

calyx                                                 19. пыльник

stalk                                                   20. лепесток


XI. Memorize the derivatives.

to attract – attraction, attractive

equal – equally, equality

flower – flowered, flowering, flowery

to grow – growth, growing

to complete – incomplete

XII. Find the antonyms and translate them.

complete unfold regular uncrowned equal unripen uncultivated irregular different crowned uncut cultivated fold indifferent important incomplete ripe cut



XIII. Translate into Russian

 part of the plant

 formation of the flower

 fruits and seeds

 outer circle

 consists of six parts

 beautiful part of the plant

 seed-producing organs

 tube-shaped structure

 little crown

 from the Latin word

 at the top of the filament

 organ of the flower

 the seed producing part

 to consist of three parts

 the most essential harts

 stands between the calyx and corolla

 should be collected


XIV. Translate into English.

Часть растения                                               

Орган цветка

Внутренний орган

Семяпроизводящая часть

Состоит из

Самые существенные части цветка                                                                               Половое размножение

Образование цветка

Состоят из

Чашечка цветка


XV. Read and translate the text. Do the tasks below.



Flower is that of the plant which is concerned in the sexual reproductive process of angiosperms. The formation of the flower is preliminary to the production of fruit’s seeds.

The flower consists of six parts. They are the calyx the corolla, the stamens or stamina, the pistil or pointal, the pericarp and the receptacle.

The outer-most circle of the flower is called the calyx from the Latin word meaning cup. Its duty is to protect the more delicate parts and organs within. Within the calyx is the corolla, which has a Latin name meaning little crown. The corolla is that beautiful part of a flower which attracts our attention from the variety of its tints. Its duty is to protect still more the seed-producing organs in the centre.

Within the corolla there is a circle of slender stalks. Each of these has a small knob or long, tube-shaped structure and its tip. These stalks are called stamens from the Latin word meaning thread. They have two parts – the filament and anther.

The filament is the stem of the stamen. Its only duty is to hold up the knob at its top. The anther is a knob at the top of the filament.

The innermost organ of the flower is the pistil. It is the seed-producing part of the flower. The pistil consists of three parts: the germen or future seed-vessel; the style and the summit or stigma. The stamens and pistil form the most essential parts of a flower.

Neither sepals nor petals are directly involved in seed production.

The pericarp is in fact the germen grown to perfection. It varies considerably in form, size and substance.

The receptacle is the base or bottom part of the blossom. It generally stands between the calyx and corolla, and supports or connects all the remaining parts of a flower.

Flowers should be collected prior to or just about the time of pollination.


XVI. Find the sentences with the following words or word -combinations and translate them:

sexual reproductive process

six parts

calyx, corolla

circle of slender stalks

filament is the stem of

stamens & pistil




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