XXIV. Make up a plan of the text “Aloe” and retell it. 

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XXIV. Make up a plan of the text “Aloe” and retell it.


Lesson VII


Rules of reading: Letter combination: -ea

Word building: the suffixes -al, -ic,

Grammar: Past Simple Tense

Text: Senna

Assignments to do:


1. letter combination -ea, is usually pronounced as [i:] treat [tri:t] лечить

- ea, before d, th it’s pronounced as [e]:

ready - готовый; breath - дыхание,


2. suffixes -ic, -al, form the adjectives from the nouns:

e.g.: person лицо – personal личный

   base основание – basic основной


I. Read and translate the following words:

leaves, sea, weak, leave, head, already, health, death

Remind Grammar (look at grammar reference)

II. Read and remember the pronunciation of the following words and translate them:

teacher, special, habitual, cathartic, terminal, several, chrysophanic acid, readily, especially.


III. Answer the questions.

1. What groups are all the verbs divided into?

2. How is Past Indefinite formed?

3. How are the irregular verbs changed in the Past Indefinite?

IV. Write the Past Simple Tense of the verbs below.

     a) like  liked g) play …

     b) enjoy …   h) believe …

     c) travel …   i) arrive …

     d) study …   j) try …

    e) look …     k) receive …  

    f) dance …

V. Regular and irregular verbs.Complete this text about Amelia Earhart, using the correct form of the verbs:

Seventy years ago Amelia Earhart (1) was (be). America’s favourite woman. In 1932, she (2).......... (fly) across the Atlantic Ocean alone: the first woman to do this. Her journey (3).......... (start) in Newfoundland, Canada: Fifteen hours later, her Lockheed Vega airplane (4)..........(arrive) in Londonderry, Ireland. People all over the world (5).......... (want) to meet this incredible woman. She (6).......... (meet) King George V of England and (7).......... (become) friends with US President, Franklin D. Roosevelt. The American people (8)..........(love) her. Five years later, Amelia (9).......... (try) to fly around the World. An American University (10)..........(give) her $50,000 for a new Lockedheed electra airplane. On the morning of July 2nd 1937, Amelia and her co-pilot, Fred Noonan(11)..........(leave) Lae, in New Guinea, and (12).......... (begin) their journey to Howland Island in the

Pacific Ocean.


 VI. Complete the sentences in the Past Indefinite. Use verbs below.

graduate   study   change   try  start   die  end   live   help   walk

 1. My brother was at Glasgow University: he graduated last year.

 2. The Second World War … in 1939, and … six years later, in 1945.

 3. Elvis Presley – The King of Rock’n’Roll – … in 1977.

 4. There were no more buses, so I … home.

 5. When I was at school, my parents often … me with my homework.

 6. … French when I was at school, but I don’t remember very much now.

 7. I … to phone you last night, but there was no answer.

 8. When he was a young musician, Reg Dwight … his name to Elton John.

 9. The composer Chopin was born in Poland, but he … in France for many   



VII. Choose necessary form of the verb “to be” in the Present Indefinite.

a) The flowers.......... bright yellow in axillary racemes

     a) is very

     b) was

     c) are

     d) are very

b) The glycosides.......... readily soluble in water

     a) were

     b) is 

    c) are

     d) am


c) The legume.......... long, membranous tapering at the base

     a) are

     b) was

     c) is

     d) were


VIII. Read and remember the following words and write down them into your vocabulary:

     pinnate                     перистый

     mucronate                коротко остроконечный

     beneath                    внизу

     rasemes                    кисть

     legume                     боб, плод бобовых

     taper                         суживаться к концу, заостряться

     habitual                    привычный

     constipation            запор

     pod                           боб

     cathartic                   слабительный

IX. Find the pairs of antonyms.

low, bright, long, possible, high, dark, short, hot, oblique, thick, impossible, thin


X. Find in the right column the English equivalents of the following word-combinations:

     top                            сидячий

     raceme                      куст, кустарник

     shrub                            пазушный

     axillary                    суживаться к концу

     taper                         кисть

     downy                      боб

     oblique                    гладкий

     legume                     косой

     smooth                     опушенный

     sessile                       верхушка

XI. Rearrange the mixed – up letters to make words.

e.g. emgleu – legume


aresem –

brush –

aryixall –

repta –

toomhs –

elssesi –

atepinn –


 XII. Read the text and translate it. Do the tasks below.



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