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I. Read the following words, pay attention to the pronunciation and translate them:Содержание книги
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infections, medicamentous, nitrogenous, oxygenous, homogenous, coffeine, atropine, papaverine, codeine, noscapine.
Remind grammar (look at grammar reference) II. Answer the questions: 1. Which articles do you know? 2. Are articles written before nouns or other parts of speech? 3. Which cases is “an”, “a” article used in? 4. Which cases is “the” article used in? 5. Which cases is “zero” article used in?
III. Put an indefinite article where it's necessary. herb, ranch, plant, disease, material, drugs, scientist, feet, children, laboratory, pain, peace, pharmacist.
IV. Put “a, an” or “zero article” where it's necessary. 1. When I was … child I went to the kinder garden. 2. What … beautiful flower! 3. What's wrong with you? Have you got … headache? 4. Do you collect stamps? 5. Jane is … teacher. Her parents were … teachers too. 6. Do you enjoy going to… concerts? V. Put definite or indefinite article. 1. Excuse me, where is … bus station, please? 2. I’ve got … problem. Can you help me? 3. We live in … small flat near …city centre. 4. We had dinner in … most expensive. restaurant in town. 5. What is … name of that man?
VI. Put the definite article where it's necessary. 1. My favourite sport is … basketball. 2. … information we were given wasn’t correct. 3. Do you know … people who live next door. 4. Don’t sit on … grass. It’s wet after … rain. 5. Astana is … capital of RK. 6. … Everest was first climbed in 1953. 7. … Africa is much larger than … Europe. 8. … United Kigdom consists of …. Great Britain and … Nothern Greland. 9. … prof. Ivanov delivers lectures on History.
VII. Put a /an, the or zero articles. 1. I’m tired. I’m going to … bed. 2. I’ve been to … Brazil and … Argentina but Never been to … USA. 3. What’s your address? I live in … Green Road. 4. Such … lovely place! 5. A lot of people are giving up … smoking. 6. Which is your favourite colour? - … red.
VIII. Vocabulary notes. Read the international words and guess the meaning. a herb, impression, medicinal, papaver, codeine, papaverine, psychological, pharmacist, diphtheria, tuberculosis IX. Read and memorize the following words or word combinations: a herb - трава treatment - лечение disease - заболевание medicinal - лекарственный opium - опий papaver somniferum - мак снотворный codeine - кодеин papaverine - папаверин to relieve - снять pain - боль strychnine - стрихнин caffeine - кофеин atropine - атропин garlic - чеснок wound -рана microbe – микроб
X. Write the following nouns in the plural: medicine, disease, history, medicinal, effect, culture, drug, alkaloid.
XI. Find the pairs of antonyms or synonyms and remember them: to notice, disease, old, drug, to constitute, activity, dependent, to pay attention, illness, young, remedy, to compose, effect, independent various, different.
XII. Paraphrase the sentences using synonyms or antonyms: 1. He noticed that many ranchers used various plants in the treatment of some diseases. 2. The alkaloids of opium constitute about 25% by weight. 3. Most of the narcotic activity of opium was dependent upon morphine. 4. Old people need vitamins. XIII. Memorize the following pairs of derivatives: interest - interesting herb - herbals ripe - unripe papaver - papaverine effect - effective therapy - therapeutic infect – infection
XIV. Find in the right column the equivalents of English words in the left one: 1. treatment 1. трава 2. papaverine 2. рана 3. to relieve 3. кофеин 4. caffeine 4. микроб 5. garlic 5. лечение. 6. microbe 6. мак снотворный 7. wound 7. чеснок 8. pain 8. боль 9. papaver somniferum 9. папаверин
XV. Translate the following word combination into Russian: various plants, treatment of disease, medicinal use, sleeping drag, narcotic activity, to relieve pain, to affect microbes, to prescribe garlic.
XVI. Translate the following word combination into English: мак снотворный (лат.), снять боль, лекарственные растения, действие чеснока, лечение раны, cлово “отит”, чесночное масло, действовать на микробы.
XVII. Read the text and translate it. Do the tasks below. Nature’s medicines 1. My own interest in herbs began many years ago when I worked on a ranch and noticed that many of the ranchers and their families had often used various plants in the treatment of certain diseases. This made a deep impression on me and when I moved to the city I began searching for herb books and other related literature in order to learn as much as possible about use and history of medicinal plants. After reading and studying the available material I spent several years collecting rare, old, out-of-print medical herbals1 and made the acquaintance of many herbalists. 1 made several large albums containing the information learned from these herbalists and then began sorting the material and comparing it with the information contained in the current published materials and out-of-print medical herbals. 2. Many of our most useful drugs were known in antiquity long before the development of sciences. For example, the word “opium” comes from Greek. It is described as the dried material from unripe seed capsules of the opium poppy, papaver somniferum. The alkaloids of opium constitute about 25% by weight, and there are over 20 of them. However, only four — morphin, codeine, papaverine, and noscapine (narcotine)-have medicinal uses. Opium relieves pain and promotes sleep and induces a general feeling of peace and well-being. Its psychological effects were known to the ancient Babylonians and it was used in Egypt. In ancient Greek and Rome cultures it was used as a sleeping drug. In 1803 a German pharmacist, Sertürner isolated the chief alkaloid from opium and called it morphia (after Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams). Sertürner showed by experiments on dogs that most of the narcotic activity of opium was dependent upon morphine. It was the first alkaloid that was isolated from a plant. Shortly after strychnine, caffeine, atropine, etc. were separated as pure crystalline alkaloids. 3. The next widely used plant that was known to man 5000 years ago is garlic. At present it is used in the treatment of many diseases in a pure state or as a compound or mixture. Garlic was well known in ancient Egypt and thousands of slaves working on the great Cheops pyramid used garlic in food daily. In Bulgaria there is a surprising number of people who reach the age of 100 and are still active and working. In that country it is a common practice among the ordinary people to eat garlic regularly. Dioscorides, a Greek physician of the second century who accompanied the Roman armies as their official physician prescribed garlic for all lung and intestinal diseases occurring among the soldiers. Hippocrates added that it was effective as a laxative and diuretic. During World War II, thousands of tons of garlic were bought by the British government for treating the wounds of soldiers. Investigations by Russian scientist have made garlic oil so popular in their country that it is named as Russian Penicillin. Due to modern laboratories it can now be shown exactly how garlic affects microbes. It is well known that garlic is therapeutically useful for the following purposes: it is a powerful agent in preventing diphtheria, typhus, tuberculosis, pneumonia; it is useful in all respiratory infections, especially in symptoms of a dry hacking cough, in colds, asthma and bronchitis and in many other cases. It is an excellent nerve tonic.
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