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IV. Translate the following correlative pairs of words. State the meaning.↑ Стр 1 из 9Следующая ⇒ Содержание книги
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І семестр Варіант №1 I. Read the text and translate the first part in the written form: Job Hunting Resume I An excellent resume may help you get the job of your dreams and a poor resume may mean a lost opportunity. Since this is the first piece of information a company will receive about you, it is critically important that your resume be well-written. It should be presented at the beginning of any interview that you have with a company. Ideally, resume should not be longer than one page. Although resumes are personal documents there are some basic areas of information that most resumes include: 1. Personal information; 2. Job objective; 3. Education; 4. Experience; 5. Activities and/or professional affiliations; 6. Special interests and skills; 7. References.
The resume begins with PERSONAL INFORMATION, name, address, telephone number centered at the top page. After your address, a statement of intent or JOB OBJECTIVE should be written. This objective should be well thought out from the very beginning since it will influence the way you will write the rest of the resume. It should not be too general, eg: “To obtain a managerial position in a western company.” Think about your job search and career goals carefully, write them down in a way that shows you have given them much thought. For example: “Objective: To obtain a position in telecommunication that will allow me to use my knowledge of engineering and take advantage of my desire to work in sales”. Never include your desire to have a well-paid job in this statement. A focus on money in your resume’s first sentence will not make the best impression anywhere in the world, not just in Russia. After the statement of intent, describe your EDUCATION. List the universities, institutes and colleges you have attended in reverse chronological order. II Any studying you have done abroad should be included and courses that you have taken that are relevant. If you graduated with honors, you should definitely include this. A “red diploma” can be called “graduated with high honors” in English. Do not include your high school. Your working EXPERIENCE is the next section. List you experience starting with your most recent place of employment, your position, and the name of the company you worked for. Provide information about your responsibilities, emphasizing important activities by listing the most relevant to your objective. Do not use complete sentences! List your responsibilities in short statements that do not include the words “my” or “I”. Following experience, consider including COMMUNITY, COLLEGE and PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES being sure to indicate leadership positions held (i. e. committee chair person, vice president). You might briefly describe major projects undertaken, presentations given or special skills/knowledge you gained from your involvement. SPECIAL INTERESTS/SKILLS include foreign languages and specific computer knowledge, your favourite leisure activities and travel experiences. They can provide employer with a sense of your personality. When describing your language abilities, it is best to be honest about assessing your level, “Fluent English,” “native Russian,” “intermediate German”, and “beginning French” are all ways to describe your language abilities. The last section of you resume is the REFERENCE section. List at least two people, not related to you, who can describe your qualification for the job. Their names, titles, places of work, and telephone numbers should be included. If you do not have space on your resume for this, write “Available upon request.” You will then be expected to give this information to a prospective employer if it is requested. The style and format of a resume are extremely important. Your resume must be typed, preferably on a computer in order to format it most effectively. A neat and well-written resume with no spelling mistakes will give an employer the impression that you are accurate and take care of details. II. Add the suffixes –er, -or to the following verbs. Translate the nouns into Ukrainian: - er to buy, to produce, to sell, to teach, to write;
- or to visit, to direct, to translate. III. Translate the following nouns and state what they denote: 1) colonist, tourist, revisionist; 2) geologist, violinist, botanist, pianist; 3) royalist, modernist, nationalist, separatist.
IV. Translate the following correlative pairs of words. State the meaning.
- employer – employee - interviewer – interviewee - payer – payee - trainer – trainee - voter – votee
V. Suggest the English equivalents for: : - Високооплачувана робота;
VI. Suggest the Ukrainian equivalents for:
- personal information; - job objective; - to obtain a managerial position; - emphasizing important activities; - activities and professional affiliations; - major projects; - travel experiences; - available upon request; - format of a resume.
VII. Fill out the blanks with prepositions or adverbs where necessary. 1) Spell… the exact dates of employment. 2) It should be presented… the beginning of any interview. 3) It is best to be honest… assessing your level. 4) The resume begins… Personal Information. 5) If you graduated… honours, you should definitely include it. 6) Name, address are centered…the top of the page. 7) Give the full name of the company you worked… 8) The job objective should be well thought… from the very beginning. 9) The resume should be typed… a computer. 10) List the places you studied at… reverse order. 11) An applicant should take great care… details. 12) There are several ways… looking… a job.
VIII. Express the following sentences in English. 1. Резюме повинно бути добре написано. Це перша інформація, яку компанія отримує про вас.
IX. Study the following resume carefully. RESUME Name: Emily Alison Biggins Address: 47 Putney Hill London SW164QX Tel: London 475 78 65 Age of birth: 15 July 1970 Marital status: Single Nationality: British Objective To secure a part-time position that offers a variety of tasks, in which to use my secretarial skills and knowledge of foreign languages. Education Dates: 1987 – 1992 College: South Thames College, London. Qualifications: Secretarial Courses; Shorthand Grade 2; Typing Grade 3. Dates: 1993 –1994 College: Oxleigh Secretarial College, College Road, Oxleigh. Qualifications: Secretarial Skills Refresher Course: Shorthand (90 w. p. m.); Typing (60 w. p. m.). Book-keeping Grade One. Word-processing. Employment Dates: 1995 – to present Company: Philip Wilson Publisher Ltd. Position: Secretary to the Sales Manager. Responsibilities: Taking shorthand; typing and maintaining diaries, office support, etc. Other Skills & Occupations I now work regularly as a volunteer for the Red Cross. I also have a clean driver’s license and a good knowledge of Spanish and French. My personal interests include classical literature reading, independent travel, modern jazz and swimming. References References are available on request.
I семестр Варіант №2 I. Read the text and translate it in the written form: Nelly Bennet decided to apply for a job of Personal Assistant/Secretary at Compact Systems. So she sent her curriculum vitae, the names of two referees and a cover letter, giving her ideas about what makes a good PA/secretary. A few days later she received a reply inviting her for an interview.
PM: Personnel Manager MM: Marketing Manager HB: Nelly Bennett PM: Come in. Ah, good morning Miss Bennett. Thank you for coming. HB: Good morning. PM: Please sit down. HB: Thank you. PM: Can I introduce you to Alice Everett, our Marketing Manager. HB: How do you do? MM: How do you do? PM: And I am Sheila Polson, the Personnel Manager. So, Miss Bennett, did you find us easily this morning? HB: Yes, it’s an easy route from where I live in Southtown. PM: And do you have your own car? HB: Yes, I have. PM: Good. Can we check on a few of your personal details? You were born in 1973, is that right? HB: Yes, 3rd September 1973 to be exact. PM: And you’re single. HB: Yes, I am. PM: OK. Can we move on to your education now? You’ve got four “O” levels including English language? HB: That’s right. PM: Thank you, very much, Miss Bennett. Alice, would you like to continue? MM: Yes, certainly. Miss Bennett, can you tell us a little bit about where you have worked before? HB: Well, my last job was with Format. MM: And you were a PA there? HB: Yes, that’s right. MM: And when did you start with them? HB: Two years ago. MM: I see. So why did you decide to leave? HB: Well, perhaps you heard that the company went into liquidation earlier this year. MM: Yes, we heard about it. PM: So what did you like about that job? HB: Well, my job was PA to the Marketing Manager. What I enjoyed most was coming into contact with customers and suppliers both face-to-face and on the phone. MM: And where did you work before Format? HB: Ideal Systems. MM: And how long did you work for Ideal System? HB: For ten years, as a secretary. PM: And why did you leave that job? HB: Well, I felt that I needed a change. I think I had learnt all I could there. MM: Going back to Format. Who did you work for there? HB: A man called Peter Smith. Do you know him? MM: We’ve met. OK, that’s enough on work experience. Do you have any word-processing experience? HB: Yes, as a secretary at Ideal Systems I used a word-processing system designed by the company. It was called “Word”. MM: And what about Format? That was also a computer company, wasn’t it? HB: Yes, that’s right. MM: So how much experience do you have of working in computer companies? HB: Well, two years at Format and ten at Ideal Systems. Oh, and I also had some work experience with a software company while I was at college. PM: What secretarial qualifications did you get while you were at college? HB: Well, I’ve got two secretarial qualifications. I’ve got RSA Stage III Typing. PM: So your typing should be pretty good? HB: Well, in Fact I didn’t do much typing at Format. I’ve got an RSA in shorthand. PM: And which qualification exactly? HB: The RSA 100… so 100 words per minute. PM: Fine. And one final questions. If we decided to offer you the job, when could you start? HB: Oh, I could start immediately or as soon as you wanted me to. PM: Fine. I think that’s everything. Have you got any questions? HB: Well, I think it’s enough.
Notes RSA is the Royal Society of Arts which offers secretarial qualifications in different subjects at different levels. PA means Personal Assistant.
III. After the interview it is appropriate to write a Thank-You letter to the interviewers. A Thank-You letter will enhance your candidacy for the position. Read and translate the following letter in the written form.
Thank-You Letter Sample Mrs. Lori Roberts Director of Personnel Johnston Corporation Austin, Texas 78777 Dear Mrs Roberts: Thank you for your time and attention during my interview with you last week. I appreciated the opportunity to discuss my qualifications and aspirations with you. I hope that all questions were answered to your satisfaction however, I would be happy to supply any further information you may need. I am very interested in the growth potential of the position we discussed, and I hope you will consider me as a serious candidate. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Sincerely yours, Jeanne Nguyen 1730 Green Street Austin, Texas 78776 (512) 554-1730
X. Choose the right word. “job” – anything that one has to do; task, duty. “position” – person’s place or rank in relation to others in employment, in society, job, employment. “occupation” – that which chiefly engages one’s time; one’s trade. 1. We went to the manager in order to formally ask… 2. Knitting is a useful… for long winter evenings. 3. My sister occupies an important… in the Department of Health. 4. He had a hard… painting the car. 5. He was unemployed doing only odd… 6. My friend applied for a… of assistant Manager.
I семестр Варіант №3 The letterhead
The letterhead expresses a firm's personality. It gives the name and address of the firm, telephone numbers, telegraphic addresses, the telegraphic codes, fax numbers, and states the company's business. For companies registered in the United Kingdom with limited liability the word Limited (Ltd) must form part of the name. Companies formed with limited liability in the United States use the word INC The Date
Always type the date in full, in the logical order of day, month, year, thus: 12th October 19.. Example: Date: 20th September 19.. Miss E. Hughes, 100 South Street, PURLEY, Surrey, CR2 4TJ. Dear Miss Hughes, Inside name and address The usual practice is to write the name and address of one's correspondent at the head of the letter, though it is sometimes placed at the foot, in the bottom lefthand corner, in official (i.e. Government) correspondence. Where the head of department is known, address the letter to him by his official title, thus: The Sales Manager The Hercules Engineering Co Ltd Brazennose Street MANCHESTER M 60 8 AS All the names must be spelled correctly. To address T.B. Cartside as T.B. Carside is impolite. (a) Courtesy titles The courtesy titles used in correspondence are Mr, Mrs, Miss, Messrs. When your correspondent has a special title, such as Doctor, Professor, Colonel. Sir, he is addressed by his title and Mr must not be used. We write, Dr J. Brown. Prof. L. Carter, CoL W. John-son, Sir Arnold Plant. (b) Foreign correspondence When you write letters to other countries, always include the name of the country, even if the town mentioned is the country's capital. The Vice President The Eagle Press Inc 24 South Bank BOSTON Mass 02116 USA The salutation This is the greeting with which every letter begins. The usual greeting in a business letter is Dear Sir, but others are used too. For example: Dear Madam (for both single and married women); Dear Sirs (when a company is addressed); When your correspondent is unknown to you and may be either a man or a woman, always use the form Dear Sir. These are the formal openings normally used, but at the present time, especially if your correspondent is known to you personally, or if you have traded with him for some time the warmer and more friendly greeting, Dear Mr..., is then preferred. The greetings Sir, Madam and Gentlemen are very formal and are now seldom used in English business letters, though Gentlemen is usually preferred by American writers. The message This forms the body of the letter and is the part that is really important. Before you begin to write or dictate, ask yourself the following questions: (i) What is the purpose of this letter? (ii) What do I hope to get by it? (iii) What is the best way to write it? Don't waste words on unnecessary remarks. Keep your sentences and paragraphs short and start a new paragraph for each new point of your Letter. Short sentences and paragraphs provide easier reading and are easy to understand. The complimentary closure The complimentary closure is a matter of tradition and a polite way of ending a letter which must suit the occasion and reflect the relations between the parties.
Yours truly is rather less formal than Yours faithfully, but it is now little used. Do not end letters with I am, We are, I remain, etc; These phrases are as old-fashioned, as sentences introduced by Thanking, Hoping and similar participles. Signature Always sign your letters by hand, in ink and in the same style. One must not sign Eric Castle on one occasion and E. Castle on another. A signature must not carry a title. Do not, for example, sign as Mr J. Plaft or Professor R. Butler. There is one exception to this: a woman writing to a stranger should indicate whether she is married or single and may do so by adding (Mrs) or (Miss) in brackets in front of her signature thus: (Miss) Alice H Brooks If a married woman in business wants to be known by her unmarried name she must of course be addressed as Miss, e.g. Dear Miss Thompson Because many signatures are not clear, it is good modern practice to type the name of the signer and to place his signature immediately above it, thus: H.W. Webster (From: Model Business Letters by L. GARTSIDE).
II. Answer the following questions to the text: 1. What are the parts of the business letter? 2. How do the English and the American write the opening salutation? 3. What does the letterhead comprise? 4. Why is it important to spell the names correctly? 5. When are the warmer and more friendly greetings preferred? What are they? 6. What questions should one be able to answer before one begins to write or dictate a letter? 7. What is the complimentary closure? 8.What should one remember when signing a business letter? 9.Which parts of the business letter are optional?
III. Find English for the following Ukrainian equivalents: -заголовок листа (шапка),
IV. Suggest Ukrainian equivalents for: Yours faithfully, Yours sincerely, formal openings, unnecessary remarks, each new point of your letter, sign your letter by hand, unmarried name, immediately above, at the head of the letter, placed at the boot (of the letter), to state the company’s business, keep your sentences and paragraphs short, a matter of tradition, to refute the relations between the parties. PRENTICE-HALL, INC. ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS, NJ. 07632 Your reference 12 Our reference MS/AP/101 17 August 2001 Ms Sheila Jones The Modem School for Secretaries 12 Hamngton Place Greenpoint N.Y. 10020 USA Dear Ms Jones: RE: The Style of Setting up a letter. You asked me if there is any one style of setting up a letter that is used more than the others. Probably more business concerns use the block style of letter than any other style, because its marginal uniformity saves time for the typist The inside address in such letters is blocked and the paragraph beginnings are aligned with the left margin. Open punctuation is used in the address. The date and reference lines are flush with the right margin. The date line is two spaces below the letterhead, and the reference line is two spaces below the date line. The complimentary close begins slightly to the right of the center of the page. Both lines of the signature are aligned with the complimentary close. As the dictator's name is typed in the signature, it is not considered necessary to include his or her initials in the identification line. Sincerely Yours M. Scott Martha Scott Correspondence Chief Accounting Department Enclosure: Order №34 Cc M Pryor, Accounts Manager Notes: 1. business concerns – фірми, підприємства; 2. marginal uniformity – однакове розташування тексту щодо поля; 3. the inside address…is blocked – внутрішня адреса представлена у вигляді блоку (тобто єдиного цілого, оформленого за певними правилами); 4. identification line – розшифровка підпису (тобто рядок в якому розшифровується підпис).
X. Choose the right word. “job” – anything that one has to do; task, duty. “position” – person’s place or rank in relation to others in employment, in society, job, employment. “occupation” – that which chiefly engages one’s time; one’s trade. 1. We went to the manager in order to formally ask… 2. Knitting is a useful… for long winter evenings. 3. My sister occupies an important… in the Department of Health. 4. He had a hard… painting the car. 5. He was unemployed doing only odd… 6. My friend applied for a… of assistant Manager.
I семестр Варіант №4 AGREEMENTS The term «agreement», like the term «treaty» itself, is used in a number of senses. In a generic sense, it covers any meeting of minds. In a restricted sense, the term “agreement” means an agreement intended to have an obligatory character but usually of a less formal nature than a treaty. Like treaties, agreements in this restricted sense may be concluded between Heads of State, between States or between Governments. Agreements are frequently concluded by exchange of notes, sometimes referred to as «letters». In such cases, the representative of one government sends the representative of another government a note setting forth the arrangements proposed or to be agreed upon. The reply agrees to and frequently repeats the terms of the first note. А temporary or working arrangement made in order to bridge over some difficulty pending a permanent settlement is usually referred to as modus vivendi. This type of a temporary arrangement is made in a most informal way and does not require ratification. Commercial agreements of a temporary nature have often been entered into in the form of a modus vivendi by the United States as well as Great Britain.
DECLARATIONS The term "declaration" usually denotes a treaty that declares existing law with or without modification, or creates new law. It may, however, be pointed out that not all declarations are to be regarded as treaties, as they do not create contractual obligations between two or more states. Although sometimes declarations (i.e. legally binding agreements) are important international agreements in themselves, they are more often appended to a treaty or convention to form a subsidiary compact, or to place on record some understanding reached or some explanation given. A mere general statement of policy and principles cannot be regarded as intending to give rise to a contractual obligation in the strict sense of the word. Ministers for Foreign Affairs, even heads of government or heads of stale, now frequently meet for a few days, even for a few hours, to discuss policies and problems of common interest to their countries. These meetings lead to what is sometimes known under the traditional term of "Declaration" or "Communique".
PROTOCOLS The term «protocol» designates different kinds of official documents recording, in an authoritative and solemn manner, the results of a negotiation. The form is very flexible. In the field of international agreements, the term «protocol» is most often used to designate particular agreements, less formal than a treaty or convention, which supplement a basic agreement. Protocols are also frequently used to amend multilateral international agreements or to prolong their existence, "the Covenant of the League of Nations, for example, was amended in various articles by a series of protocols. If, after the conclusion of the negotiation and before the treaty is signed, the high contracting parties desire to add new stipulations, the form of an "additional protocol" may be used. This is then signed on the same day and in the same form as the principal text. Additional protocols are, however, sometimes signed and ratified on later dates.
VII. Suggest Ukrainian equivalents for: in a generic sense binding character applied more or less indiscriminately upon the will and convenience of the parties contractual obligations international agreements by whatever names called.
VIII. Suggest English equivalents for:
вживається у зв'язку з... бути пов'язаним договором
I семестр Варіант №5 DIPLOMATIC COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN STATES I One major and, in fact, increasingly important aspect of diplomatic work is the drafting of diplomatic documents. There are many different forms of official diplomatic documents. A considerable proportion consists of documents that are of a purely intradepartmental nature. Another category of diplomatic documents are those through which official international intercourse goes on in written form. Such documents express the position, of a state on a particular question of international affairs. A large number of diplomatic documents are never published owing to the insignificance of their subject matter (for instance, notes requesting visas). But a fairly large proportion of diplomatic documents, particularly those relating to important international problems, are made public. 2. Until recently diplomatic practice distinguished the following five forms of written official communications: (1) personal notes, (2) verbal notes (notes verbales), (3) aides-memoire, (4) memoranda, and (5) semi-official letters. A personal note takes the form of a letter drawn up in the first person on behalf of its signatory. It begins with a salutation and ends with a complimentary phrase, that is, a standard expression of polite respect. A verbal note is considered to be the most commonly used form of diplomatic communication. It is drawn up in the third person and is not usually signed. It begins and ends with standard formulas of courtesy. Until fairly recently the choice of the form of note, signed or unsigned, was regarded as a definite indication of the state of relations between the countries concerned. Nowadays verbal notes have become part and parcel of the international intercourse, and no one would now regard a verbal note sent to an embassy as a display of any ill will. II The aide – memoire is an informal summary of a diplomatic interview or conversation which serves merely as an aid to memory; usually left at the foreign office by the ambassador or minister concerned at the foreign office. A memorandum may be a separate and independent document or it may be appended to a personal note or a verbal note. In the latter case the memorandum elaborates and justifies the subject matter dealt with in the note. The 65 distinguishing feature of a memorandum is a detailed exposition of the factual or legal aspects of a particular question. Semi-official, or informal, letters are sent to officials, with whom one is acquainted, in cases involving personal favours (thanks for an invitation, a request for assistance) or relating to administrative matters. 3. By their content diplomatic documents, whatever their form (notes, declarations, aides-memoire, etc.), may be classified as follows: a) documents containing proposals; b) documents registering a protest; c) documents warning of possible measures of retaliation; d) documents establishing a political or international legal position in respect of an act committed by another state or states or in respect of an international event; e) documents announcing measures contemplated or implemented, which are of international significance; f) documents recording an agreement or a degree of accord reached.
Naturally, this classification is in some respect conditional, since in practice any diplomatic document may combine several of the above-mentioned characteristics. Even in that case, however, one of the meanings seems to be predominant. It is customary in diplomatic correspondence to observe the rules of tact and politeness, to avoid harsh expressions wounding to the dignity of the country to which a diplomatic document is addressed.
I семестр Варіант №6
A career in Business Many office workers dream of working their way up to the top from messenger to president of the corporation. The way lies through middle management positions. Middle management includes junior executives, who may recommend action to management or see the company’s policies for their companies, especially those that involve finances. The top managers of the large corporations have a great deal of power and influence. It is still possible to start out at the bottom and go all the way to the top. Because the financial operation of business is so important, some accountants become top executives. In companies where technology is important, people with engineering background can also rise to the top. Nowadays, however, education plays a central role in the selection of men and women for management jobs. Many US universities have courses in business administration. The graduates of these courses often start out in middle management jobs. From there they can easily be promoted if they show the necessary personality and ability.
II. Find the English equivalents: Пройти шлях; посильний, кур'єр; молодший керуючий; зачіпати фінанси; мати багато влади і впливу; підвищувати на посаді; кваліфікований бухгалтер; управління підприємницькою діяльністю.
I семестр Варіант №7
World Exhibition The first world industrial exhibition was held in London in 1851. It was a great success. It displayed exhibits of 40 participating nations and the number of visitors reached over 6 million. Since then world industrial exhibitions have had a colourful history. Many such events have been held, some of them on a large scale. They have changed not only in size and scale, but also in character and overall purpose. Such events provided opportunities for exchanging scientific, technological and cultural achievements of the people of Europe, America, Australia, Asia and Africa.Beginning with the early 60s, international expositions began to take new forms, trying to emphasize not only technological progress, but also other aspects of life. They became festivals of industry and culture. In our country international specialized exhibitions are organized by different trade fair organizing firms. The companies organize international specialized exhibitions, presentations, seminars, training programmes, Industrial Trade Fairs, etc. The events cover all sectors influencing the national economy including agriculture, machine tool construction, metal working and woodworking, national construction and food industry. Such fairs and exhibitions provide an opportunity to establish profitable contacts and promote mutual understandind among different nations.
I семестр Варіант №8
Staying at a Hotel As I’m the manager of the company I often go on business trips to visit our trade partner’s manufacturing plants in London. When the plane lands at Heathrow airport I go through passport control and check my luggage at the Customs house. A representative of our Trade Delegation meets me at the airport and takes me to the Embassy Hotel. It’s a comfortable Hotel in the centre of London. Prices for the rooms are reasonable and the hotel is usually full, so the rooms are reserved in advance. It takes us about half an hour to get to the hotel At the reception desk we address the receptionist and say that we have reserved accommodation for Mr.Petrov at the hotel. The receptionist checks the reservation and informs us that one single room with private bath is reserved for Mr.Petrov from this day. The room is on the third floor, number 301. We thank our receptionist and fill in the following form: Surname___________________ First name _________________________- Nationality__________________ Date of birth _______________________ Occupation _________________ Place of birth ______________________ Date of arrival in London_______ Address ________________ Length of stay______________ The receptionist thanks us and gives me the key to my room. He calls the porter and asks him to take me up to my room in the lift. The receptionist asks me not to miss breakfast serveв from 7.30 to 8.30. He also warns mе that the hotel charges include breakfast and maid-service and I don’t have to give any tips to the maids. The receptionist wishes me to enjoy my stay at the hotel.
II. Translate into English. Замовити номер заздалегідь; комфортабельний готель; готель зазвичай переповнений; службовець готелю; номер з однією кімнатою; коридорний (портьє); провести в номер; плата за номер в готелі; включати сніданок і послуги покоївки; давати чайові.
III. Answer the following questions to the text. 1. Why do businessmen have to stay at hotels? 2. Who makes arrangements for a businessman’s stay at a hotel? 3. Why are visitors asked to fill in the form? 4. What do visitors write in the form? 5. Have you ever stayed at a hotel?
I семестр Варіант №9
II. Translate into English. Оцінювати ситуацію з усіх боків; написати діловий лист; включати подробиці; купувати товар; відхилювати запит; ризикувати іміджем компанії; готовність продовжувати ділові відносини; при особистій зустрічі; товари, які є в наявності. Letter 1 I am writing to you regarding our invoice JAC/68. According to our records the invoice, which fell due last Friday, is still outstanding. We feel sure that this is a simple oversight on your part. As you will remember, we offered you 10 % discount on condition that you paid our invoice within thirty days. Therefore, unless we receive payment within five working days we shall be obliged to issue a new invoice for the full amount of the goods supplied. We look forward to receiving your remittance. If, in the meantime, you have already settled the original invoice please disregard this letter. Letter 2 I am writing to you once again concerning the invoice which remains outstanding. We have received no reply to our previous requests for payment dated 12 July and 19 July. On purchasing the equipment you benefited from a 10% discount on our list price on condition that you undertook to settle within thirty days of receipt of our invoice. However, as of today, your account is ninety days in arrears. As a gesture of goodwill I am prepared to give you a final opportunity to settle your account. However, unless we receive full payment within the next days, we will initiate proceedings to recover the debt, which will involve you in considerable legal costs.
I семестр Варіант №10 What is a Corporation?
A business corporation is an institution established for the purpose of making profit. It is formed as a result of the efforts of one or more persons called promoters. Corporation is operated by individuals. Their shares of ownership are represented by stock-certificates. A person who owns stock-certificates is called stockholder. Stockholders indirectly control the affairs of a corporation by electing the directors. They form a corporation’s board of directors. There are several advantages of the corporate form of ownership. The first is the ability to attract financial resources. The next advantage is the corporation attracts a large amount of capital it can invest it in plants, equipment and research. And the third advantage is that a corporation can offer higher salaries and thus attract talented managers and specialists. There are different forms of corporations such as a private corporation, a nonprofit corporation and a public service corporation. A private corporation is established by private citizens for a business and profit. A nonprofit corporation is organized for a social, charitable or educational purpose. Usually such corporation does not issue stocks and is nonprofit. If there is a profit it is reinvested in the company rather than distributed to private stockholders. Finally, a public service corporation (also called a public utility) is generally a private company that furnishes an essential public service. Electric, gas and water companies are examples. BUSINESS DOCUMENTS
RESUME Name: Emily Alison Biggins Address: 47 Putney Hill London SW164QX Tel: London 475 78 65 Age of birth: 15 July 1970 Marital status: Single Nationality: British Objective To secure a part-time position that offers a variety of tasks, in which to use my secretarial skills and knowledge of foreign languages. Education Dates: 1987 – 1992 College: South Thames College, London. Qualifications: Secretarial Courses; Shorthand Grade 2; Typing Grade 3. Dates: 1993 –1994 College: Oxleigh Secretarial College, College Road, Oxleigh. Qualifications: Secretarial Skills Refresher Course: Shorthand (90 w. p. m.); Typing (60 w. p. m.). Book-keeping Grade One. Word-processing. Employment Dates: 1995 – to present Company: Philip Wilson Publisher Ltd. Position: Secretary to the Sales Manager. Responsibilities: Taking shorthand; typing and maintaining diaries, office support, etc. Other Skills & Occupations I now work regularly as a volunteer for the Red Cross. I also have a clean driver’s license and a good knowledge of Spanish and French. My personal interests include classical literature reading, independent travel, modern jazz and swimming. References References are available on request.
Thank-You Letter Sample Mrs. Lori Roberts Director of Personnel Johnston Corporation Austin, Texas 78777 Dear Mrs Roberts: Thank you for your time and attention during my interview with you last week. I appreciated the opportunity to discuss my qualifications and aspirations with you. I hope that all questions were answered to your satisfaction however, I would be happy to supply any further information you may need. I am very interested in the growth potential of the position we discussed, and I hope you will consider me as a serious candidate. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Sincerely yours, Jeanne Nguyen 1730 Green Street Austin, Texas 78776 (512) 554-1730
ДОВІРЕНІСТЬ 1) I/We, the undersigned, ___________________________________
____________________________________________________________ do hereby appoint _____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ as my/our lawful attorneys with full power of substitution and revocation to _______________in my/our favour and further empower said attorneys to take all steps, as said attorneys may find it necessary under ________________________________________________________________ as far as __________________________________________is concerned. Dates this__________ day of ___________________________20 ∗∗∗ 2) I/We entrust ____________________________________________
or any one they may appoint in their stead to act on my/our behalf in everything concerning ______________________________________________ I/We acknowledge and ratify any act done by the said Appointee in respect of_______________________________________________________________ ∗∗∗ 3) Messrs. _______________________________________________
in person of __________________________________________________ by this power of attorney authorized_______________________________ to represent us in any proceedings before ___________________________ courts and institutions incidental to arbitration proceedings between our firm and ________________________________________________________ This power of attorney is valid up to _______________________________
HOTEL RESERVATION FORM Бланк бронювання готелю Hotel “ name ” has following accommodation possibilities: Double room category A ($……….), category B ($……….) Single room category A ($………..), category B ($………..) Prices are for accommodation with breakfast (service and tax included). As the number of single rooms is very limited, sharing a room by two persons may be necessary. Deadline for reservation __________________________________ I order a room from ___________________ to ________________ Number of nights ________________________________________ Double room category A __________________________________ Double room category B __________________________________ Single room category A ___________________________________ Single room category B ___________________________________ Age _________ (when sharing a room with someone about my age is preferred) Name _________________________________________________ I will arrive by private car (yes, no) __________________________ If booking cannot be made at the requested price, please reserve in the next available (higher, lower) category. Date ____________________ Signature _____________________ APPENDIX CUSTOMS DECLARATION І семестр Варіант №1 I. Read the text and translate the first part in the written form: Job Hunting Resume I An excellent resume may help you get the job of your dreams and a poor resume may mean a lost opportunity. Since this is the first piece of information a company will receive about you, it is critically important that your resume be well-written. It should be presented at the beginning of any interview that you have with a company. Ideally, resume should not be longer than one page. Although resumes are personal documents there are some basic areas of information that most resumes include: 1. Personal information; 2. Job objective; 3. Education; 4. Experience; 5. Activities and/or professional affiliations; 6. Special interests and skills; 7. References.
The resume begins with PERSONAL INFORMATION, name, address, telephone number centered at the top page. After your address, a statement of intent or JOB OBJECTIVE should be written. This objective should be well thought out from the very beginning since it will influence the way you will write the rest of the resume. It should not be too general, eg: “To obtain a managerial position in a western company.” Think about your job search and career goals carefully, write them down in a way that shows you have given them much thought. For example: “Objective: To obtain a position in telecommunication that will allow me to use my knowledge of engineering and take advantage of my desire to work in sales”. Never include your desire to have a well-paid job in this statement. A focus on money in your resume’s first sentence will not make the best impression anywhere in the world, not just in Russia. After the statement of intent, describe your EDUCATION. List the universities, institutes and colleges you have attended in reverse chronological order. II Any studying you have done abroad should be included and courses that you have taken that are relevant. If you graduated with honors, you should definitely include this. A “red diploma” can be called “graduated with high honors” in English. Do not include your high school. Your working EXPERIENCE is the next section. List you experience starting with your most recent place of employment, your position, and the name of the company you worked for. Provide information about your responsibilities, emphasizing important activities by listing the most relevant to your objective. Do not use complete sentences! List your responsibilities in short statements that do not include the words “my” or “I”. Following experience, consider including COMMUNITY, COLLEGE and PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES being sure to indicate leadership positions held (i. e. committee chair person, vice president). You might briefly describe major projects undertaken, presentations given or special skills/knowledge you gained from your involvement. SPECIAL INTERESTS/SKILLS include foreign languages and specific computer knowledge, your favourite leisure activities and travel experiences. They can provide employer with a sense of your personality. When describing your language abilities, it is best to be honest about assessing your level, “Fluent English,” “native Russian,” “intermediate German”, and “beginning French” are all ways to describe your language abilities. The last section of you resume is the REFERENCE section. List at least two people, not related to you, who can describe your qualification for the job. Their names, titles, places of work, and telephone numbers should be included. If you do not have space on your resume for this, write “Available upon request.” You will then be expected to give this information to a prospective employer if it is requested. The style and format of a resume are extremely important. Your resume must be typed, preferably on a computer in order to format it most effectively. A neat and well-written resume with no spelling mistakes will give an employer the impression that you are accurate and take care of details. II. Add the suffixes –er, -or to the following verbs. Translate the nouns into Ukrainian: - er to buy, to produce, to sell, to teach, to write;
- or to visit, to direct, to translate. III. Translate the following nouns and state what they denote: 1) colonist, tourist, revisionist; 2) geologist, violinist, botanist, pianist; 3) royalist, modernist, nationalist, separatist.
IV. Translate the following correlative pairs of words. State the meaning.
- employer – employee - interviewer – interviewee - payer – payee - trainer – trainee - voter – votee
V. Suggest the English equivalents for: : - Високооплачувана робота;
VI. Suggest the Ukrainian equivalents for:
- personal information; - job objective; - to obtain a managerial position; - emphasizing important activities; - activities and professional affiliations; - major projects; - travel experiences; - available upon request; - format of a resume.
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