Treatment for whooping cough 

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Treatment for whooping cough


Treatment for whooping cough varies, depending on your age and the severity of signs and symptoms.

When whooping cough is diagnosed early in older children, teenagers and adults, doctors usually prescribe bed rest along with an antibiotic such as azithromycin or erythromycin. Although antibiotics won't cure whooping cough, they can shorten the duration of the illness and they shorten the period of communicability. If there is a confirmed diagnosis but a slow response to antibiotic therapy, it may be necessary to take the antibiotic for at least two weeks and maybe longer.

If the illness has progressed to the point of severe coughing spells, antibiotics aren't as effective but may still be used. Unfortunately, not much is available in the way of symptom relief. Over-the-counter cough medicines, for instance, have little effect on whooping cough. A case of whooping cough usually resolves in six weeks but may last longer.

Almost all infants with whooping cough who are younger than 2 months, as well as many older babies, are admitted to the hospital to help decrease the risk of serious complications of the disease. Most babies treated for whooping cough overcome the condition without lasting effects, but the risk exists until the infection clears.

In the hospital, your child is likely to receive intravenous antibiotics to treat the infection and perhaps corticosteroid drugs, which help reduce lung inflammation. Sometimes a child's airway may also be suctioned to remove mucus that's blocking it. Your child's breathing will be carefully monitored in case extra oxygen is needed.

If your child can't keep down liquids or food, intravenous fluids may be necessary. In some cases, prescription sedatives will help your child rest. Your child will also be isolated from others to prevent the infection from spreading.


II. Speak on the following topics:

1. Urinary System.

2. Kidneys Disorders.

3. Cancer.

4. Pregnancy.

5. Infant’s Development During the First Year of Life.

6. Child’s Nutrition.

7. Childhood Diseases.








V Translation V2 V3
be [bI:] бути was, were [wOz, wq:] been [bI:n]
bear [bFq] нести; родити bore [bO:] born(e) [bO:n]
beat [bI:t] бити beat [bI:t] beaten ['bI:tn]
become [bI'kAm] ставати became [bI'keIm] become [bI'kAm]
begin [bI'gIn] починати began [bI'gxn] begun [bI'gAn]
bring [brIN] приносити brought [brO:t] brought [brO:t]
build [bIld] будувати built [bIlt] built [bIlt]
catch [kxC] ловити caught [kO:t] caught [kO:t]
choose [Cu:z] вибирати chose [Couz] chosen ['Couzn]
come [kAm] приходити came [keIm] come [kAm]
cut [kAt] різати cut [kAt] cut [kAt]
deal [dI:l] мати справу dealt [delt] dealt [delt]
do [du:] робити did [dId] done [dAn]
draw [drO:] тягнути drew [dru:] drawn [drO:n]
drink [drINk] пити drank [drxNk] drunk [drank]
eat [I:t] їсти ate [et, eIt] eaten ['I:tn]
fall [fO:l] падати fell [fel] fallen ['fO:ln]
feed [fI:d] кормити fed [fed] fed [fed]
feel [fI:l] відчувати felt [felt] felt [felt]
fight [faIt] битися fought [fO:t] fought [fO:t]
find [faInd] знаходити found [faund] found [faund]
get [get] одержувати got [gOt] got, gotten [gOtn]
give [gIv] давати gave [geIv] given [gIvn]
go [gou] ходити went [went] gone [gOn]
grow [grou] рости grew [gru:] grown [groun]
have [hxv] мати had [hxd] had [hxd]
hear [hIq] чути heard [hq:d] heard [hq:d]
hold [hould] тримати held [held] held [held]
keep [kI:p] тримати; зберігати kept [kept] kept [kept]
know [nou] знати knew [nju:] known [noun]
lead [lI:d] вести led [led] led [led]
learn [lq:n] вчити learnt [lq:nt], learned learnt [lq:nt], learned
leave [lI:v] залишати left [left] left [left]
lie [laI] лежати lay [leI] lain [leIn]
lose [lu:z] губити lost [lOst] lost [lOst]
make [meIk] робити made [meId] made [meId]
mean [mI:n] означати, мати на увазі meant [ment] meant [ment]
meet [mI:t] зустрічати met [met] met [met]
pay [peI] платити paid [peId] paid [peId]
put [put] класти put [put] put [put]
read [rI:d] читати red [red] red [red]
rise [raIz] піднімати rose [rouz] risen ['rIzn]
run [rAn] бігати ran [rxn] run [rAn]
say [seI] сказати said [sed] said [sed]
see [sI:] бачити saw [sO:] seen [sI:n]
send [send] посилати sent [sent] sent [sent]
show [Sou] показувати showed [Soud] showed, shown [Soun]
sit [sIt] сидіти sat [sxt] sat [sxt]
sleep [slI:p] спати slept [slept] slept [slept]
smell [smel] пахнути smelt [smelt] smelt [smelt]
speak [spI:k] говорити spoke [spouk] spoken ['spoukn]
spend [spend] витрачати spent [spent] spent [spent]
spread [spred] простягатися spread [spred] spread [spred]
take [teIk] брати took [tuk] taken ['teIkn]
teach [tI:C] вчити taught [tO:t] taught [tO:t]
tell [tel] розказувати told [tould] told [tould]
think [TI:Nk] думати thought [TO:t] thought [TO:t]
understand ["Andq'stxnd] розуміти understood ["Andq'stud] understood ["Andq'stud]
write [raIt] писати wrote [rout] written [rItn]




NOUN: -age(denotes condition or phenomena) -algia(pain) -ance, -ence (denote condition or phenomena) -er, -or(one who) -ia, -iasis(condition, process) -ian (specialist) -ion (-ation, -tion, -ssion) (denote condition or phenomena) -itis(inflammation) -(i)ty(denotes condition or phenomena) -ist(specialist) -logy(study of) -ment(denotes condition or phenomena) -ness(denotes condition or phenomena) -osis(abnormal condition) -th(denotes condition or phenomena) -tomy, -otomy(cut into; incision; section) -ure(denotes condition or phenomena) ADJECTIVE: -able (-ible) -al (pertaining to) -ant (-ent) -ar -ary (-ory, -ery) -ful(full of; characterized by; tending to; able to) -ic(pertaining to) -ive(pertaining to) -less (without) -ous(pertaining to) -y  
ADVERB: -ly  
VERB: -ate -ize (-ise) -fy



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