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padma-kośa-spṛdhā nīlair


snigdhāpāṅgena cakṣuṣā

padma-kośa-spṛdhā nīlair

alakaiś ca lasan-mukham

Her face shone with beautiful teeth, beautiful brows, charming eyes with tender glances, defeating lotus buds, and black locks of hair.

Teeth and eyebrows are in the singular to represent a type. Ślakṣṇa means attractive. Her eyes which had affectionate glances defeated lotus buds in beauty.


|| 3.23.34||

yadā sasmāra ṛṣabham

ṛṣīṇāṁ dayitaṁ patim

tatra cāste saha strībhir

yatrāste sa prajāpatiḥ


When she thought of her husband, best among the sages, she immediately arrived at the spot where her husband was standing along with her servant maids


Seeing herself in this condition, and judging herself fit for enjoyment with her husband, she then thought of him. Immediately she appeared where he was, seated with him on one seat.


|| 3.23.35||

bhartuḥ purastād ātmānaṁ

strī-sahasra-vṛtaṁ tadā

niśāmya tad-yoga-gatiṁ

saṁśayaṁ pratyapadyata

Seeing herself surrounded by thousands of maids in the presence of her husband, she was surprised at his powers of yoga.


His power of yoga was that without even using her feet, she came from the water. Seeing the power of his yoga, she was surprised, thinking “How amazing this is!”

|| 3.23.36-37||

sa tāṁ kṛta-mala-snānāṁ

vibhrājantīm apūrvavat

ātmano bibhratīṁ rūpaṁ



sevyamānāṁ suvāsasam

jāta-bhāvo vimānaṁ tad

ārohayad amitra-han


O conqueror of lust! Kardama, struck with love for his wife, who was now cleansed, shining, beautiful as she was previously, with covered, charming breasts, fine robes, served by thousands of young girls, placed her in the airplane.


She was as radiant as she was previously before her marriage. Saṁvīta means covered. If sthanam is in the neuter then it modifies rūpam.


|| 3.23.38||

tasminn alupta-mahimā priyayānurakto


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