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bhāvayann ātmanātma-vit


bhāvayann ātmanātma-vit

nodhā vidhāya rūpaṁ svaṁ

sarva-saṅkalpa-vid vibhuḥ


The powerful Kardama, knower of all desires, knower of the soul by his intelligence, thinking of his wife, divided his form into nine, and deposited his semen in her.


By thinking of a woman at the time of impregnation, a female child will be produced. Kardama knew that his wife desired daughters. He was a knower of the soul by his intelligence. Thus he was detached. Because his desire was less, his semen was less, and thus female children were produced. Pumān puṁso ’dhike śukre strī bhaved adhike striyā: a male is born when the man is stronger, and a female is born when the female is stronger. Nodhā means nine times. He was the knower of all desires. He knew that his wife had a desire for many children. He was powerful (vibhuḥ), capable of fulfilling her desires.



|| 3.23.48||

ataḥ sā suṣuve sadyo

devahūtiḥ striyaḥ prajāḥ

sarvās tāś cāru-sarvāṅgyo



At one time, she gave birth to female children, all with beautiful limbs and with the fragrance of red lotuses.

Sadyaḥ means “all in one day.”

|| 3.23.49-50||

patiṁ sā pravrajiṣyantaṁ

tadālakṣyośatī bahiḥ

smayamānā viklavena

hṛdayena vidūyatā

likhanty adho-mukhī bhūmiṁ

padā nakha-maṇi-śriyā

uvāca lalitāṁ vācaṁ

nirudhyāśru-kalāṁ śanaiḥ

Seeing her husband leaving the home, the beautiful Devahuti smiled outwardly, but with a heart disturbed and pained, she looked down, writing on the earth with her jewel-like toe nails, and, suppressing her tears, slowly spoke charming words.

She smiled since that was natural on seeing her husband, but actually her heart was filled with worry and agitation.



|| 3.23.51||

devahūtir uvāca


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