tri-dhāma-paramaṁ yayau
maitreya uvāca
tāv āśvāsya jagat-sraṣṭā
kumāraiḥ saha-nāradaḥ
haṁso haṁsena yānena
tri-dhāma-paramaṁ yayau
Maitreya said: Having reassured the couple, Brahma, along with the Kumaras and Nārada, departed for Satyaloka on his swan carrier.
He went with the Kumāras. Saha is omitted. Brahma came with the five persons who retained their semen, having ordered Marīci and others to get married. Brahmā (haṁsah) went to Satyaloka, which is far beyond the third abode (tridhāma), Svargaloka.
|| 3.24.21||
gate śata-dhṛtau kṣattaḥ
kardamas tena coditaḥ
yathoditaṁ sva-duhitṝḥ
prādād viśva-sṛjāṁ tataḥ
O Vidura! After Brahmā departed, Kardama, as ordered by him, according to scriptural rules, then gave his daughters to the creators of population.
Śata-dhṛtau means Brahmā. Yathoditam means according to scripture. He gave his daughters to the creators of the universal population (viśva-sṛjām).
|| 3.24.22-23||
marīcaye kalāṁ prādād
anasūyām athātraye
śraddhām aṅgirase 'yacchat
pulastyāya havirbhuvam
pulahāya gatiṁ yuktāṁ
kratave ca kriyāṁ satīm
khyātiṁ ca bhṛgave 'yacchad
vasiṣṭhāyāpy arundhatīm
Kardama gave his daughter Kalā to Marīci, and Anasūyā, to Atri. He gave Śraddhā to Aṅgirā, and Havirbhū to Pulastya. He gave qualified Gati to Pulaha, the chaste Kriyā to Kratu, Khyāti to Bhṛgu, and Arundhatī to Vasiṣṭha.
Yuktām means qualified or suitable.
|| 3.24.24||
atharvaṇe 'dadāc chāntiṁ
yayā yajño vitanyate
viprarṣabhān kṛtodvāhān
sadārān samalālayat
He gave Śanti, by whom sacrifice becomes successful, to Atharvā. He took care of those best of brāhmaṇas who he had got married, along with their wives.
Because of Śānti, sacrifices of austerities and knowledge became successful.
|| 3.24.25||
tatas ta ṛṣayaḥ kṣattaḥ