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vismāpanam ivātmanaḥ


vismāpanam ivātmanaḥ


Designed pleasurably with amusement areas, bed rooms, yards, and courtyards, it seemed to cause astonishment even to Kardama.

There were areas for recreation, resting rooms, bedrooms, yards around the house, and courtyards beyond the walls. Yathopajoṣam means “pleasurably.” Because Kardama built the place, he has not actually astonished. Thus the word iva is used.



|| 3.23.22||

īdṛg gṛhaṁ tat paśyantīṁ

nātiprītena cetasā


prāvocat kardamaḥ svayam

Devahūti was not too pleased on seeing that abode. Kardama, knowing the hearts of all beings, then spoke to her.


She was not too pleased because her body was dirty and she did not have servants.


|| 3.23.23||

nimajjyāsmin hrade bhīru

vimānam idam āruha

idaṁ śukla-kṛtaṁ tīrtham

āśiṣāṁ yāpakaṁ nṛṇām


O fearful wife! After bathing in this lake created by Viṣṇu, which grants all desires to men, ascend this airplane.

The lake was Bindu Sarovara. Yāpakam means “gives.”


|| 3.23.24-25||

sā tad bhartuḥ samādāya

vacaḥ kuvalayekṣaṇā

sarajaṁ bibhratī vāso

veṇī-bhūtāṁś ca mūrdhajān

aṅgaṁ ca mala-paṅkena

sañchannaṁ śabala-stanam

āviveśa sarasvatyāḥ

saraḥ śiva-jalāśayam


Following the words of her husband, the lotus eyed Devahūti, with matted locks of hair and wearing dirty clothing, whose breasts were discolored, being covered with dirt, entered the lake of auspicious water filled by the Sarasvatī River.


Samādāya means “respecting.”


|| 3.23.26||

sāntaḥ sarasi veśma-sthāḥ

śatāni daśa kanyakāḥ

sarvāḥ kiśora-vayaso



In the lake she saw a thousand young girls, all youthful and fragrant as lotuses, residing in a house.


|| 3.23.27||

tāṁ dṛṣṭvā sahasotthāya


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