tāni me śraddadhānasya
kīrtanyāny anukīrtaya
Please describe to me, full of faith, all of the activities of the Lord, worthy of glorification, which the independent Lord performs by his internal energy.
The Lord has a body (ātmā) which is independent (svacchandaḥ), not like the jīva, whose body is dependent on karma. Or, he is the Lord whose bodily appearance takes place by his own will independently. He performs actions by his yoga-māyā (ātma-māyayā), not by his external energy, since it is said janma karma ca me divyam: my birth and activities are spiritual. (Gītā 4.9) Kīṛtanyāni means “worthy of being glorified.” Yad yad (whatever action), indicating a great number, is correlated with tāni (plural form).
|| 3.25.4 ||
sūta uvāca
dvaipāyana-sakhas tv evaṁ
maitreyo bhagavāṁs tathā
prāhedaṁ viduraṁ prīta
ānvīkṣikyāṁ pracoditaḥ
Sūta said: Maitreya, the friend of Vyāsa, pleased on being asked about knowledge of ātmā, just as you ask me, then spoke as follows to Vidura.
Evam means “just as you sages ask me.” Ānvīkṣikyām means “knowledge about ātmā.”
|| 3.25.5 ||
maitreya uvāca
pitari prasthite 'raṇyaṁ
mātuḥ priya-cikīrṣayā
tasmin bindusare 'vātsīd
bhagavān kapilaḥ kila
Maitreya said: When his father departed for the forest, Lord Kapila stayed at Bindusarovara to please his mother.
This indicated that he performed pastimes of taking his mother’s milk etc.
|| 3.25.6 ||
tam āsīnam akarmāṇaṁ
sva-sutaṁ devahūty āha
dhātuḥ saṁsmaratī vacaḥ
Devahūti, remembering the words of Brahmā, spoke to her son who was seated beyond all actions, and who could show the conclusion of the path of knowledge.
Kapila could show the end of the path of truth. Brahmā had said “The Lord has entered your womb.” (SB 3.24.18)
|| 3.25.7 ||
devahūtir uvāca