priyāyāḥ priyam anvicchan
maitreya uvāca
priyāyāḥ priyam anvicchan
kardamo yogam āsthitaḥ
vimānaṁ kāma-gaṁ kṣattas
tarhy evāviracīkarat
O Vidura! Fulfilling the desire of his dear wife, Kardama situated himself in yoga and created at that moment an airplane which moved freely in the air.
Whatever Devahūti had indicated silently by her eyes, Kardama supplied while he also remained silent. He did not give an answer. The place was not imperfect in pleasure like the creations of devatās or humans.
|| 3.23.13||
sarva-kāma-dughaṁ divyaṁ
maṇi-stambhair upaskṛtam
That heavenly vehicle, fulfilling all desires, increasing in wealth at all times, was covered with jewels, and ornamented with jeweled pillars.
It did not decay with time like ordinary airplanes. Rather it increased in its qualities.
|| 3.23.14-15||
paṭṭikābhiḥ patākābhir
vicitrābhir alaṅkṛtam
sragbhir vicitra-mālyābhir
nānā-vastrair virājitam
It was equipped with attractive paraphernalia which gave constant pleasure and was decorated with colorful small and large flags. It was radiant with various cloths made of silk, linen and dukūla and garlands interwoven with other garland of various colors which attracted sweetly humming bees.
It was not subject to occasional discomforts of heat or cold. Its pleasure was constant. Pattikas are small flags and patākas are bigger flags. There were long garlands of flowers attached to the wood framework, threaded with other garlands of various colors such as red and yellow. Dukūla is silk cloth made from small cocoons. Kṣauma is linen. Kauśeya is silk made from big cocoons.
|| 3.23.16||
upary upari vinyasta-