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yatremān parivatsarān


samāhitaṁ te hṛdayaṁ

yatremān parivatsarān

sā tvāṁ brahman nṛpa-vadhūḥ

kāmam āśu bhajiṣyati

This princess to whom you have been attached for ten thousand years in your heart will quickly fulfil your desires.

The princess (nṛpa-vadhūh) to whom your heart has been attached will marry you.

|| 3.21.29||

yā ta ātma-bhṛtaṁ vīryaṁ

navadhā prasaviṣyati

vīrye tvadīye ṛṣaya

ādhāsyanty añjasātmanaḥ

She will produce nine daughters from your semen, and sages will impregnate those daughters.

The semen held within you will flourish the form of nine offspring. Sages will impregnate with their semen those daughters born from your semen.

|| 3.21.30||

tvaṁ ca samyag anuṣṭhāya

nideśaṁ ma uśattamaḥ

mayi tīrthī-kṛtāśeṣa-

kriyārtho māṁ prapatsyase

Obeying my instructions, offer the results of your actions to me. Becoming pure, finally you will attain me.

Kardama prayed for mercy in verse 20. That is explained in two verses. Tīrthī-kṛta means “giving to the worthy recipient.”


|| 3.21.31||

kṛtvā dayāṁ ca jīveṣu

dattvā cābhayam ātmavān

mayy ātmānaṁ saha jagad

drakṣyasy ātmani cāpi mām

Controlling the senses, having shown mercy to the living beings as a householder, you will then give fearlessness to the living beings as a sannyāsī. Then you will see yourself and the universe within me, Mahāviṣṇu, and you will see me as Kṣīrodakaśāyī within yourself.

Showing mercy as a householder by giving food, clothing and wealth to the jīvas, as a sannyāsī you will then give fearlessness to the jīvas by giving teachings on bhakti. At the present you know, by the vision of scriptures, that the whole world along with yourself resides within me, the Supreme Lord. Then, however, you will directly realize this. First you will see me in the form of the first puruṣa with a thousand heads, and you will see thousands of universes in my hair holes along with yourself. Now you know me as the antaryāmī existing in yourself.


kecit sva-dehāntar-hṛdayāvakāśe

prādeśa-mātraṁ puruṣaṁ vasantam

catur-bhujaṁ kañja-rathāṅga-śaṅkha-

gadā-dharaṁ dhāraṇayā smaranti


Some yogīs meditate upon the Paramātmā measuring one pradeśa, who is residing in the heart within the body, and who holds the lotus, wheel, conch and club in his four hands. SB 2.2.8


But then, you will directly see me as the third puruṣa Kṣirodakaśāyī. I will show you all things created and uncreated. Or there is another meaning. You will see in my child from the universe along with Yāsodā. And you will see me in yourself as the gopīs did.


taṁ kācin netra-randhreṇa hṛdi kṛtvā nimīlya ca

pulakāṅgy upaguhyāste yogīvānanda-samplutā


One gopī took the Lord through the aperture of her eyes and placed him within her heart. Then, with her eyes closed and her bodily hairs standing on end, she continuously embraced him within. Thus immersed in transcendental ecstasy, she resembled a yogī meditating upon the Lord. SB 10.32.8


|| 3.21.32||


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