These elements, which individually could not create, were combined together by the energy of the Lord, and created the golden egg of the universe.
haimam aṇḍam avāsṛjan
These elements, which individually could not create, were combined together by the energy of the Lord, and created the golden egg of the universe.
The elements joined together by the addition of the energy of the Lord.
|| 3.20.15||
so ’śayiṣṭābdhi-salile
āṇḍakośo nirātmakaḥ
sāgraṁ vai varṣa-sāhasram
anvavātsīt tam īśvaraḥ
The universe, without life, lay in the Kāraṇa Ocean for over a thousand years. Then the Lord inhabited it.
The universe lay in the Kāraṇa Ocean without life, since the mass of jīvas had not woke up. For a little over (sāgram) a thousand years it lay there. After that (anu) the Lord, Garbodakaśāyī, dwelled in it.
|| 3.20.16||
tasya nābher abhūt padmaṁ
yatra svayam abhūt svarāṭ
From the navel of Viṣṇu arose a lotus, shining like a thousand suns, which was the abode of all the jīvas. In this lotus appeared Brahmā.
From the navel (nabheḥ) arose the lotus. In the lotus (yatra) arose Brahmā (svarāṭ).
|| 3.20.17||
so ’nuviṣṭo bhagavatā
yaḥ śete salilāśaye
loka-saṁsthāṁ yathā pūrvaṁ
nirmame saṁsthayā svayā
As directed by Viṣṇu lying on the Garbhodaka Ocean, Brahmā created all the planets as previously with their names and forms.
Regulated by the Lord, who was lying in the water, Brahmā created. Inspired by the Lord, he created the planets with proper arrangement (svayā saṁsthayā), with names and forms.
|| 3.20.18||
sasarja cchāyayāvidyāṁ
pañca-parvāṇam agrataḥ
tāmisram andha-tāmisraṁ
tamo moho mahā-tamaḥ
First Bramā created ignorance of five types by his shadow: tamas, moha mahātamas tāmisram, and andha-tāmisram.
In creating the Yakṣas, Rākṣasas, devatās and humans, false identity must arise in the jīvas. Without ignorance this is not possible. Thus first the functions of ignorance appeared on their own, through Brahmā. Tamas is the original form of ignorance. This verse describes how Brahmā created them by tamas which took the form of a shadow. In succession, tamas, moha, mahāmoha, tāmsira and andh-tāmisra were created. Tamas means ignorance. Moha means egoism. Mahāmoha means attachment. Tāmisra means hatred. Andha-tāmisra means absorption in material pleasure.
|| 3.20.19||