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ahayas te ’ṅga jajñire
ye ’hīyantāmutaḥ keśā
ahayas te ’ṅga jajñire
sarpāḥ prasarpataḥ krūrā
nāgā bhogoru-kandharāḥ
The hair which fell from that rejected body became ahi, sarpa, and nāga with hoods, which are all cruel.
From that body (amutaḥ) the hair which fell (ahi) became ahi or snakes. From that body, the hands and feet that fell off became sarpa, those which move on restricted feet. Since they have hoods and no hair, others are called nāga. They have wide shoulders because of their hoods. Because they have anger, they are all cruel. These are the different types of snakes.
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sa ātmānaṁ manyamānaḥ
kṛta-kṛtyam ivātmabhūḥ
tadā manūn sasarjānte
manasā loka-bhāvanān
Thinking himself successful, finally Brahmā created by his mind Manu and others for increasing the population.
When Brahmā desired to create a couple and became blissful, thinking that his creation was complete, the Manus appeared and took the form of humans for completing the creation. This is explained in two verses. Though Manus are mentioned here, at this time only Svāyambhuva Manu became visible. Others became visible at the appropriate time. The creation of the Manus took place last (ante). Therefore, the creation of the sages which will be described after this actually took place before the creation of Manu. In the Tenth, Twelfth and Twentieth Chapters sometimes the events are in proper sequence and sometimes some elements are omitted or put in a different order. The proper sequence of the creation is as follows: first creation of animals with five joints, then the creation of trees and plants, then the creation of snakes, then the creation of cows and buffalos, then the creation of Yakṣas, Rākṣasas, Asuras, Kinnaras, Kimpuruṣas, then the creation of the Kumāras and then the creation of the humans. Finally the Manus were created. All the forms previously created increased through the forms of male and female.
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