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tvad-vīryeṇa mahā-mune


sahāhaṁ svāṁśa-kalayā

tvad-vīryeṇa mahā-mune

tava kṣetre devahūtyāṁ

praṇeṣye tattva-saṁhitām

O great sage! Then I will take birth in your wife Devahūti as an expanded form and will write the Tattva-saṁhitā.

Hear also some more blissful news. I will appear along with your daughters (tvad viryena).

|| 3.21.33||

maitreya uvāca

evaṁ tam anubhāṣyātha

bhagavān pratyag-akṣajaḥ

jagāma bindusarasaḥ

sarasvatyā pariśritāt

The Lord who appeared directly to Kardama, having spoken, then left Bindu Sarovara surrounded by the Sarasvatī River.

Prayag akṣajaḥ means “the Lord who appeared to Kardama’s eyes.” He departed from the hermitage surrounded by the Sarasvatī River.

|| 3.21.34||

nirīkṣatas tasya yayāv aśeṣa-


ākarṇayan patra-rathendra-pakṣair

uccāritaṁ stomam udīrṇa-sāma

While Kardama watched, the Lord, who is the path to Vaikuṇṭha, being praised by the most perfect beings, departed while listening to Vedas manifested as sāmas, chanted by the wing vibrations of Garuḍa.

While Kardama watched, the Lord who is the path Vaikuṇṭha (siddha-mārgaḥ), listened to all the verses of the Vedas (stomam) being chanted by the wings of Garuḍa, manifesting as sāma or song. Śruti says bṛhadrathāntare pakṣau: the bṛhad and rathantra sāmas are the wings. (Baudhāyana Śrauta-ṣutra)

|| 3.21.35||

atha samprasthite śukle

kardamo bhagavān ṛṣiḥ

āste sma bindusarasi

taṁ kālaṁ pratipālayan

When the pure Lord left, Kardama, waiting for Svāyambhuva Manu to arrive, remained at Bindu Sarovara.

Svāyambhuva Manu would arrive in two days.

|| 3.21.36-37||

manuḥ syandanam āsthāya


āropya svāṁ duhitaraṁ

sa-bhāryaḥ paryaṭan mahīm


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