saṅgo yaḥ saṁsṛter hetur
saṅgo yaḥ saṁsṛter hetur
asatsu vihito 'dhiyā
sa eva sādhuṣu kṛto
niḥsaṅgatvāya kalpate
Association with materialists done in ignorance is a cause of bondage and association with devotees done in ignorance leads to liberation.
Association with devotees such as you should not at all be in vain. “In ignorance” should be applied to both phrases.
|| 3.23.56||
neha yat karma dharmāya
na virāgāya kalpate
na tīrtha-pada-sevāyai
jīvann api mṛto hi saḥ
A person whose actions do not lead to dharma, to detachment and to service of the Lord’s feet, though living, is actually dead.
“What are you requesting? You have such wealth. Enjoy those objects!” He whose actions are not for the purpose of dharma, detachment and service, concerned only with body and senses, is already dead.
|| 3.23.57||
sāhaṁ bhagavato nūnaṁ
vañcitā māyayā dṛḍham
yat tvāṁ vimuktidaṁ prāpya
na mumukṣeya bandhanāt
I have been cheated by the illusory energy of the Lord because, having attained you, who give liberation, I did not desire liberation from bondage.
I am an example of such a dead person. I am the living person who is dead (sāham). I did not desire liberation (na mumukseya). She speaks with tears in her eyes and choked voice.
Thus ends the commentary on Twenty-third Chapter of the Third Canto of the Bhāgavatam for the pleasure of the devotees, in accordance with the previous ācāryas.
Chapter Twenty-four
Birth of Kapila
|| 3.24.1||
maitreya uvāca
nirveda-vādinīm evaṁ
manor duhitaraṁ muniḥ
dayāluḥ śālinīm āha
śuklābhivyāhṛtaṁ smaran
Maitreya said: The merciful sage, remembering the words of Viṣṇu, then spoke to the praiseworthy daughter of Manu who had spoken of detachment from material life.
The Twenty-fourth Chapter describes the birth of Kapila, the words of Brahmā, the marriage of Kardama’s daughters and Kardama leaving for the forest, after praising the Lord. Śālinīm means praiseworthy. Kardama remembers what Viṣṇu (śukla) had said.
sahāhaṁ svāṁśa-kalayā tvad-vīryeṇa mahā-mune
tava kṣetre devahūtyāṁ praṇeṣye tattva-saṁhitām
O great sage! Then I will take birth in your wife Devahūti as an expanded form and will write the Tattva-saṁhitā. . SB 3.21.32
|| 3.24.2||