na yujyamānayā bhaktyā
na yujyamānayā bhaktyā
bhagavaty akhilātmani
sadṛśo 'sti śivaḥ panthā
yogināṁ brahma-siddhaye
There is no auspicious path for attaining perfection of relationship with the Lord for practitioners except a type of bhakti which is most suitable for realizing the Supreme Lord, the soul of all beings.
Among the three processes, bhakti is the best, being full of joy and most auspicious in results. Bhakti alone is suitable (yujyamānayā) for realizing the Supreme Lord, for later it is said:
kācit tvayy ucitā bhaktiḥ kīdṛśī mama gocarā
yayā padaṁ te nirvāṇam añjasānvāśnavā aham
What kind of devotional service is worth developing and practicing to help me easily and immediately attain the service of your lotus feet? SB 3.2.28
This is the auspicious path for attain perfection (siddhaye) in dāsya, sakha or other relationships in relation to the Supreme Lord (brahma) for those who have accepted a process (yogīnām).
|| 3.25.20 ||
prasaṅgam ajaraṁ pāśam
ātmanaḥ kavayo viduḥ
sa eva sādhuṣu kṛto
mokṣa-dvāram apāvṛtam
The wise know that bad association is strong bondage for the soul. Association with devotees however opens the door to liberation.
The cause of bhakti is association with devotees. The door for liberation in the form of the same planet etc. is open. However, such liberation is only an unsought result for the pure devotee.
|| 3.25.21 ||
titikṣavaḥ kāruṇikāḥ
suhṛdaḥ sarva-dehinām
ajāta-śatravaḥ śāntāḥ
sādhavaḥ sādhu-bhūṣaṇāḥ
Such devotees are tolerant, merciful, friendly to all beings, without enemies, gentle, straightforward and respectful to other devotees.
Four verses describe the characteristics of the devotee. The secondary qualities are described starting with tolerance. They are not fierce (śāntāḥ). They are straightforward (sadhavaḥ). They respect the devotees (sādhu-bhusanāḥ). Or they think of the devotees dearly like ornaments.
|| 3.25.22 ||