mām ātmānaṁ svayaṁ-jyotiḥ
mām ātmānaṁ svayaṁ-jyotiḥ
ātmany evātmanā vīkṣya
viśoko 'bhayam ṛcchasi
Seeing me, self-effulgent, dwelling in the hearts of all beings, as antaryamī in your heart by your intelligence, free from lamentation, you will achieve fearlessness.
This form has been mentioned:
kecit sva-dehāntar-hṛdayāvakāśe
prādeśa-mātraṁ puruṣaṁ vasantam
catur-bhujaṁ kañja-rathāṅga-śaṅkha-
gadā-dharaṁ dhāraṇayā smaranti
Others conceive of the Lord, residing within the body in the region of the heart and measuring only eight inches, with four hands carrying a lotus, a wheel of a chariot, a conchshell and a club respectively. SB 2.2.8
You will see the antaryāmī, Śukla, within yourself (ātmani), by your intelligence (ātmanā).
|| 3.24.40||
mātra ādhyātmikīṁ vidyāṁ
śamanīṁ sarva-karmaṇām
vitariṣye yayā cāsau
bhayaṁ cātitariṣyati
I will give to my mother spiritual knowledge which ends all karmas, by which she will also attain fearlessness.
Because I am the Lord acting as her son, you do not have to worry about what will happen to Devahūti, your wife.
|| 3.24.41||
maitreya uvāca
evaṁ samuditas tena
kapilena prajāpatiḥ
dakṣiṇī-kṛtya taṁ prīto
vanam eva jagāma ha
After Kapila had spoken to him in this way, Kardama, pleased, circumambulated him and left for the forest.
Samuditaḥ means “being spoken to fully.” After circumambulating (dakṣiṇī-kṛtya) the Lord, he left.
|| 3.24.42||
vrataṁ sa āsthito maunam
ātmaika-śaraṇo muniḥ
niḥsaṅgo vyacarat kṣoṇīm
anagnir aniketanaḥ
Accepting the vow of silence, taking exclusive shelter of the Lord, he wandered the earth alone, without fire and without shelter.
|| 3.24.43||
mano brahmaṇi yuñjāno
yat tat sad-asataḥ param