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tvayā me 'pacitis tāta


tvayā me 'pacitis tāta

kalpitā nirvyalīkataḥ

yan me sañjagṛhe vākyaṁ

bhavān mānada mānayan

Brahmā said: O son! O sage who gives respect! You have accomplished my sincere worship since you have accepted my instructions with respect for me.

Apacitiḥ means performance of service.

|| 3.24.13||

etāvaty eva śuśrūṣā

kāryā pitari putrakaiḥ

bāḍham ity anumanyeta

gauraveṇa guror vacaḥ

Service to the father should be rendered exactly in this manner by good sons. The son should accept the commands of his elder with respect, saying “I will do as you have instructed.”

Good sons will perform such service. Bāḍham means “I will do as you have instructed.”

|| 3.24.14||

imā duhitaraḥ satyas

tava vatsa sumadhyamāḥ

sargam etaṁ prabhāvaiḥ svair

bṛṁhayiṣyanty anekadhā

O son! These chaste daughters with thin waists will increase the creation with their powerful portions many times.

If sons were not born, then creation would not increase. The creation will increase by these daughters aslo.  Prabhāvaiḥ means “by portions having great powers.”

|| 3.24.15||

atas tvam ṛṣi-mukhyebhyo

yathā-śīlaṁ yathā-ruci

ātmajāḥ paridehy adya

vistṛṇīhi yaśo bhuvi

Therefore please give away your daughters to the foremost sages according to qualities and liking, and spread your fame throughout the universe.

|| 3.24.16||

vedāham ādyaṁ puruṣam

avatīrṇaṁ sva-māyayā

bhūtānāṁ śevadhiṁ dehaṁ

bibhrāṇaṁ kapilaṁ mune

O sage! I know that the original Lord, the treasure of the living beings, has appeared by his own energy, assuming the body of Kapila

By his energy alone, the Lord, treasure of the living entities-- who can bestow all desires and give pure knowledge-- has appeared. Accepting a body means that actually he has an eternal body, but that body now makes an appearance.

|| 3.24.17||


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