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Hospital department / unit – отделение больницы


decentralized (centralized) admitting office / admissions office / admissions department – децентрализованное (централизованное) приемное отделение

sanitary inspection room – санитарный пропускник

ward for diagnostics – диагностическая палата (смотровая)

box receptacle / isolation ward – бокс

entrance hall for waiting – вестибюль для ожидания

dressing room - перевязочная

X-ray room – рентгеновский кабинет


infectious department – инфекционное отделение

military hospital – военный госпиталь

to direct / refer smb. to a hospital – направлять в больницу

to admit / to place / to take smb. to a hospital - госпитализировать

to be / stay in hospital – лежать в больнице

to enter a hospital / to be admitted to a hospital / to be hospitalized – поступать в больницу

to discharge smb. from a hospital – выписывать из больницы

to be discharged from a hospital – выписываться из больницы

planned hospitalization – плановая госпитализация

urgent / emergency hospitalization – экстренная / неотложная госпитализация

admission for treatment – госпитализация для лечения

admission for active and dynamic observation – госпитализация с целью активного наблюдения

admission for making a diagnosis – госпитализация с целью установления диагноза

medical personnel (of a hospital) - медицинский персонал (больницы):

junior (head, paramedical) personnel – младший (руководящий, средний) медицинский персонал

immediate superior -непосредственный начальник

medical (nursing) staff – штат врачей (медсестер)

doctor / physician / medical doctor (MD) – врач

doctor on duty / duty doctor / physician on call - дежурный врач

attending medical doctor / doctor in charge – лечащий врач, палатный врач

morbid anatomist – патологоанатом

therapeutist / therapist – терапевт

surgeon – хирург

obstetrician-gynecologist – акушер-гинеколог

traumatologist – травматолог

psychiatrist, alienist – психиатр

expert in resuscitation - реаниматолог

senior nurse (feldsher) - старшая медсестра (фельдшер)

charge / ward nurse – палатная медсестра

dressing-room nurse – перевязочная медсестра

scrub / theater / instrumental nurse – операционная медсестра

nurse-dietitian – диетсестра

masseur – массажист

laboratory assistant – лаборант

multidisciplinary team (MDT) – мультидисциплинарная (многопрофильная) бригада (команда) специалистов

to form a part of frame work of a hospital organization- входить в структуру стационараpublic catering organization - пище­блок

to depend on type of a hospital department and specific character of her work there-зависеть от профиля отделения и специфики ее рабо­ты в нем

a nurse of a treatment room - медсестра процедурного кабинета,

Hospitals are intended for treatment of patients in conditions of permanent establishment (лат. stationarius - стоящий* motionless). Here there is an emergency medical aid, and also the help to patients for whom constant supervision is necessary.

There are several specialized hospitals in Russia for the treatment of particular diseases-infections, psychiatric diseases, cancer, ophthalmological diseases and others.

Multi-field hospital consist of different hospital departments (surgical, therapeutic, infectious, cardiologica l. etc.)-

Admissions department, ward for diagnostics, entrance hall for waiting, hospital departments,a chemist’s, public catering organization. etc. form parts of frame work of a hospital organization. Every hospital departmentincludes the next rooms: room for doctors, room for senior nurse (feldsher), a treatment room, a bathroom, a lavatory.Every ward numbers 5-6 beds.Medical personnel of every hospital departmentconsists of the head of the hospital department, medical staff (attending medical doctor, doctor on duty), nursing staff (senior nurse, ward nurse, dressing-room nurse, instrumental nurse) and junior personnel. A doctor on duty is the immediate superior over medical and nursing staff and junior personnel. Functional duties of a nurse in hospital depends on type of a hospital department and specific character of her work there (Medical nurse of admissions department, surgecal department, treatment room, ward nurse, dressing-room nurse, nurse-dietitian, masseur, laboratory assistant, etc).Different types of doctors work at a hospital (therapeutists, surgeon s, traumatologist, oculists,cardiologists, etc.), ;



Запомните следующие выражения со словом 'patient':

bed-patient лежачий больной sitting patient сидячий больной up-patient ходячий больной

in-patient стационарный больной out-patient амбулаторный больной


Приложение № 5


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