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O powerful lord! This arrow of burning iron is pursuing me. O Lord! Let it burn me up! But let it not kill by child!



Kṛṣṇa had Yudhiṣṭhira established in his rightful kingdom stolen by cheaters, had the unrighteous kings whose lives were shortened because of grabbing Draupadī’s hair destroyed, and had Yudhiṣṭhira conduct horse sacrifices three times with best arrangements. Thus his pure fame spread in all directions like that of Indra.



The kings’ lives were destroyed by grabbing Draupadī’s hair and other sinful acts. The horse sacrifices were actually carried out later. This is a summary of events without chronology.


|| 1.8.7-8 ||

āmantrya pāṇḍu-putrāṁś ca śaineyoddhava-saṁyutaḥ |

dvaipāyanādibhir vipraiḥ pūjitaiḥ pratipūjitaḥ ||

gantuṁ kṛtamatir brahman dvārakāṁ ratham āsthitaḥ |

upalebhe ’bhidhāvantīm uttarāṁ bhaya-vihvalām ||


O Śaunaka! Having spoken to the Pāṇḍavas, having worshipped the sages such as Vyāsa and have been worshipped by them, Kṛṣṇa, desiring to go to Dvārakā, while seated on his chariot with Sātyaki and Uddhava, saw Uttarā, shaking with fear, running towards him.



Śaineyaḥ means Sātyaki, the grandson of Śini.


|| 1.8.9 ||


pāhi pāhi mahā-yogin deva-deva jagat-pate |

nānyaṁ tvad abhayaṁ paśye yatra mṛtyuḥ parasparam ||



Uttarā said:

O great yogī! O Supreme Lord! Master of the universe! Please protect me. I do not see anyone except you who is fearless in this word where each living being causes another’s death.



Other than you (tvad) I see no one who can give fearlessness. Death is mutual (parasparam) in the sense that one person causes another’s death, and someone else causes his death.

|| 1.8.10 ||

abhidravati mām īśa śaras taptāyaso vibho |

kāmaṁ dahatu māṁ nātha mā me garbho nipātyatām ||





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